Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Who knows? You might surprise yourself by devising such a cunning plan (or more prosaically, winning a series of battles at low odds) that you wind up taking cities from your foes. Never give up!

Whosit Wrote:I don't expect peace from Korea now, since I'm sure there is a big sign flashing "all you can eat" over my civ now.

I have to run.

Well, it's not that I've given up, but I've acknowledged the fact that my combat losses my encourage plako and Broker to continue the attack. I finally checked in-game, so here's the run-down of the combat results:

Obviously, the entire garrison was killed, and the city was burned. The only good news is that I am now paying much less in maintenance . . . .

Surprisingly, my troops acquitted themselves relatively well. All of slaze's five catapults were destroyed in the attack, and I think that all of his Axemen were destroyed (I counted 10), save for his medic. It was his Longbowmen that finished off my troops. Heh, even one of the Shock Catapults I saved killed an Axeman. I can't help but feel, though, that I would have held onto the city if I had those extra 2 soldiers in the city, or if I had been smart enough to chop the forests nearby.

I did earn a great General, which will go to Carida. I don't think I want super-units at the moment, just more base XP. This will mean that Carida and Kuat can produce Pikemen that are eligible for Formation immediately out of the box. Of course, this would be a bigger deal if I had Engineering already. It won't be ready until Turn 173. So far away . . . .

Oh, and plako moved a couple of Guerilla II longbowmen into Nar Shadda's space, so I have the feeling that he's not ready for peace . . . . Maybe I can kill them. I have 3 catapults and a bunch of Praetorians. I'll go into Worldbuilder and check. It'll probably be too costly, but since they just moved, at least the don't have any fortification bonuses. He may be planning to keep them there to cover his Knights, so if I can kill them off, without too much cost, it would be very nice.

Anyway, more bad losses on my part. The only good news is that slaze probably has to spend some time replenishing his attack force with Axemen and Catapults. Unless he has Macemen, too. Then I'm just screwed.

In the interest of dignifying internet memes, I think that this image best sums up this entire war, no, this entire strategic debacle.

[Image: NOT_AS_PLANNED.png]

Dude I hope you pull through cause you are seriously funny lol!


darrelljs Wrote:Dude I hope you pull through cause you are seriously funny lol!


+1 =)

Thanks for the support, but I think that it's Game Over for me.

Plako's new demands are Nar Shaddaa and Carida, my military/Wonder pump. And settling rights to everything between us I haven't settled yet. This deal would bisect my empire and erase any chance I have of fighting slaze.

My answer will probably be something like "come take them," though I suppose I should be a little more rational and tell plako that I'll consider the deal if he can convince slaze to make peace, as well.

I can start building Pikemen next turn, but it's probably too little, too late.

Next turn I will begin connecting stone on Centralia. I think I'll ask Athlete if I can borrow his again, in the meantime. If I rush Castles everywhere, that might buy me some time; I've considered building Chichen Itza in Carida (about 7 turns with Stone, I think), but that's probably not a good investment at the moment.

. . . Not quite Mate yet, but we're not too far away. Slaze and plako are closing in, though Engineering (and another gift of Stone from Athlete) came in just in time to, well, if not save me, then to make things a lot harder for my enemies.

Whipped a blank Castle in Nar Shaddaa for three peeps. I don't think it's going to save the city (see image below), but it may turn it into a meat grinder, since the Castle should provide a 100% defensive bonus, and be very, very tough for Catapults to hack down.

[Image: T175Koreastack.jpg]

Kuat, which is where slaze is advancing, is in a bit more of a pickle. I've got only two Praetorians to defend it at the moment (another coming due next turn), but I can probably get Walls and a Castle up before slaze gets there. His stack is mostly Longbowmen, some injured, and one Catapult, so if I can get both defensive structures up, he'll have a very hard time breaking through my defenses (Combat II/Cover Praetorians with +100% defense on top of that should be scary). Of course, he'll probably pillage everything, making it hard for the city to recover, but what can I do?

[Image: T175slazemoves.jpg]

Oh, though I did win a little skirmish. I had a Chariot scouting around, and slaze attacked it with a Guerilla II Longbowmen (thought he might do that). I won at 17% odds. Woohoo! That'll surely change the course of this war! Yeah~ rolleye

Here's what I sent to Korea, by the way:

Quote:While I appreciate your counter-offer, unless you can convince slaze to settle for peace, there's not much point for me to give you any cities.

Since I doubt that slaze will accept peace, I suppose I have no recourse but to see how many of your troops I can take down with me. I hope they bleed real nice. >smile

-Whosit, Galactic Emperor

Nakor made peace with Korea. Not sure what is up with that, but it doesn't really matter any more. He was probably scared of the Korean stack. At least he gifted me a Longbowman, who now resides in Nar Shaddaa.

My plan, if you can call it a plan, at this point is to hang on until my mainland cities are all overrun, then gift my Centralia cities to Athlete, plus the units that remain. I'll probably ship off my Workers to him, as well. Maybe Nakor will benefit from my largess if he can explain the peace deal.

Need to run some more sims, but I may be better off changing Kuat's build to Walls and then a Castle before slaze gets there. I can ship a Praetorian over from Dathomir, and I think that even 3 behind Walls + Castles can hold out against the forces slaze has. 'Course, how he responds to that . . . .

Oh, yeah, and working on Civil Service now for obvious reasons.

Ironically, I think my recent loses have improved my tech rate in terms of absolute beakers.

So much for Nar Shaddaa. For some reason, I forgot until very recently that Formation requires combat II. =/

I'm pretty much done here, me thinks.

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