That's FISH + SIGN for sure. I don't think it ties in to anything else. SATELLITE is a weak connection to astronomy, but there's a stronger connection to 4 Foreign words than to that as a third Pisces word. I believe Dave planned this when cluing unlimited on the second clue - he knew his last clue would indicate 2 words but no more, so we could deduce that Foreign went for 4.
I think we're looking at this in all:
DRILL + BAY remaining for Lifeboat
FISH + SIGN for Pisces
Red has two left, so I agree we need to swing for the fences here and try to get all eight.
Ok, definitely FISH SIGN. Obviously enough that I'd guess them first, honestly.
Then we still need lifeboat words - hope Fish wasn't a lifeboat word. I would guess DRILL and hold back another guess til last.
Foreign words, definitely still TOKYO, MOSCOW, CZECH.
Last two need to be either Foreign or Lifeboat. I guess I'm in agreement that BAY is likely as a lifeboat word. For another Foreign word, the trouble is I see a lot of tenuous connections but none that really stand out. I could be on board with guessing:
VIRUS as foreign invader of a human body
MINOTAUR as implied by Greek mythology/Pisces, also a tool of Cretan foreign policy in myth
CHEESE, most cheeses are associated with a region and hence foreign to everyone else.
Probably could talk myself into the rest of the words on the board, honestly. But I wouldn't feel bad if we 'only' have a 7-guess round
Can't remember my star signs all that well, but looking at the board I think Pisces is probably Satellite and Fish. If it isn't I'll probably be corrected immediately upon checking spoilers, as that clue implies an extremely specific set of words.
Fish being one of ours implies that it could've been a Lifeboat word, that leaves Drill as our word of choice for the last Lifeboat word.
Satellite, in turn, could also be a foreign word. We should also definitely guess the 3 obvious words for Foreign pretty quickly (Tokyo, Czech and Moscow). After all that, we will have 2 words left to guess, with 3 promising options in Sign, Cheese and Virus. I think cheese is probably least likely of the three, although even just getting to this decision would be quite the accomplishment.
Looking at spoilers now, Sign for Pisces makes more sense then Satellite, and while possible it seems unlikely that Fish was reclued. Foreign IMO is either Cheese or Virus (can't decide between the two, happy with either), leaving the last Lifeboat would as probably Bay. Even getting that far would be quite the accomplishment.
So tl;dr, my choices are: