I feel we need to discuss this realm because it likely has problems. Specific ones aside (werewolves), I'd like to discuss the global design behind the realm and where I feel it has problems.
Particularly, the early game. Death is one of the two "strong early" realms, but I believe it might go over the top at this.
Death has the following features :
-Free troops. Free as in no maintenance and no cost of production, you get them as a side effect for using certain spells or attacks. However, none of those spells and units really consider the value of this ability in their cost, and it completely bypasses a fairly global game rule, not creating permanent new troops in battle.
-Free casting skill. This is limited to two spells, Life Drain and Syphon Life, both of which are fairly balanced for damage vs cost, but also give you casting skill (AND undead creatures) for free. Drain Power doesn't belong here because casting it costs you overland skill so it's an investment. (a very good one in certain cases, but still an investment)
-Immunity to poison. You might think "no big deal", but poison is a dedicated early game ability, used as the main form of early game damage by three realms : Sorcery (Nagas), Nature (Giant Spiders) and Death itself (Ghouls). Out of these, the latter two have other options, but the former does not, and thus it's an autowin for the Death wizard.
-Immunity to Illusions. Sorcery is already in a bad position by Nagas not doing damage to Death units, but on top of that their phantoms and psionic blasts also don't work. Not that they'd be enough to really fix the problem.
-Immunity to Cold. Only Nature cares about this one and Fairy Dust isn't all that good to begin with, so I think we don't need to worry about this one.
-Immunity to Death. Like the other two realms hit hard by poison immunity, Death also get their share of a double slap in the face. However they are hit by far the hardest, being immune to all spells. While this is mutual, it means combat spells are mostly useless on both sides, aside from summon zombie, and eventually wars are decided by creature combat. As the human is always smarter at positioning their units both overland and in battle, this means Death vs Death is heavily in favor of the human, unless they neglected undead creation or the AI scored some very good undead units from lairs.
Either way, Death hard counters three realms in the early game, while also being very good against Chaos - massive hordes of undead don't really mind a few fire bolts and have immunity to shatter, as well as bypass Fire Elemental's Weapon Immunity. Chaos does have Wall of Fire and Gargoyles, so they aren't as bad as the other realms but it's still in favor of Death, heavily. (and chaos is especially weak in the early game overall)
So Life is about the only realm that isn't an automatic win for the Death wizard - but even they can be overwhelmed easily by numbers as they can't summon so they have the fewest units while the Death wizard has the most numerous. All it takes is Dispel Magic to make sure the buffs won't make their armies unbeatable, or pushing for Blood Lust to counter them anyway.
Overall, I'm pretty sure Death is massively imbalanced in the early game, although I haven't really thought about possible solutions yet.
The other topic is Death being unaffected by spells of other Death wizards. We postponed this discussion until the 5.44 version is released, so it's time to continue it. While this is bad by itself, the fact they are also immune to some other realms makes it even worse - while I had Sorcery books in my last game, even my Sorcery spells were of no use as Death units are immune to both. So we might need to do something about this, but we have to be very careful about it.
Particularly, the early game. Death is one of the two "strong early" realms, but I believe it might go over the top at this.
Death has the following features :
-Free troops. Free as in no maintenance and no cost of production, you get them as a side effect for using certain spells or attacks. However, none of those spells and units really consider the value of this ability in their cost, and it completely bypasses a fairly global game rule, not creating permanent new troops in battle.
-Free casting skill. This is limited to two spells, Life Drain and Syphon Life, both of which are fairly balanced for damage vs cost, but also give you casting skill (AND undead creatures) for free. Drain Power doesn't belong here because casting it costs you overland skill so it's an investment. (a very good one in certain cases, but still an investment)
-Immunity to poison. You might think "no big deal", but poison is a dedicated early game ability, used as the main form of early game damage by three realms : Sorcery (Nagas), Nature (Giant Spiders) and Death itself (Ghouls). Out of these, the latter two have other options, but the former does not, and thus it's an autowin for the Death wizard.
-Immunity to Illusions. Sorcery is already in a bad position by Nagas not doing damage to Death units, but on top of that their phantoms and psionic blasts also don't work. Not that they'd be enough to really fix the problem.
-Immunity to Cold. Only Nature cares about this one and Fairy Dust isn't all that good to begin with, so I think we don't need to worry about this one.
-Immunity to Death. Like the other two realms hit hard by poison immunity, Death also get their share of a double slap in the face. However they are hit by far the hardest, being immune to all spells. While this is mutual, it means combat spells are mostly useless on both sides, aside from summon zombie, and eventually wars are decided by creature combat. As the human is always smarter at positioning their units both overland and in battle, this means Death vs Death is heavily in favor of the human, unless they neglected undead creation or the AI scored some very good undead units from lairs.
Either way, Death hard counters three realms in the early game, while also being very good against Chaos - massive hordes of undead don't really mind a few fire bolts and have immunity to shatter, as well as bypass Fire Elemental's Weapon Immunity. Chaos does have Wall of Fire and Gargoyles, so they aren't as bad as the other realms but it's still in favor of Death, heavily. (and chaos is especially weak in the early game overall)
So Life is about the only realm that isn't an automatic win for the Death wizard - but even they can be overwhelmed easily by numbers as they can't summon so they have the fewest units while the Death wizard has the most numerous. All it takes is Dispel Magic to make sure the buffs won't make their armies unbeatable, or pushing for Blood Lust to counter them anyway.
Overall, I'm pretty sure Death is massively imbalanced in the early game, although I haven't really thought about possible solutions yet.
The other topic is Death being unaffected by spells of other Death wizards. We postponed this discussion until the 5.44 version is released, so it's time to continue it. While this is bad by itself, the fact they are also immune to some other realms makes it even worse - while I had Sorcery books in my last game, even my Sorcery spells were of no use as Death units are immune to both. So we might need to do something about this, but we have to be very careful about it.