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Myrran slingers? smile

What turn is it?

I was going slow, expanding too fast. Some time in 1404.

And yes, slingers are the best adamantium units in the game, I'm just trying to see if they're viable without warlord and/or tactician. I have a feeling ill need to do a few games to see just how fast I can expand vs how fast I need to actually get slingers to guard my cities.

Life adamantium slingers with warlord and tactician absolutely massacred whatever I wanted. Throw two buffs on them plus prayer and they one shot very rares. Throw lionheart as well, and they one shot great drakes. Throw the Chosen, plus Crusade, and they one shot hydra.

I tried a 4-life / 4-death / 4 sorcery retort-free start. The ghoul + focus magic can be amazing and I currently have 3 chaos spawns in Feb 1404 (and lots of weaker undead units). Not sure what to do with life, but casting heroism on klackon halberdiers is not bad.

update: sacrificed some of these units but got a hydra undead.


*cough halflings instead of klackons plus heroism on swordsmen/slingers* but in general with life, put endurance and lionheart on your ghouls :P

Found the source of the random crashes I had recently.
It seems Plane Shift only loads the sound if the action was visible on the source tile, but still attempts to play it when showing the unit appearing on the destination, if that tile is visible.
This will be really painful to fix...

In fact I don't think I can fix it in any other way than making the spell not show anything unless the source tile was visible. As the AI gets to move the shifted units the same turn, the player will be notified of their presence when they move anyway.

Nope, that didn't work either. Even the memory allocation is skipped. That only leaves forcing to show the first half of the spell even if not visible.

Showing the first half, assuming the second half is visible, is probably fine actually. Kind of like seeing units start moving from a square outside of visible range, because they moved into visible range. In fact I'd prefer to show the first half, to make it obvious that a plane shift occurred.

You won't actually see anything except the map centering on an invisible area, and it'll happen even if the destination tile is also not visible for you, but we can't do any better than that unfortunately. (I'm definitely not going to move all those far calls for something as minor as this).

Progress in my game.

I defeated the Myrran wizard. So only the sorcery/life one is left. He now has 4 cities on Myrror and 12 on Arcanus. I can stop his attacks pretty consistently and his army strength is dropping quickly so I'll be able to eliminate his stacks outside cities.

However he has Supreme Light and I have no good idea what to do against his cities. I can't cast spells, and would need a 9 stack that either flies or is able to beat magicians at ranged attacks. But I need to kill all of them in one go (1 storm giant, 7 magicians, 1 random unit). Pegasai I don't think are strong enough for that. Doom Drakes maybe? I think they'd die before killing all the magicians as well. I do have one invisible ranged hero who can kill about 4 magicians, but the hero can't fly and the cities fly so I can't kill the rest using melee. I can't use demon lords (50% chance of creature binding) unless as a last resort, sacrificing most of a 9 stack per city. Although, if I pair them with my best hero, they go up 4 resistance from Prayermaster, dropping to only 10% chance of creature binding. Problem is that means 10% to instantly lose the hero (as Demon Lords see invisible units and then the magicians can spam Psionic Blasts.). Maybe if I removed the invisibility accessory and equipped the one with True Sight? Nah, even if not illusion damage, the hero doesn't have that high defense to...wait, 14 defense with +1 To DEF should be good enough against 9 psionic blasts? The hero does have 21 health at least.

Also, this game I didn't see the AI have any win condition very rares so I looked at the list. He had "Storm Giant+Supreme Light" from that list, and based on this game, that pairing is entirely non-threatening. Storm Giants don't really build up into large stacks due to no native ability to fly, and pretty much never during war. They are also prioritizied low to cast during Fairy Ring (which was in play for a while) and have low enough resistance and health to actually die on turn 1 of a combat fairly often.
I don't feel this entry really serves the purpose of the list at all, since the chance of the AI actually managing to build up a 6+ giant stack and casting the spell before a significant amount of them dies is marginal (also a lot of spells kill them in an irrecoverable way, Disintegrate, Annihilate, Wave of Despair, Banish, etc.) so I think this doesn't deserve to be on the list.

On the other hand Spell Ward+Supreme Light is pretty much unbeatable, but since the list is for a win condition and "not losing" is not a win condition, and also because it's extremely unfun to play against that, I rather not include it.

Also, Efreet+Supreme Light is a similar entry, but Efreet naturally fly to make doomstacks (giants usually got hit by wind walking and went alone, carrying an entire stack of nongiant units) plus they have 1 higher resistance so they are less likely to get hit by a regeneration preventing spell. Unfortunately they also suffer from halved summoning priority during Fairy Ring but even with that keeping this on the list might be good. (Regeneration is also stronger in general for Chaos who deals a ton of damage each time one of their stack fights and survives it)

Considering dual realm AI gets extra very rares, the relevance of this list is now even lower, but it was extra low to begin with (like 5% of the games affected) so it doesn't matter, we better keep it as perfect as we can.

I was hoping to finish this today, but couldn't, the game keeps dragging out. I actually wish the AI has a proper win condition and ended this 100 turns ago, I might win this way but it's anything but fun, and it feels a bit undeserved.

I was also thinking about Altar of Peace but it's probably good as is - I had the option to scout that half of the world and could have declared war on him once I saw he is playing something that's a major threat to my strategy plus had altars of peace - but I didn't. I was too worried about risking a third war and decided to avoid unnecessary contact. Bad move. (Also, the fight against the first two wizards dragged out a bit longer than expected. Gnolls are painful to fight early. Their stacks move 3-5 with pathfinding so they can always get behind your front lines and hit your least defended cities.)

Didn't find any videos for that mod at Lunatic difficulty so made one myself.
That is part 1, will try to post a part a day. Total 6 parts.
Made many mistakes, may be next time will play better)

What cities do you have? And did you end up with any non death books? Although yeah, against that particular combo, I'd go for a champion hero with 20 defense and strong ranged.

Or even the ranger with invisibility and use something like jackal riders to kill everything. Even better would be war mammoths.

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