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[SPOILERS] Cornflakes brings the popcorn (because creativity is overrated)

T105 Civ Comparison
Brazil95125 (+98.3Icon_Science/turn)21 (+88.3Icon_Culture/turn)98Icon_Gold (+60Icon_Gold/turn)6.6Icon_Faith17: (2) Campus, (2) CH, (2) IZ, (3) Encampment, (3) Carnival, (2) Theater, (2) Harbor, (1) HS622
Russia124620 (+91.5Icon_Science/turn)16 (+40.7Icon_Culture/turn)467Icon_Gold (+26Icon_Gold/turn)52.5Icon_Faith10: (4) Lavra (5) campus, (1) CH627
Rome145523 (+51.4Icon_Science/turn)18 (+56.7Icon_Culture/turn)1314Icon_Gold (+114Icon_Gold/turn)9.4Icon_Faith6: (1) HS, (2) Encampment, (2) CH, (1) Campus555
Greece61815 (+22.1Icon_Science/turn)13 (+24.9Icon_Culture/turn)59Icon_Gold (+11Icon_Gold/turn)3.2Icon_Faith4: (1) Encampment, (1) Campus, (2) Acropolis376

My biggest increase over the last 5 turns is 2 new cities, 5 pop, 2 districts. Marginal increases to yields except for Icon_Gold gold/turn which plummeted. Main factor in the Icon_Gold decrease is civics swaps plus loss of Amsterdam Suzerainty. Biggest improvement internationally is Russia's Icon_Science science rocketing up +60% thanks to University + Hattusa. Greece came begging for a zero-interest loan of 320Icon_Gold, but at this point I'm concerned about return of the principle since I'm confident Rome will be able to eliminate Greece at least as quick at Russia took out Germany. Rome will recruit a Medieval/Renaissance GGeneral next turn and I expect to see mass upgrade of knights with the huge treasury Rome is currently holding. Interesting times ahead for the lurkers, that's for sure. I think that it is in my own best interest for Rome to crush Greece and take firm hold of leader position so that TheArchduke and I can work together.

Here's a look at my two new island cities:


First of all Catan, named thus as my first island city in large part because Settlers of Catan is played on an island wink Personally I'm not a huge fan of Settlers of Catan but I'm fine playing if that is the consensus. In retrospect the other city about to be planted on the Jade would fit a little better thematically due to the terrain. It has a wheat resource, Iron and mountains for ore, a desert, sheep, woods, and we'll call those plains and plain-hill tiles brick. In fact I think that's too good of a match that I'll swap the Catan name over to the new jade city founded next turn and come up with a new name for the existing city (Carcassonne?).

Notice I lost suzerainty of Hattusa. That throws another wrench in the musket-upgrade-for-eureka plan since that was my only source of Niter. I have another source in my borders but it will be about 6 turns before I can get a builder there to mine it. New plan is to trigger the GScientist when I only have 2 eurekas remaining in the Renaissance era so I get a 50/50 shot at Square Rigging or Siege Tactics. Either way it will be a win. If I hit Square Rigging I save gold from a musket upgrade and just hard research through Siege tactics.


Up north we have Fluxx founded this turn, with barb troubles already. Quadrireme is on the way to assist while the horseman is currently tasked with preventing the scout from reporting back. Fortunately the camp spawned with a spear still I wasn't sure if being in the medieval game era wouldn't trigger the camp spawning with a pike instead. RNG was good on the scout movements so far and I think I'll be able to contain the scout and eventually claim a free 50Icon_Gold without any disruption.

Fluxx is a card game with ever-changing rules. It uses it's own deck of cards (not standard playing cards) and is probably my favorite card game. There is only a small learning curve mostly due to just becoming familiar with the various cards. Game play is very simple and works equally well from 2-6 players. Games usually last anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. Occasionally there are outlier games where someone gets lucky and wins on their first turn or the cards don't line up and it takes 30+ minutes. It has a good mixture of skill and luck to keep serious and casual players interested. Fluxx is a great travel game since it is the size of 2 standard decks of cards, but has incredible re-play-ability. The object of the game is to match your "keeper" cards with the current "goal", and you can make that happen on your turn by either playing the appropriate keeper cards OR by changing the goal to match your current keeper cards. There are 4 basic card types that can be played in any combination [subject to the then-current rule set]:
  • Rules - e.g. number of cards to draw each turn, number of cards to play each turn, limits on the number of cards in hand or in play on the table, and other more specific rules. Rules are played into the center of the table and affect all players immediately.
  • Keepers - each keeper card has one of a variety of objects or ideas. E.g. chocolate, toaster, cookies, bread, TV, death. Keepers in play are face up on the table in front of a specific player who owns them.
  • Goals - most goals are a combination of "keeper" cards necessary to win. One goal is face up in the middle of the table [unless a rule card says otherwise wink], and can be replaced with a new goal by any player on their turn. As an example from the keepers listed above, a goal might be "Baked Goods" and the player with cookies + bread in play would win. Another goal might be "Toast" for toaster + bread, or "Appliances" for toaster + TV.
  • Actions - a variety of one-shot actions such as steal or swap keepers, steal cards from a hand, draw extra from the supply, remove rules from the rule-set.

Greece accepted DoF, Rome ignored the request. I therefore denounced Rome, aiming to declare war with Casus Beli for Nationalism inspiration once they capture a Greek city. As I understand the mechanics the denouncement is active for 30 turns, and I need to wait at least 5 turns before the Casus Beli is an option. I also need to unlock Diplomatic Service (7 turns from now). Rome could prevent the inspiration by declaring war on me, but will they?

Good news! Russia donated 400+ gold to the Greek cause, leaving Russia with only 50Icon_Gold in their treasury making +33/turn. That highly suggest they are not saving up for mass upgrades. I'm curious if my denunciation of Rome had any influence in TheArchduke's decision.

... at least I think the money went to Greece. I didn't actually check if Greece's treasury increased. But Russia was certainly down to 50Icon_Gold in their treasury and increased by about 10 gpt. which is about the loan offer that Rowain came asking for last turn.

I'm with you, I've never really loved Settlers. I get stressed at the beginning choosing my first two settlements, then mostly spend the rest of the game frustrated because "oh my god, for the love of Pete just roll an 8!"
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(November 13th, 2018, 19:15)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: I'm with you, I've never really loved Settlers. I get stressed at the beginning choosing my first two settlements, then mostly spend the rest of the game frustrated because "oh my god, for the love of Pete just roll an 8!"

My feelings exactly! I played just the other day and it felt like the dice were loaded. We kept rolling 4, 6, and 10 over and over, but of course I only had one of those numbers at my starting settlements. The other factor is the "early leader syndrome" and trading embargos.


I tracked down and eliminated the barb scout near Fluxx smile two Quadriremes will arrive on-scene in about 4 more turns. One already earned the first promotion so I'll use the fresh Quad first to farm XP. If the camp spawns another unit then I'll use both to contain the threat. The horseman will fortify on the hill to heal back to full health and take advantage of fortify bonus in case the camp spawns another unit. Then once the Quads wear down the spear the horse can swoop in to clear the camp. As you can see I have planted a 0-adjacency full-priced campus at Fluxx. With 3 scientific CS it just makes sense. I'll complete the quests for 2 of the CS in the next 10-15 turns just before entering the Industrial age, and I have 2 stored envoys to get on of them up to 6 envoys. That makes 8Icon_Science/turn with no adjacency or buildings! The builder will chop the monument, mine the hill, and I'm debating how to spend the 2nd chop. I could finish about half the campus with that chop but would still leave it 20 turns from completion. Or I could chop a granary to speed growth. Or a watermill for the immediate +1Icon_Food/1Icon_Production and eventual wheat bonus. Actually between those 2 forests I could get all 3 of the monument + granary + watermill and I'm leaning towards that to get Fluxx off the ground quickly. I'm playing for the long game here and getting these cities up and productive quickly is essential. These building will let it claim tiles, grow, and then build districts/building its own power.

In the top-left you can see I'm starting Mass Production, aiming for Industrialization for +1Icon_Production on 25+ mines empire-wide and continuation to Steam Power for Ironclad and the Steel eureka. I started the 2nd workshop in Cribbage this turn, after wasting last turn's production to start a monument that won't be completed for a long time duh I exceeded my pre-planning last turn and just pick the monument as I played quickly  shakehead The 3rd workshop will come from Cribbage. The factory will be walls-chopped in 5 turns after the next civics swap, and the overflow will be enough to cover at least 25% of the workshop leaving it around 6 turns from completion.

Silly me, Russia does not yet have contact with Greece and therefore could not have provided them with funding. Russian power didn't spike therefore it seems TheArchduke spent his pile of dough cash-rushing something. It would have been somewhere around 450Icon_Gold that he spent. My guess is a builder purchase since his cities are quite a bit under developed.

T115 Civ Comparison
Brazil105527 (+114.3Icon_Science/turn)22 (+98.4Icon_Culture/turn)490Icon_Gold (+88.5Icon_Gold/turn)13.2Icon_Faith17: (2) Campus, (2) CH, (2) IZ, (3) Encampment, (3) Carnival, (2) Theater, (2) Harbor, (1) HS677
Russia125222 (+102.2Icon_Science/turn)16 (+57.3Icon_Culture/turn)160Icon_Gold (+42Icon_Gold/turn)57.7Icon_Faith13: (5) Lavra (5) campus, (2) CH, (1) Theater626
Rome136023 (+55.5Icon_Science/turn)19 (+48.4Icon_Culture/turn)1774Icon_Gold (+132Icon_Gold/turn)6.3Icon_Faith10: (1) HS, (2) Encampment, (3) CH, (2) Campus, (2) Harbor641
Greece62117 (+23.8Icon_Science/turn)14 (+29.7Icon_Culture/turn)140Icon_Gold (+11Icon_Gold/turn)3.1Icon_Faith4: (1) Encampment, (1) Campus, (2) Acropolis384

Biggest improvement for me: more of an across-the-board incremental improvement, science & Culture +15%, gold shot back up again thanks to civics emphasis. Internationally both Rome and Russia went on a district-building spree. Russia's culture shot up thanks to a theater + amphitheater which allowed 2 more great works of writing to be displayed. Rome also picked up 2 wonders: Petra + Hanging Gardens. Petra must have been a blow to Russia because it had been under construction at Polyushka Polye and I think must have had at least a chop or two invested.


I was down to just 2 eurekas remaining in the Renaissance era this turn. I'm not running Professional Army for a cheaper musket upgrade, and to run it would mean not running one of the other policy cards for 5 turns. Due to my current tech path hitting the top of the tree first I decided to pull the trigger on GScientist retirement with 50/50 shot at either Square Rigging or Siege Tactics. RNG said Square Rigging so I'll be swapping into Press Gangs in 3 turns and will be able to get at least 2-3 frigates completed before the Russian DoF ends. I'll probably skip the Siege Tactics eureka when I eventually get there because 2 Bombards is a significant production and/or gold investment. I could build a pair of universities for less than the cost of 2 bombards  crazyeye


Rome is engaging in extensive military exercises along the Greek border. War appears imminent. I'll have Diplomatic Service in 3 turns and will be able to trigger the Nationalism with Casus Beli against Rome as soon as they capture a Greek city (unless Rome declares war on me first). My frigates will head this way once DoF extension is secured with Rome. Greek city strength is up to 50 with unit garrison (I'm assuming Knights) so the conquest is certainly not going to be a walk in the park. Both sides have a GG boosting medieval combat units. Rome has significantly higher power though and a  treasury which should allow Rho21 to crush any resistance. I predict a slightly slower conquest than Germany, but not much slower.

My feeling is that it is in my best interest for Rome to make early and quick success. I need to keep Russia friendly and a common rival I think is the best way to accomplish that. As a result I will not be propping up Greece with monetary gifts. My tentative plan is to trust my navy to establish dominance in the late Industrial/Modern eras, settling all of the islands and razing all Roman coastal cities to bring them back into the pack.

I really like your comparison tables! Is there a template that would make it easier to steal? mischief

If you're branching out into games like Catan, I'd recommend Ticket To Ride as a candidate. I often see it cited with Catan as one of the most popular gateway games (and for good reason!)

Also, has it been pointed out yet that Brazil started in an area that, at least on the minimap, looks suspiciously like Earth-Brazil? lol

(November 16th, 2018, 11:58)Grotsnot Wrote: I really like your comparison tables! Is there a template that would make it easier to steal? mischief

I attached an Excel sheet with some extra goodies in addition to the comparison tables. This is my spreadsheet that I've been using with useful info. I went through and deleted any spoiler info related to this game.
  • Comparison tables - fill data in the appropriate cells, then copy the right-most column (highlighted in YELLOW) and paste into the forum reply.
  • City Micro - I edit the food and hammer raw yields, and the multipliers. The growth and size calculations are done automatically The H-box is the running total of production at the end of the numbered turn. Usually I just let that column add up rather than resetting it when builds complete. For example, if I'm planning to go Scout > Builder > Warrior I know I'll need 30 + 50 + 40 production total. When I sim the micro I'll just mentally note that the Scout will complete end of turn the "H-box" hits 30+, the Builder will complete end of turn the "H-box" hits 80+, and the Warrior will complete end of turn the "H-box" hits 120+.
  • CityData - Growth & culture expansion data. The population calculation references this sheet with VLOOKUP so don't delete this sheet! The cumulative culture column is probably my most used column when I'm trying to plan builder moves and need to know when I'll expand to claim the 2nd/3rd tile at a new city.
  • Units & UnitUpgrades - These are just copy-pasted off some WiKi, no guarantee these numbers are correct and I rarely reference these sheets.
  • Cost Scaling - This I humbly suggest is pure gold. Want to know how much a chop or harvest will yield, or district will cost? This is the table to reference. Refer to your latest Comparison Table, jot down the number of techs and civics you have completed, then reference the appropriate columns/rows in the Cost Scaling sheet. [EDIT: something is wonky with the district costs in the table vs. in game. I made an adjustment in the table which brought the early-game costs in line, but gradually diverged as the game progressed, up to about 10% cost difference now].
  • Damage Table - raw data was copied I believe from Victoria at CivFanatics. This sheet is actually just a source table for the more powerful BattleSim sheet and I never look at it, instead look at the next sheet...
  • BattleSim - Want to know the damage that an attack will yield? Fill in the attacker/defender strength in the left columns. The right table is a VLOOKUP to the Damage Table for low, mid, and high rolls. The middle table is the after-combat HP. A negative value indicates the defender is dead. If you want to know what damage the attacker will receive, simply reverse the sim (i.e. make your attacker the defender).
  • Religious Pressure - This table is also modeled upon Victoria's work at CivFanatics. The main table is the minimum number of missionary charges required to convert a city of size X, assuming there is no religion present. The little side-bar to the right is for calculating the number of followers in a given city based on the religious pressure currently built up in that city. It handles up to 2 religions. If only one religion is (or will be) present then just enter "0" for the pressure of religion 2.
  • Civics & Inspirations - This data is copy-pasted from one of the WiKi pages. No guarantee as to the reliability of this data.
Quote:If you're branching out into games like Catan, I'd recommend Ticket To Ride as a candidate. I often see it cited with Catan as one of the most popular gateway games (and for good reason!)

Also, has it been pointed out yet that Brazil started in an area that, at least on the minimap, looks suspiciously like Earth-Brazil? lol

Ticket To Ride is a good one smile I'll accept that nomination at my next city. Gateway is a good category for these as I know several people who are familiar with TtR and Catan who are clueless about other games in general and trick-taking card games in particular. Other games I'm considering for future cities (by no means an exhaustive list, but some others that I enjoy that occur to me in a minute or two of thinking):
  • Up The River
  • Stratego
  • Labyrinth
  • Battleship
  • Monopoly Deal
  • Pandemic
  • Vendetta
  • Takenoko
  • Skip-Bo

Attached Files
.xlsx   Civ 6 Micro Template - blank.xlsx (Size: 63.99 KB / Downloads: 7)

Ooo nice! Thanks! I've been working on one myself but it kinda rabbitholes on the level of detail in some areas and handwaves in others. I'll try to remember to make a cleaned-out template of mine to post up to compare notes smile
Minor PBEM 13 spoilers:
It hasn't gotten a lot of love lately due to general futility crazyeye 

I'm definitely gonna have to steal that battlesim tab - beats the hell out of iterated WolframAlpha, doubly so when bothering to include the luck ranges.

I think my district/chop value calculations have been pretty reliable so far, will especially check how those compare goodjob I once spent a stupid hour in SP with a Builder sleeping on a forest recording chop values  (because I value my time rolleye ) and got some small discrepancies with the formulas I'd seen online. Might line up with the divergence you were getting? I think I stopped around Medieval Era though so could be something totally different I didn't run into. IIRC once I included Future Tech & Future Civic in the total Tech/Civic denominators it cleared up the chop discrepanices.

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