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A civ vet explores Alpha Centauri (SMAC)

Most of the energy banks were started some time ago; reading your thread will lead to (hopefully!) better choices in future. And several of the cities are making closer to 20 energy with trade as planetary governor; payback time is a bit better in that case.

I should be building more formers and colony pods, and am planning to shift towards that once I have my military situation a bit more under control.

The skim ship build at Information Agency is intended to patrol to the south and east; I am worried about possible enemies approaching now that Santiago is no longer busy chewing up Morgan's bases.

What is the range of a needle jet? They get 8 movement (I think) -- is this a one turn out, then return to base kind of thing? I have not had any air units to play around with yet to see how they work.

Jets are 10 movement. The chassis says 8 but the formula is really 8 + 2*Reactor, so regular aircraft get 10, fusion get 12. Yes, jets move one turn out then back; a jet dies if it's not in a base/airfield/carrier at the end of its second turn. That's the same as jets in Civ 1 and 2.

An aircraft in flight can only be attacked if the attacker has the Air Superiority (SAM) special.

The way to defend against aircraft is to have your own SAM aircraft somewhere within 2 squares range. It will automatically intercept an attacking aircraft and fight it instead of the attacker's intended target. This combat is weapon-vs-weapon values like an artillery duel.

Make sure to put the Deep Radar special ability on each aircraft, it's free. (If you have the tech, I forget where the ability is.)

I think deep radar is the same as AAA, Advanced Military Algorithms

Thanks, T-hawk. It has been a while since I played Civ 1 or 2, but a lot of things in SMAC work in similar ways. (Not surprisingly, given the franchise history.) I will have to check the techs, I remember seeing the Deep radar ability mentioned in one of the descriptions in my last set of options for research.

Can probe teams affect air craft?

T-Hawks energy bank stuff is part of the reason I self-limit ICS. The most effective strategies are just forgettable blobs of identical tiny colonies vomited over every inch of the map, which doesn't make for a particularly enjoyable empire building game.

It's a shame this beautiful game is stuck in rights limbo with no one really caring about it or a successor game; a modernized version that fixed the gameplay to be more in line with later civs would be amazing. With no 1UPT.  lol   It's probably not possible for most/all developers to touch the game without totally ruining it though... time to add manually controlling the garbage collection of every colony or something.

I think probes can't affect a needlejet in flight, though don't remember for sure.

Note that AAA (Tracking) and SAM (Air Superiority) are separate abilities and functionalities.  The first is a defense modifier (+100% vs an air attacker), the second allows counterattacking an air unit.

(June 24th, 2018, 20:40)Fluffball Wrote: T-Hawks energy bank stuff is part of the reason I self-limit ICS. The most effective strategies are just forgettable blobs of identical tiny colonies vomited over every inch of the map.

I think this isn't quite so true as often advertised.  I didn't do that in my Hive game, and I'm playing at what I think is optimal overall effectiveness.  I did build densely, but not degenerately so.  There does come a turning point where multiplier facilities outweigh more colony pods and formers.  That turning point is enough condensor/tree-farm food to boom to size 7, and roughly two boreholes per base, which give both the minerals to build multiplier facilities and the energy to be worth multiplying.

I have the observational evidence to back that up objectively.  I got to this through experimentation.  The speed-transcend writeup on my site came as a result of about 15 attempts, through which I tried all sorts of different densities and tech and build paths.  What worked best (fastest) was the plan I've been following with the Hive, enough space per base to boom to size 7 with multiple boreholes.  It's true that the tiny-map setup somewhat skewed that experimentation, but the same feel has been holding through every step of the Hive game.  The determining factor isn't the quantity of bases, it's the quantity of worked boreholes, which doesn't require the cities to be at maximum density.  Pop-booming from sizes 3 to 7 adds the same land tiles and productivity for cheaper than building another colony pod to grow to size 3.

What I think happens is that most players never get to that turning point where vertical outpaces ICS.  Because they don't build the swarms of formers to do it, don't make boreholes because they feel complicated or morally mean to Planet, and don't analyze pop-booming to bend an entire game plan to it like I do.  Or else players simply don't play out a game long enough to see that turning point, either quitting once decisively ahead long before actually playing it out to transcendence, or exiting with an easy military or supreme-leader victory.

It is true that ICS is a perfectly effective way to get decisively ahead of the AI.  It's definitely easier to execute than the intricate balance of booming and boreholes that I do.  But it actually doesn't get to transcendence the fastest; the multiplier facilities are important and make for the multiplicative mania we're about to see in the next update over in my game.

It's also still true that the bases tend to be forgettably identical.  But that's not a function of density, that's a function of nothing really existing to distinguish them; the terrain in SMAC is so uniformly mediocre before terraforming (except for the jungle) and so uniformly good after boreholes/condensors/tree-farms.  Civ 5 has the same problem of undistinguishedness but not of density.

It's also entirely true that the most effective strategies are more ICS and labor than most every player _wants_ to do, particularly since Civ 5 drastically lowered the bar on the amount of micromanagement.  But I really think that most-effective point in SMAC is 8-10 land tiles per base, mostly because that's enough to get maximum boreholes going.  That's still a far cry from the 18-20 tiles per base that players intuitively want to do, but it's also far from the absolute degenerate minimum of 3.

(The exception to all of the above is Morgan, who really does need to go maximum ICS, thanks to all of the extra per-base energy, support penalty, and hab limitation.  It's also true that players lean towards playing Morgan because feeling rich looks fun, even if his mechanics are actually weak and a headache.)

(June 24th, 2018, 20:40)Fluffball Wrote: It's a shame this beautiful game is stuck in rights limbo with no one really caring about it or a successor game; a modernized version that fixed the gameplay to be more in line with later civs would be amazing. With no 1UPT.  lol   It's probably not possible for most/all developers to touch the game without totally ruining it though... time to add manually controlling the garbage collection of every colony or something.

Yeah, if I win the lottery, buying back the AC rights from EA would be somewhere on the list of things to do.  smile  Beyond Earth of course deliberately wasn't that successor.  There is Planetfall for Civ 4, though I haven't tried it myself, really because I see it hitting the uncanny valley of not quite being SMAC and will just make me want to play real SMAC instead. I'll also even venture to say that 1UPT would be more good than bad in getting the amount of micromanagement down to what today's gamers will accept.

(June 24th, 2018, 10:41)T-hawk Wrote: I hadn't realized SMAC could run at greater than 1024x768 resolution, I'd heard mention of it but thought it was some aftermarket patch hack.  But then I searched and found that it's just an .ini file setting.  Now my own
Going to have to find this .ini setting before my next round. I have a large monitor, that can handle far larger graphics.

(June 24th, 2018, 20:40)Fluffball Wrote: Yeah, if I win the lottery, buying back the AC rights from EA would be somewhere on the list of things to do.  smile  Beyond Earth of course deliberately wasn't that successor.  There is Planetfall for Civ 4, though I haven't tried it myself, really because I see it hitting the uncanny valley of not quite being SMAC and will just make me want to play real SMAC instead.  I'll also even venture to say that 1UPT would be more good than bad in getting the amount of micromanagement down to what today's gamers will accept.
I think 1 UPT is a big part of what broke Civ5 / 6 for me. I hate the constant traffic jams.

There has to be a way to make 1UPT work without traffic jams if Firaxis is determined to keep it. Although I don't really see much more micro in moving a stack versus moving a single unit; with traffic jams the latter become far more tedious at least as far as moving things is concerned. SMAC does have tedium in civilian units, although at some point the game is more about making cool landmasses than playing a competitive empire game.

Civ4 never felt tedious with units to me, building or moving. I don't know why they moved away from that.

Annnnd the thread goes off topic again. lol

Okay, might as well post on this thread since the topic is about the game in general.

I've been working on a new mod/patch for Alien Crossfire. When playing the game again after a long break, I was wondering how the AI could be improved. Since we don't have source code for this game, exe patching is about the only way to go, however it's very slow and cumbersome. I figured out a way to make the game load an extra dll so now the patches can be written in plain C++. Avoiding any unnecessary assembly writing greatly speeds up this process.

So far the results have been pretty good in terms of changing the AI behaviour. I've created a patch for terraforming (lots of forests and boreholes now), new production AI for bases and a couple of other fixes. Selecting the stuff to produce in bases is maybe the trickiest to balance, so that probably still needs some tweaks before the first public release. But it will probably be quite soon.

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