Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 21

BEAT, certainly
CHARGE, for military drummers...
... who stand in a ROW
You might pay a COVER (CHARGE) to listen to them
Musicians often have FAN clubs
A PUPIL might take instruction in drumming

I'm going with ROW as my third guess because I can't see any other reason for the plural clue. I feel like my fourth guesses are pretty weak, but we need to get all four, else red will win next turn.

BEAT and ROW definitely. After that I'm less sure.

Drums can be made of Steel/IRON.

We also probably still have the other Fiend word to look at, unless it was IRON as well.

Red only needs two words, right? So Drummers would NOT include the other Fiend word if we were being given a chance to win this turn if I’m understanding things correctly.

I definitely agree with this one:

Point to Beat

(October 5th, 2018, 23:12)sunrise089 Wrote: Red only needs two words, right? So Drummers would NOT include the other Fiend word if we were being given a chance to win this turn if I’m understanding things correctly.

Yes. Red is two words away, we are five words away. Well, hopefully four now.

For the other words...I can see a ROW of drummers, that's often how they set up when there's many, like in a drum corps.

I think COVER makes sense, the leather covering the cylinder is what makes it a drum. Or you can drum your fingers on many types of covers. But it's a second-level connection, not a direct connection, so I'm not certain here.

I'm pretty well stuck on the last one, so I think I would guess ANGEL at this point. Still like it for Fiend, and that's with a large portion of the board filled in already. It's not Blue, or they'd have used something like Sky for Alien/Angel/Satellite instead of Space to leave Angel out.

And the rest...I feel like I can make a weak connection to any of the remaining words, but not a strong connection to any of them. Maybe something will occur to the rest of you?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Beat s blue.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

We also seem to have agreement on:

Point to Row

Row is blue.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

I still like CHARGE (drummers giving marching cadence for infantry attack) for next guess; would be ok with COVER although I think it's a little more of a reach. Drummers are also salesmen, but no association leaps at me for that meaning.

I really can't come up with anything better than ANGEL for the last fiend guess.


My Fiend preferences are I guess:


My Drummers preferences are:


So on balance I thinkI favor Angel -> Charge.

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