Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] All rho21s lead to Rome

Turn 129

Russia proposes a deal, offering tea, coffee and dyes in exchange for Gypsum and 200Icon_Gold. I'm sorry, that money's spoken for, and anyway I don't really want Russia conquering Brazil any faster than they already are.

Mentioning which, another border city fell to the Russians this turn. It comes with an encampment with barracks and armoury, a commercial hub with market and a holy site, now upgraded to a lavra.

Turns out the Cossacks are so good the Russians actually conquered the city twice: once to liberate as a city state, and again to capture it without occupation penalty.

[Image: T129-russia.png]

Score tracking
Brazil picked up its first industrial tech this turn.
Russia built another Lavra.

The barbarian musket by Trebia has has moved onto the mine. It gets shot by the city for 17 damage.
The barbarian caravel is back outside Caudine Forks. The caravel and walls combine to do 40 damage and leave it well into the red.
Colaeus has also appeared by Caudine Forks. I move a chariot out to suggest he looks elsewhere.

At Miletus, the swordsman has retreated into the city (I assume), to be replaced by a fresh undamaged one. I bombard it with one crossbow for 37 damage (and 4 more XP), and move another crossbow up. I'm taking care to keep my crossbows out of the sword's general-boosted movement range.

It's time to attack Corinth. And this turn, of all turns, the crossbow has moved out of the city one square to the east. Presumably the idea is to get it to safety, but it's slightly late as I'll be able to hit it with a crossbow this turn.

Thank goodness for Temujin, he makes everything much easier in these attacks. Being able to run muskets and a ram in from outside bombardment range and knock out the city walls without them getting off a shot really speeds everything up.

[Image: T129-start.png]

So I decide to start with a quadrireme attack on the city. I hadn't been intending that, as I didn't really want it to take a crossbow shot in return. But as I can damage the crossbow it's not under serious threat. The quadrireme does 7 damage to the walls. Every little helps.

Next up is a crossbow with no other targets. It knocks another 8 health off the walls.

Now the muskets attack. The first knocks down the walls completely, the second does 76 damage to the city, leaving it on 102 health. Neither musket is significantly wounded.

To finish off, my crossbow shoots its Greek counterpart for 43 damage and my remaining musket attacks the hoplite on the hills outside Pharsalos. At 70 v 32 it kills the hoplite and suffers 6 damage in the process.

That reveals an archer and a crossbow, plus a knight in Pharsalos. My musket may be in a little trouble if the Greeks focus all attacks on it. Oh well.

[Image: T129-end.png]

Metal Casting is complete. Next I queue up Banking.

Heraclea has finished repairing its monument and gets started on repairing the encampment.

Cannae has grown to size 7 and takes the opportunity to place a harbour, as I want the option to build ships here eventually. It continues work on the Terracotta Army though.

The trade route from Lake Trasimene to Cannae (that helped speed up the production of Petra) is complete. The trader gets rebased to Drepana; I'm intending to send it to Amsterdam for lots of gold.

Turn 130

Brazil suggests a white peace, at the first opportunity. A very interesting offer: it gives me 10 turns to either build up my fleet further or continue on the previous course and conquer Preslav with frigates and caravel. Plus I wouldn't really be likely to attack Brazil for about 10 turns from now anyway.

Of course it comes at the expense of time for Brazil to reach their unique battleships. I'm pretty sure that's not far off anyway though, and the more frigates I have the better. Worse, this will give them a free first strike in 10 turns' time, if they're not just focusing everything on holding off Russia.

This brings me to thoughts on my grand strategy.
The essential course of the game can be predicted now. Russia's cossacks will take Brazil's continental possessions with ease over the next 10 turns or so (while my war with Greece will take perhaps 20). Russia has absolutely no naval capacity though, so will be unable to make further progress. Brazil has extensive colonies on the islands near my west coast and a reasonable navy. It will be my task to find and sink Brazil's navy, then invade their remaining colonies, giving me a wealth of new luxuries and access to a number of city states for capture or suzerainty.
Assuming I'm successful in dealing with the Minas Geraes, it will be just Rome and Russia left in the game, with Rome in complete control of the seas. Of course it must remain that way, with harbours pillaged and coastal cities destroyed, particularly after the discovery of my own battleships.
I will be completely unable to harm Russia's inland possessions though, so it becomes an economic battle in which I hold the majority of the land and population with room to expand further, but rather less well-developed cities. Still, I fancy I can outresearch Russia from there. I guess the status quo ends when nuclear weapons are reached.

So yes, I'm very pleased with the recent geopolitical developments. There's still room for Russia to recognise the way things are going and attempt an alliance with Brazil instead, but I'm just not seeing that happening.

But anyway, where do my best chances of defeating Brazil's navy lie? 10 turns of peace to build my own navy, but with the nasty threat of a first strike afterwards, or a continuing probably phoney war with the chance of a Brazilian attack before I'm ready for it? Brazil has ~230Icon_Gold right now but zero or possibly negative income. That's enough for 2 frigate -> battleship upgrades.

I think on balance I'll stick to my plans and remain at war. Much as I'd like longer to make ships, a first strike with battleships could be catastrophic for me. Far from certain that's the right choice. If all the ded-lurkers hate it, perhaps I'll re-offer the peace next turn.

Score tracking
Russia gained its first renaissance civic, which will be Diplomatic Service or Humanism.

There's a second barbarian musket SW of Trebia. Ugh. The one on the mine last turn has moved on to the commercial hub. No threat to the city, of course, but pillaging would be irritating. I shoot the musket for another 18 damage. My reinforcements are still some turns away.

Greece threw everything at my musket by Pharsalos, but it survived with 28 health. Woo.
Greece also moved a crossbow forward at Miletos to attack one of mine, doing 26 damage. Er, sure. I'll happily take the extra XP and shoot your crossbow dead in reply.

But first, time to capture Corinth. The city is taken easily, despite a bad roll or two, and the crossbow outside is also picked off. This force will be waiting for a turn or three before advancing again, so Temujin teleports down to Heraclea to help out there: he can boost one of the crossbows this turn. That makes the two shots I can bring to bear on the Greek crossbow plenty to kill it. My muskets down here will be ready to advance again next turn.

Corinth is renamed to Asculum. It has nothing to repair and little of value to build right now. It works on a baths.

Arausio has finished a scout and starts another. The scout heads west to join my other one in the western sea watching out for a Brazilian attack.

The trader at Drepana heads for Amsterdam for 12Icon_Gold. Nice, my finances were starting to sag a little with all the new and upgraded units.

War weariness is up to 9. 6 of my 16 cities are happy, the rest content. I dread to think how bad this would be without the amenities from the baths and Defeatism.

[Image: T130-end.png]

Civ Comparison
Brazil95532 (103.4Icon_Science/turn)24 (82.4Icon_Culture/turn)17 (Encampment, 4 Harbour, 3 Industrial, 4 Campus, 2 Theatre, 3 Carnival)1223234 (<= 0Icon_Gold/turn)
Russia147228 (108.4Icon_Science/turn)20 (60.9Icon_Culture/turn)27 (3 Encampment, 2 Industrial, 5 Commercial, 9 Lavra, 6 Campus, 2 Theatre)1167123 (22Icon_Gold/turn)
Greece41819 (25.4Icon_Science/turn)17 (23.0Icon_Culture/turn)3 (Encampment, Campus, Acropolis)23665Icon_Gold (9Icon_Gold/turn)
Rome168427 (101.8Icon_Science/turn)22 (70.8Icon_Culture/turn)19 (4 Encampment, 3 Harbour, Industrial, 3 Commercial, Holy Site, 5 Campus, Theatre, Entertainment)13561070Icon_Gold (101.1Icon_Gold/turn)

I've managed a 50% increase in my science in this chunk of turns. Not bad. Of course the real change has been the start of the Russian-Brazilian war, with the apparent almost certainty of a Russian victory on the continent. Still, that has served to really slow that continent's science rate, meaning I'm now on essentially level terms.

Huge props to Russia for pulling off that cossack play. That was a properly deep beeline. The cossacks have proven the value of that plan many times over already. They are properly scary. Thankfully I don't have to be scared because they can't threaten my ships.

Great People
Russia: Prophet, 2 Scientists, 2 Writers, Artist
Brazil: Admiral, Engineer, Merchant, 2 Scientists
Greece: General
Rome: General, Prophet, Scientist

Up next:
General (Ana Nzinga, 240): Rome: 93 + 5/turn, Russia: 16 + 5/turn, Brazil: 187 + 1/turn, Greece: 62 + 1/turn
Admiral (Francis Drake, 240): Brazil: 69 + 5/turn, Rome: 51 + 3/turn
Engineer (James Watt, 420): Brazil: 52 + 5/turn, Russia: 22 + 2/turn, Rome: 13 + 2/turn
Merchant (Raja Todar Mal, 240): Rome: 216 + 5/turn, Russia 101 + 9/turn, Brazil: 157 + 0/turn
Prophet (Bodhidharma, 120): Brazil: 23 + 0/turn
Scientist (Charles Darwin, 420): Russia: 184 + 16/turn, Brazil: 187.2 + 9/turn, Rome: 41 + 9/turn, Greece: 100 +2/turn
Writer (Miguel de Cervantes, 240): Russia: 204 + 13/turn, Brazil: 91 + 3/turn, Greece 59 + 1/turn, Rome: 5 +1/turn
Artist (Andrei Rublev, 240): Russia 123 + 11/turn, Brazil: 78 + 2/turn, Greece 59 + 1/turn, Rome: 5 +1/turn
Musician (Antonio Vivaldi, 420): Russia 363 + 11/turn, Brazil: 78 + 2/turn, Greece 59 + 1/turn, Rome: 5 +1/turn

I'm much more comfortable here now that Brazil's long-term naval threat is dropping.
I'm currently wondering whether I should purchase Raja Todar Mal. I need the boost for a great merchant, and Russia could well spend a few turns' Icon_Faith income to snipe him and claim that boost instead. I'm pretty sure it's going to be worth most of my current Icon_Faith in the next couple of turns to buy him.

Research and boosts
TechCost remaining (* if without boost)BoostTurns until boost
Military Tactics300*Icon_ScienceKill with spearNever
Castles195Icon_ScienceAlready boosted
Mass Production270Icon_ScienceAlready boosted
BankingFinishing this turnAlready boosted
Printing270Icon_Science2 universities6
Square Rigging48Icon_ScienceAlready boosted
Astronomy330Icon_ScienceAlready boosted15?
Siege Tactics330Icon_Science2 bombards~10
Industrialisation422.5Icon_Science3 workshops25?
Scientific Theory422.5Icon_ScienceEnlightenment civic~7
Ballistics422.5Icon_Science2 forts~12
Military Science422.5Icon_ScienceAlready boosted

Finished recently: Education, Metal Casting

Everything looking pretty lovely here. I have Galileo still waiting in the wings for 750:science. I'm saving him for when the techs get a bit more expensive or urgent.

The Russians demonstrated that great beeline, but it does mean a lot of their previous Icon_Science advantage over me has gone to waste researching unboosted techs. I feel we're not far off parity.

CivicCost remaining (* if without boost)BoostTurns until boost
Naval Tradition11Icon_CultureAlready boosted
Exploration33Icon_CultureAlready boosted
Humanism98*Icon_CultureGreat ArtistNever
Mercantilism327.5Icon_CultureGreat Merchant5
The Enlightenment327.5Icon_CultureAlready boosted
Colonialism362.5Icon_CultureAstronomy tech10?
Civil Engineering460Icon_CultureAlready boosted
Nationalism920*Icon_CultureWar with a casus belliNever
Opera & Ballet362.5Icon_CultureArt museum40?

Finished recently: Diplomatic Service

All well in the civic stakes too. I've nearly finished blasting through Humanism and I have a couple of civics one turn short of done for when I need a quick civic switch.

Strategic Review and Planning
  • No restart to the peaceful expansion as yet; I've been working on infrastructure instead. I should be able to start producing settlers shortly.
  • I will have the desired 16 quadriremes in a couple of turns after which a bit of a break from naval production for more coastal infrastructure.
  • My treasury has recovered nicely, to the extent that I should be able to afford to upgrade 11 quadriremes in 3 turns' time. Of course, that will hit income significantly.
  • I finally have some scouts coming off the production lines to help provide vision at sea.
  • My war with Greece is going extremely well, with just one unit lost so far in exchange for quite a few Greek units and a couple of cities. More will fall soon; as ever I could do with picking up the pace.
  • I have a couple more builders pre-built plus some on the way. I continue to need near infinite builder labour.

Turn 131

Russian-Brazilian War
The Russians have knocked down the walls of Dominion but may take a couple of turns to take the city. They have also advanced cossacks towards Brazil's capital, Chess. The walls will certainly fall next turn, possibly the city too. Appropriate on the day the world chess championship has concluded.

Score tracking
Brazil is now on 221Icon_Gold, 12 down from last turn. Not a healthy economy.

The two barbarian muskets at Trebia have been joined by a crossbow. Sigh. Perhaps I need more units down here. The musket that was sat on the commercial hub last turn pillaged it. Trebia bombards the musket for 16 more damage. I'm rather hoping they will throw themselves suicidally against the city walls, but no sign of that yet.

The barbarian caravel is back again at Caudine Forks. This time it is sunk by a combination of quadrireme and city attack. The quadrireme earns a promotion into the bargain.

A barbarian musket has appeared near Pharsalos; looks as though it took out that Greek archer into the bargain.

My units move from Heraclea towards Miletos. I won't be able to use my standard blitz tactic here (charging the city from outside bombardment range and taking the walls down without them getting off a shot) because of the river. Forces should be in position to attack in 2 turns.

My forces at Asculum largely hold in place for healing. I will start to set them up for the attack on Pharsalos shortly.

Banking is complete. This gives enough of an income boost (2Icon_Gold per quarry) to overcome the pillaging of the commercial hub. Next up is Mass Production.

I finally have a builder charge to spare at Lautulae to harvest the marsh for 97Icon_Food97Icon_Faith. This grows the city to size 5 immediately and on to 6 next turn. The Bath goes where the marsh was and is worked on immediately: Lautulae has just finished its last quadrireme.

I pay 350Icon_Faith (about half my total) for the last 20 merchant points. I really don't want to lose out on the Mercantilism boost. The next Great Merchant will be John Jacob Astor (500Icon_Gold and 2 envoys), who costs 420 points.

Here's a view of the barbarian incursion at Trebia:
[Image: T131-end.png]

Turn 132

Russian-Brazilian War
Dominion is Russian; Chess hasn't quite fallen but will next turn. I predict just 6 turns now for the rest of continental Brazil to fall.

[Image: T132-russia.png]

Score tracking
Russia discovered Divine Right and switched into Monarchy. Presumably Reformed Church will be next for Theology.

Russia also founded a new city this turn (in the centre south of the continent) while Brazil built an offshore commercial hub.

In the far SE of my continent, there was a barbarian scout left from that camp I killed with a legion back before the war with Greece. It had been hanging around in the corner, but my passing quadriremes (heading for the west coast) kicked it into action. It has now run up next to Lautulae, where a new quadrireme picks up a little XP by killing it.

Up by Pharsalos, the barbarian musket has wandered onto the sugar plantation. I can't shoot it from range due to the terrain, so I guess I'll leave it alone this turn, and set up to shoot it with a catapult next turn for some XP.

There's a barbarian scout by Caudine Forks, handily in a location I can damage it with my chariot there. It does 45 damage and takes 17 in return. The plan for this camp is to destroy the spear guarding it with my passing quadriremes over the next few turns, then clear it with that chariot.

And so to Trebia, where the second barbarian musket has moved onto the campus and the crossbow has also moved towards the city. I continue bombarding the damaged musket, it takes another 20 damage this turn. My reinforcements are 3-4 turns away.

Raja Todar Mal, great merchant, has appeared in Allia River. His activation power is 1 envoy plus 0.5Icon_Gold/per turn for internal trade routes for each speciality district at the destination. That's a small but pleasant boost, but he's going to be infinitely more useful as an invulnerable scout to find Brazilian ships. He teleports to Drepana ready to take to sea next turn.

Otherwise, it's just a turn of scouting and manoeuvre. Expect things to get kick off at Miletos next turn.

My final four quadriremes have now been completed, so it's time to switch research to Square Rigging. I can now freely finish Exploration too (losing Maritime Industries but gaining the renaissance/industrial equivalent, Press Gangs). I'm not going to switch civic immediately though because Humanism is also 1 turn from completion and I might well want more than one turn in Professional Army.

Of the four cities that finished those quadriremes:
  • Carrhae moves on to finishing off its Library
  • Caudine Forks repairs its pillaged harbour
  • Cap Bon works on a granary as it's pretty slow growing and could use the extra Icon_Food.
  • Drepana would love to start an industrial zone, but the tile it's going on is outside borders and I need the money for frigates. It works on a lighthouse instead.

Trebia has finished its library, just in time for it to be pillaged by a musket next turn, no doubt. I can't start on a university, so go for a granary instead.

Arausio has built another scout. I think that's enough for now but I don't really have an obvious next target. I guess a barracks has some value.

Here's a view of my task force heading along the south coast to join up with the main fleet in the west. Hopefully the barbarian camps will get me a couple of promotions on the way. (Back in the east I have 3 quadriremes and a caravel; I hope to upgrade these and conquer Vilnius before long.)
[Image: T132-end.png]

So with the advent of frigate technology, the question becomes what I do with my new fleet. I'm pretty certain it's easily the strongest in the world and should be enough to deal with any Minas Geraes Brazil can produce. I see four targets:
  • Search for and destroy the Brazilian fleet.
  • Conquer the nearby city state of Preslav.
  • Go straight after the Brazilian colonies.
  • Try to get over to the one Brazilian coastal city, Free Cell, to raze it before Russia can take it with Cossacks.

Preslav is the most conservative target. It's wide open to attack with a frigate squadron and, as the city faces towards my continent, my fleet should be safe from a Brazilian counter-attack, given adequate scouting.

Trying to track down the Brazilian fleet would address my strategic goal of claiming complete naval control. I have absolutely no idea where it is though.

Attacking a Brazilian colony is likely to either draw the Brazilian fleet to mine or send it off to attempt to attack my coastal cities while my fleet is out of position. Either way, letting the Brazilians know where my ships are is a significant risk.

Attacking Free Cell carries that risk too. If I can get there first and raze it, that would be a significant loss to my Russian allies. But it's never going to be all that productive unless Brazil signs peace, and it will be very vulnerable to attack later in the game anyway.

Free Cell seems pretty much entirely uninteresting to me. It's an unnecessary kick to Russia's face at this time - assuming your belief about their lack of navy holds, you can easily raze that later pretty much at will. And it's not something you get any of your own benefit from.

My assumption is that looking for Brazil's fleet is likely to be unnecessary - they are likely to either *be* wherever you go in order to do something more interesting, or make themselves known there or elsewhere shortly thereafter.

And since I'm not really sure why you wouldn't want to take Preslav anyway simply on the way to the Brazilian colonies, I don't think there's much decision in my mind that it should be your immediate goal.

Thanks, helpful thoughts.

I'm quite certain the Russians have no navy (worth talking about) because our alliance lets me count them. Two galleys last time I looked. They also don't have the coastal cities to build a competitive navy in a sensible time frame.

I'm a couple of turns behind reporting and a pair of Brazilian frigates have just shown up off the SW coast of Russia, attacking a city there. If their entire navy is in tow, that's a significant threat to both Amsterdam and my east coast. I'm currently wondering whether to split off a squadron to be ready to defend there or to bring the whole fleet together in the west and keep my force concentrated.

The split would give me 5 caravels, 9 frigates, 2 quadriremes on the west coast, 1 caravel, 3 frigates, 2 quadriremes on the east. It will be 6 or 7 turns until I can get the money together to finish upgrading the rest of the quadriremes.

I don't have a good feel for how big the Brazilian navy is, unfortunately. My best guess is something along the lines of 2 caravels and 5 frigates, which is small enough that my proposed eastern force could stand it off.

Turn 133

Brazil demands 400Icon_Gold for peace. No thanks. I assume what Brazil is really saying here is "give me 400Icon_Gold and I can resist the Russians a bit better". But I'm not seeing it, looks like throwing good money after bad. And anyway I want to be conquering Brazilian colonies before too long.

Russia offers a 3 for 2 luxury trade in my favour. Sounds fine to me; they may be suffering war weariness right now, but so am I and theirs will go away sooner. I accept.

Russian-Brazilian War
Chess fell to Russia this turn. Not much more to say really, Russia is just trampling over Brazil.

Score tracking
Russia finished a tech and claimed another great writer.

The undamaged barbarian musket at Trebia pillaged the library while the damaged one sat still, as did the crossbow. The city shoots the undamaged musket as it's more of a nuisance right now.

By Pharsalos, the barbarian musket attacked my fortified musket and didn't do enough damage that it couldn't heal it immediately. A barbarian crossbow has appeared behind it.

My catapult can't shoot that musket. I was sure bombardment units could shoot over hills, but apparently not. Oh well, I'll just hold everything in place and let it suicide on my musket. My knight is north of the river and swings around to attack the crossbow (48 v 32), doing 45 damage and earning a promotion.

Only one of my units at Pharsalos is still healing; they'll be ready to move forward next turn.

At Miletos, my units advance. I can attack the walls this turn, excellent. My super musket does so at 60 v 51 doing 47 damage; a crossbow picks off the rest.
I also get off a crossbow shot at the sword to the east of the city, doing 50 damage; a quadrireme shows up and adds another 16 damage. Otherwise my units just advance into attack positions.

Square Rigging and Humanism are complete. Mass Production and The Enlightenment are queued up next.

For my government, I'm done with Maritime Industries, it's replaced with Professional Army. I have 4 builders ready to finish over the next 2 turns, so something has to make way for Serfdom. I don't want to lose any of them, but it has to be Urban Planning.

With my new Professional Army, it's time for upgrading to frigates: 8 on the west coast come to 1000Icon_Gold leaving me enough for 3 more. The promoted quadrireme at Caudine Forks is upgraded too, but I decide not to upgrade any on the east coast. Much as conquering Vilnius would be great, I reckon I need as many as I can get to fight Brazil in the west.

The trader is done in Beth Horon. It rebases to Allia River for another route to Amsterdam. Beth Horon has a trader to finish this turn.

Carrhae has built its library; it starts work on the harbour. I'm expecting to be switching into more ship production before that's done; I have a few more forests and rainforests to chop here as renaissance ships approach completion.

The harbour is repaired at Caudine Forks, building the baths is up next.

Teutoburg Forest has reached size 7 letting me place an industrial zone. I'll be getting straight on with building that from next turn, after the builder is finished.

The situation at Miletos:
[Image: T133-end.png]

Turn 134

Russian-Brazilian War
Russia has moved against Pinochle and Cribbage. The former will fall next turn, the latter may take as many as 2 turns.

Score tracking
Nothing to report.

My knight near Pharsalos was attacked by both barbarian units. The musket is only just alive, my knight still has 29 health. A promotion will heal most of that, it heads back to the city for the rest. One of my muskets kills the crossbow, moving into range of the city walls to do so. It is 1XP short of its promotion though, and will get that from either the barb musket suiciding or the city bombarding.

At Trebia, the barbarian crossbow and damaged musket have retreated, no idea why. The largely healthy musket has crossed the river rather than pillaging my campus and now stands on a pasture. The city shoots it for 28 damage; sadly my reinforcements are just out of range to join in. They will be able to attack next turn if it stays put.

Moving my units towards Trebia has left my trade routes past Mohenjo-Daro unguarded. A catapult has moved out to take advantage of this, but won't be able to catch the trader this turn. I shoot it with Gergovia for 75 damage.

At Miletos, nothing much has changed in the interturn. I start by finishing off the sword left outside the city with a quadrireme attack and a crossbow shot. Then the city is taken in short order with attacks from a pair of crossbows and 3 muskets. Handily, the Greek great general was with sword outside the city, so it isn't automatically kicked up north to help the defence there.

Two more quadriremes become frigates this turn, at Caudine Forks.

Cannae has all but finished the Terracotta Army. I plan to delay this until I have as many units as possible recently promoted. (I can see that no-one else is building it.) Cannae starts on the rubbish Military Engineer I have to build for the boost.

Three of the builders finished this turn, at Edessa, Teutoburg Forest and Beth Horon. The one in Arausio has one turn left. I switch civic research to Exploration so I can switch governments next turn, directly after upgrading a 12th quadrireme.

Beth Horon starts work on the theatre square I placed a while back, while Teutoburg Forest gets going on its industrial zone.
Edessa doesn't have much to do right now. I consider starting another builder but end up going for a scout: could be useful in the eastern ocean.

It's at about this point I notice the pair of Brazilian frigates attacking a city in SW Russia, well after my ships have moved for the turn. Oh well, plenty of time to send some back to the east coast if necessary. Russia has only one more city vulnerable to naval attack. It's a pretty valuable one though, with a campus with library and university.

Gergovia has at last finished its campus. It will build a library for it next.

The trader at Allia River sets off for Amsterdam, earning 11Icon_Gold/turn.

Miletos is renamed to Thermae. It immediately places baths and works on them too, for lack of anything to repair.

Turn 135

Brazilian-Russian War
Pinochle fell, Cribbage will this turn. Brazil is fighting back on land as well, but not really making much of a dent in the numberless cossack horde.

Score tracking
The Russians have discovered a tech and a civic. The latter is doubtless Reformed Church as their government is now Theocracy.

Brazil has discovered a civic, advancing into the early Industrial. That's probably Nationalism, making Minas Geraes a possibility.

Finally one of my scouts has caught up with Colaeus and sends him packing back to Brazil.

At Trebia, the barbarian musket recrossed the river. I have to assume these barbarians have been drawn back south by the threat to their camps. Anyway, I shoot it again for 42 damage. Almost dead now. Due to the retreat, my reinforcements are still out of range. Oh well, they'll be useful to attack the camp if nothing else.

Mohenjo-Daro's catapult has chased my trader and will catch it at the end of this turn. I do have a couple of envoys on hand, enough to break Greece's control and end the war for at least a turn. I'd much rather put those envoys into one of the scientific city states currently controlled by Brazil. Still, I'll have more envoys by the time that's relevant, and I'd rather not have to waste production on another trader. Two envoys sent; peace made. My trader will make it to safety even if Greece takes control back. Another plus is an extra couple of Icon_Gold from my diplomatic policy.

At Pharsalos, my musket was attacked by the city and a Greek crossbow. It's taken 45 damage and earned its promotion but falls back out of range for now. The barbarian musket ran away and is now just north of Asculum. I will deal with it next turn if it's still about.

Temujin helped my troops at Thermae travel back north to Heraclea, then rebased over to Asculum ready for the next fight. I'm not certain I'll attack here, actually. The terrain is unpleasant. May be better to keep the threat visible but actually attack Sparta, a much more accessible city, then assault Pharsalos from both sides. I do want to go quickly though, so I may just charge in at Pharsalos.

In the far south, a quadrireme and a frigate combine to finish off the barbarian spearman guarding the camp; the chariot then moves in and takes it.

I decide I will send a couple of frigates back towards the east coast to form a defensive squadron there, joining the caravel that's already there and one final frigate I upgrade from a quadrireme this turn. I'll pop back into Professional Army in a few turns to upgrade the remaining 4 quadriremes when I have the money.

That eastern caravel finds and sinks an embarked Vilnian sword this turn. It will take crossbow fire in return, unfortunately. I can now see 4 Brazilian naval units on Russia's west coast: a frigate and a frigate fleet in the SW, a caravel and a frigate further north. The northern frigate has been fairly heavily damaged by crossbow and archer fire from Russian units on the shore.

I can also see a Brazilian caravel on the east of that continent, near Pinochle. This is a good sign: the entire Brazilian navy can't be together.

My other ships are converging on Preslav. I expect them to pick up some XP next turn attacking embarked units, knock the walls down the turn after, and probably conquer the city that turn too.

Mass Production and Exploration are finished this turn. Civic research returns to The Enlightenment. My next major tech target has to be Steel, so I start heading down that path by researching Castles next. I won't be able to beeline straight there without ignoring a lot of boosts, and anyway I need Industrialisation for coal, but it's good to have a target.

Next up, a decision. Do I want to move over to Merchant Republic? It gives +2 trade routes and a wildcard slot to replace one of the military slots. It loses, of course, the ability to buy units with Icon_Faith and a general 15% discount on Icon_Faith purchases. So the question is really what I want to do with my Icon_Faith. I have 381Icon_Faith right now, enough for a knight, crossbow or 2 horses. But honestly, what do I really need much of an army for? Not as if I'm going to be invading Russia any time soon. My most likely faith purchases down the line are patronage of great people.

So I purchase another missionary for 175Icon_Faith while I have the discount. I'm hopefully going to need it to convert overseas colonies. I then switch to Merchant Republic, dropping Professional Army and Serfdom from the government. I'd love to go back to Urban Planning, but it's now obsolete.

The only really interesting policies are:
  • Press Gangs: get going on more frigates immediately
  • Caravansaries: 14Icon_Gold
  • Colonization: start working on more settlers

I only have a couple of cities that could start work on settlers immediately, and no more in the next few turns. A lot of infrastructure will be done soon after that though, so I'll want Colonization soon. For now Press Gangs and Caravansaries seem good.

Cap Bon has just finished its lighthouse and gets to work on a frigate. Drepana and Carrhae also start frigates, with the plan of chopping the end of them for their current infrastructure projects.

Arausio, which finished its builder, works on a trader.

The line of frigates approaching Preslav:
[Image: T135-end.png]

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