Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] TheArchduke and the Red Army Choir invite you to listen to the classics

Next turn, Germany is defeated.

Trades and signs point towards peace with Cornflakes.

Despite that, to be on the safe side, 2 chariots for Knights upgrade, just because.


Now that guy was red health last turn. Now fully healed.




Preconquest numbers:


Postconquest numbers:


Science 33 -> 44
Culture 19 -> 28
Faith 19 -> 30
Gold 18 -> 22

Not that much. Science catches up, Culture is far away from Cornflakes.

German lands are very underdeveloped except for 2 empty campuses. We only conquered potential here. Cities we do not need settlers for.

We are looking at a possible war in 3 turns with Cornflakes, although from my side I will offer DoF. Our potential is untapped, his is developed already.

Our southern flank is 3 archers, 1 horse and 2 chariots. Our northern 3 archers, 2 swords and 1 warrior. 4 horses far north.

I would not dow me but then again people underestimate wars regularly.

So Kalinka, now with Bingen support (+2 science on that Holy Site).
After settler we do commercial after granary and builder. Notice my 4 core cities do not need builder love too much, whilst former Germany does.

These 4 cities are my work horse.


Katjuscha, chariot, builder and then commercial as well, maybe industrial.


Varchianka, walls if war comes, else builder, wall chop into cultural maybe?


Polyusha, also nice, missing an aqueduct.


Natassia, brand new, needs a builder.


Slavianka, sorely underdeveloped Lisbon.


Eyuknehm, barely developed with a empty campus.


Good position, decent, Souliko. Empty campus.


Korobelniki, barely developed with a empty campus.


Basically I got 5 small cities with 3 campuses. So barely 5 free settlers and 3 districts.

And to round up, the far north, new german cities without districts:



Cornflakes is dispersed and stalking me. If he has any sense he will not dow me. He would need to concentrate forces for that. He is ALL over the place.

So, Cornflakes, what will it be. The war room or the peace room?


I am ready to finish all three walls in time for an attack. I got 2 chariots ready to upgrade into Knights for city strength and have Red Army Choir with DotF ready. A war means you will likely see massive losses and a loss of Sushi Go.

Or will it be peace, thereby switching those walls into chops by help of builders? Only time will tell. With only 300 gold in his warchest this should be a nobrainer, but I have seen stupidier decisions.

First faithbuy of a library in german lands. A new library will be added in 6 and 12 turns. Then I should upp my faith production for universities and 1-2 chops of those walls will go into cultural districts to house great works.

I think I am in excellent shape right now to overtake Cornflakes peacefully in 30 turns or by war with Cossacks down the line. 

DoF runs out this turn afaik, if Cornflakes reoffers we go full infrastructure mode which is direly needed and overdue.

Else we concentrate on defense, killing units and a surgical strike on Sushi go, which is the weak point in his defense.

And to be honest the only weak point. Nicely done on those walls. If Cornflakes was a better general the encampment of Sushigo would have gone 2 W or at least 1 W and 1 NW of Sushi go. Valetta is brilliantly done.

Peace Room it is. Smart move on Cornflakes side, so we need to build better then him now.

Which means builders in every freaking city in preparation for a massive feudalism push.


Holey Moley,

This smells like a scientific CS, batman.

Well, nothing to do but soldier on.

So where are we at?


First of all, Brazil is still alone with me on a continent so can be killed if I play my cards right. This is difficult though as Cornflakes is no pushover and smart. Those encampments not only enhance his defensiveness, forcing an attack on Sushi Go first, Valetta or Chess second and Pinochle last, but also ensure a GG for him. 0 for us, 4 for Brazil, 3 and 1 for the two others.


Cornflakes has more GG points, a stronger economy then me. In my park is highly defensible border (DotF) and more then enough foreign founded cities.

Cornflakes has 6 cities self founded plus Valetta.

I have 5 cities self founded (2 since 5 turns ago) plus Lisbon, plus Hongkong was it? Add 5! german cities to that. All underdeveloped and underpopulated. I have 3 decent sites left that can be filled with cities. Brazil maybe 1, maybe 2.

So, 2 options, number 1 peaceful, number 2 military.

1.) Those city counts mean I can become vastly bigger then him. Time is on my side. But we need to finally get some districts going.

2.) So, we can to dominate Cornflakes. Thanks to his entrenchment, my only option is using Cossacks and bombardement out of my DotF borders. This means Horseman and Artillery or archers. I have 5 horseman and 6 archers, which goes along way, but forces me to waste one policy slot on conscription. My income crashes about 20 gold without it. 

So how we go about it?

So, districts and economy.

We have Jesuit Education, so we need to fill up Theatre Squares (0 atm) and Campuses (5 atm). The military route needs commercial hubs for upgrades and encampments for GGs with industrial zones being a bit meh.

Even with my explosive size, thanks to a queer map, I have 2! harbour cities. (1 just founded). Harbours are not an option, Cornflakes has a legup there already as well.

Door 1 (economic) means theatre square spam to take advantage of lavras and ensure even more culture. Faith will be used to enhance science. Campuses bonuses are terrible. All german ones are terribly  rant placed, and mine are +1 and +2 respectively.

So city by city.


That should. If I can afford granaries somewhere, next priorities are entertainment districts, and maybe a 2nd harbour somewhere.

2 new cities would do a Lavra as we can actually finish it. Universities, Amphitheatre must all be fed by my faith (35f/t) that needs to go up.

First line of districts via wall chop wherever possible.

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