Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

novice Wrote:*Flashback to the battle of Pyongyang*

Yeah, yeah, that's why I said my luck against slaze was bad. I wonder if this is some kind of karmic back-lash.

Slaze didn't attack this turn, but moved more troops up. I still think that I am doomed.

"Highlights" from this turn:

Popped a Great Scientist (4th), but used him for a Golden Age. All things considered, I think that's the most useful thing he could have done. I'm actually using this opportunity to get in some infrastructure across the Empire. Monasteries in Imperial Center and Byss, Courthouse in Carida, Forge in Kuat (will be whipped). Centralia cities are on Infrastructure, anyway. Dathomir's Courthouse will finish next turn, then it'll do a Library. Forum after that, to make use of its high income.

Even though I'm being overwhelmed militarily, unless I get some of this LONG overdue stuff built, I can't stay afloat financially, anyway.

Got some more Catapults in Bestine, but I promoted them Drill I/Shock. Slaze's stack has healed already, and it's far too large for me to hurt with Barrage attacks, so I'm forced to use Catapults defensively. Shows how much I suck. I hope he'll spend 1 more turn to finish bombarding my defenses since I can get some more catapults in the city next turn (which will probably actually attack).

I've suddenly realized all (or, probably, most) of the sloppy mistakes I've made over the last few turns.

Chops: I've been having trouble finding stuff for Workers to do when they SHOULD have been chopping down ALL the trees south of Bestine. That would have been good for at least a couple of units. Complete and total oversight on my part. I really don't have enough experience getting my ass handed to me to realize that desperate measures calls for using EVERYTHING available to me.

Reinforcements: Aside from delayed a couple turns too long to bring up the reserves from the Korean front, when I actually did, I thought I grabbed 3 Praetorians and 3 Catapults. I actually grabbed 3 Catapults and 1 Praetorian (the grouping must have been weird). I sent the other 2 Praetorians after them the following turn, but they won't make it in time, now. I don't know if it would have made a difference, but it would have raised my garrison to 9 Praetorians, 3 Crossbowmen, and 6 Catapults vs. (estimated) 10 Longbowmen, 11 Axemen, 3+ Catapults, plus some other stuff.

I would still be horrendously outnumbered, but a little less so. Now? I'll have 7 Praetorians. So stupid.

Now, I'm praying that my allies can dig up the cash to help me finish Engineering in time to whip Pikemen before plako comes at me with Knights. He's just finished Guilds. I expect him to beeline my core. Or, perhaps, beeline my core with fast Knights and attack Nar Shaddaa with his slow troops.

I'm pretty much sunk as far as I can tell. I'm not looking forward to losing, but I guess if I get wiped out, I can focus more on the other games I'm playing/will be playing.

I will say that this has been a learning experience. Too bad it's obsolete already, what with Civ V coming out (which I may or may not be able to play, due to hardware constraints). Maybe in some alternate universe where LiPing came back (I really wonder what happened to her; I was certain she said her trip was only going to be a month long . . . .), I would have had someone to look over my shoulder and say "why the hell are you sending half our army to the other side of the world?" or "why the hell are you planning a two-front war when you know Korea is probably a significant threat?"

I know you lurkers can't do that, of course. Though the benefits of playing solo means I don't have to confer with anyone, the downside means that I'm stuck with my own, flawed reasoning.

I'd run a sim on the Bestine siege, but I don't have the energy for it. He'll probably bombard one last time to finish off my cultural defense. Then the question will be whether he crosses the river before attacking.

Yup. Guess this thread has become a bit of a downer. I'm not expecting miracles, but maybe I'll get lucky.

If it's any consolation*, your reports (and reporting style) have been a highlight of this game.

* ...nah, didn't think it would be. wink

v8mark Wrote:If it's any consolation*, your reports (and reporting style) have been a highlight of this game.

* ...nah, didn't think it would be. wink

Well, it's always nice to hear! Perhaps you'll even read more of it.

Due to a combination of Korea whipping half a dozen Knights (what else could they be?), Engineering taking 3 more turns, and Athlete's urging, I sent a letter to Korea to try and restart peace negotiations. Nar Shaddaa will be given up, very, very sadly. I'm arguing for the rights to MY island, though taking Athlete's suggestion, I may allow them to partition it if they won't budge. I can't let them take all of it, though, or I'm sunk. I need some production on the outer seas.

Honestly, what frustrates me the most about losing Nar Shaddaa is that all the culture it's put out will become Korean. That is going to mess me up in all kinds of ways. I'd rather he "take it" with a unit, but a) he wouldn't accept that because he knows it's better to take it with peace, and b) he could just continue attacking that way.

And a very long NAP means that I won't get it back any time soon. Well, I may be getting ahead of myself. They may just decide to run me over with Knights anyway. And I'll probably lose Bestine to slaze, although peace with Korea DOES mean I can focus all of my (still not inconsiderable) production against him.

OK, even that's a lie: All I have is Kuat and Carida for real production. Slaze has so many cities, it's just stupid.

Whosit Wrote:Honestly, what frustrates me the most about losing Nar Shaddaa is that all the culture it's put out will become Korean.

What makes you think that? IIRC, when a city is peacefully ceded, culture of its owner is removed from the 21-tile radius, but it starts at 0 culture for its new owner.

T-hawk Wrote:What makes you think that? IIRC, when a city is peacefully ceded, culture of its owner is removed from the 21-tile radius, but it starts at 0 culture for its new owner.

I could have sworn that when I got (former) Ryloth from Korea, I kept the original culture. Or was it that I kept the cultural buildings? OK, well, I hope that you are right.

I guess I can hop into World Builder and test it out.

I threw some catapults at slaze out of spite. He'll either attack this turn, or cross the river and attack next turn. Bestine has been whipped down to 1 pop. It is very unhappy. I am very unhappy.

We'll see what happens. Slaze has 5 catapults waiting, so I know that my garrison is completely done for. As a very rough guess, my troops will probably be reduced to 3/4 HP at best, and without the cultural defense, slaze's numerical advantage cinches the deal here. Kuat has nothing but a Warrior and a couple of straggler Praetorians with which to defend itself, so, assuming that slaze takes minimal losses, I'm really at the end of my rope here.

I can tell from civ stats that slaze razed Bestine. I'm not really in the mood to log in and see how bad things are right now.

I don't expect peace from Korea now, since I'm sure there is a big sign flashing "all you can eat" over my civ now. My army is basically non-existent. The only thing to see is how many losses slaze took, if any.

Whosit Wrote:I can tell from civ stats that slaze razed Bestine. I'm not really in the mood to log in and see how bad things are right now.

I don't expect peace from Korea now, since I'm sure there is a big sign flashing "all you can eat" over my civ now. My army is basically non-existent. The only thing to see is how many losses slaze took, if any.

I know it's discouraging but please don't give up, fight to the bitter end!

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