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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

So Mali got announced:

[Image: pEE2IWu.png]
Their basic theme seems to be focus on gold/faith buys and penalties to production.  Could be fun to play, but I doubt they will be very viable in MP.  They depend on gold which means that they depend on TR.  No player will give them TR, and city states die quickly in the current meta. Might be fun in a team game though.

Seems weak to me, the mining "bonus" is a detriment even. I'd much rather have the hammer!

I don’t know. Given the power of upgrading the gold might actually be preferred. The goldtongueroduction rate for purchasing is 4:1 so nothing is truly lost. Instead you convert 1 localized production per mine into an empire-wide yield that can be used at double (or triple or more) efficiency through an upgrade, or strategically purchase buildings at for example to get a new city off the ground quickly.

The unique district is one that is early in the tree and in high demand, and the additional HS adjacency is easy to fulfil. I’m assuming as a unique district it is half priced which is in itself a significant bonus. The discount to purchasing can be stacked with other bonuses (Carthag CS or monumentality GA dedication for example) to get some pretty cheap purchasing power.

I think it’s at least worth giving it try before dismissing it.

Not to mention that gold purchased unit appears  immediately, and it means they can get new cities up to speed faster to get back their return on investment.

I definitely think that they are a decent civ, my only question is can they get the gold production needed without trade to be workable.  In a team game they would be amazing.

Maybe we should have another pbem team game post expansion, using only those civs?

Sweden announced. 

I'm uninspired, I have to say.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Reminds me a bit of Brazil. Bonuses to great people, a mid game military units which actually looks decent, and terrain dependence. Not sure how favor works in multiplayer. Overall meh? None of these are aweful but most are not great. Suggests peaceful cultural play. Would be fun to run them with Russia and build out Great writer slots.

That is an overall theme I am sense for a lot of these civs, they really need for it to be SP or a non zero sum game MP.

If the Open-Air Museum unlocks early enough it could be worthwhile all by itself. A +8 (probably) culture improvement on an otherwise worthless grassland tile? Even at one per city that's got some potential. Knowing Firaxis they'll probably unlock them at the same time as national parks or something.

I dunno, I have mixed feelings about Sweden.

Minerva of the North - building this DOES mean giving up one of the middle tier government buildings, for some extra great works slots. I can see that for a Culture victory, I suppose. But this is really nothing to write home about. The auto-theming is nice, but only comes into play late in the game, and basically never in MP.

Nobel Prize - I don't know how Favor works, and the extra GPP points seems like a weaker Scotland, since they come so late in the tree. As for the project, does Sweden get any bonuses to this project? Or is it something that all her enemies can do just as well, once it's unlocked? Seems odd.

The Carolean is weirdly on the anti-cav tree instead of the infantry tree, but the bonus movement and combat strength is nice - a bit of flexibility, and pairs well with a GG. Good for defending in place or attacking as needed. There may be an interesting move where you avoid middle-tier techs like Military Science, so you can build a bunch of cheap Spears and then mass upgrade.

Finally, the Museum I'm not a huge fan of. We've got Desert, Tundra, Plains, Grass, and Snow, right? But only two of those typically yield worthwhile cities. Late game, maybe you can plop down a tundra or snowville to charge up your Museums...but you've already got the game in the bag by that point anyway, and who has the production to spare for polar cities before that point? And Loyalty, near as I can tell, is basically useless. Maybe we just haven't done enough MP games with it yet, but a UI yielding Loyalty is very "meh" to me.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

A few interesting points from the livestream:

* Sweden's Open-Air Museums unlock at Nationalism. Not quite at the same time as National Parks, but disappointingly close.

* Pillage rewards will scale with era.

* Diplomatic Favor points: +1/turn per tier of government (i.e. +1 in Classical governments, +2 in the Medieval/Renaissance governments...), +1/turn per level of alliances (if you have 3 level 1 alliances and one level 2 alliance, that will be 5 points), and +1 per suzerainty. You also get some for liberating cities and winning emergencies.

* World Congress votes increase in cost with the number of votes you're already making on that proposal (first is free, then 10 favor, then 20...). Ties are broken by whoever spent the greatest percentage of their favor. Being on the losing side of a World Congress vote refunds Favor for that vote - 100% if you voted in the wrong direction, but only 50% if you agreed with the direction but disagreed with the target.

* Diplomatic Victory is achieved by accumulating 10 Diplomatic Victory points, which are awarded for various late-game things. First-placing a Disaster Relief competition get you one; the Statue of Liberty has been reworked to provide one; the actual World Leader congress proposal is worth 2 (and can repeat).

Ottomans just got confirmed:

Looks like a strong civ:

Civilization Ability: Great Turkish Bombard

+50% production when training siege units.
Siege units gain +5 strength against district defences.
Conquered cities do not lose population
Cities not founded by the Ottomans gain +1 amenity and +4 loyalty per turn.

Suleiman's Leader Ability: Grand Vizier
Enables Governor Ibrahim, The Grand Vizier. You will need to spend your Governor promotions on him to enhance his abilities. May be established in a city you own or one owned by another full civ.
Initial Promotion: +20% production to all units in the city.
Head Falconer: (Requires initial promotion) All friendly units gain +5 strength in the city's territory.
Khass-Oda-Bashi: (Requires Head Falconer) Gain alliance points with a civ faster if established in an allied civ's capital.
Serasker: (Requires initial promotion) All units within 10 tiles of this city centre gain +10 strength versus district defences
Capouagha: (Requires Serasker) When established in a foreign capital, grievances from the city owner against you are reduced by one more per turn.
Grand Vizier: (Requires Khass-Oda-Bashi or Capouagha) When established in a foreign capital, none of the owner's cities exert loyalty pressure on your own cities.

Suleiman's Unique Unit: Janissary (Replaces the Musketman)
Costs 120 production, down from 240 (-50%)
60 strength, up from 55
May only be trained in cities of 2+ population
Training Janissaries in cities founded by the Ottomans costs 1 population.

Unique Unit: Barbary Corsair (Replaces the Privateer)
Available in the medieval era, rather than the renaissance-era Mercantilism civic
Costs no movement points to coastal raid

Unique Building: Grand Bazaar (Replaces the Bank)
Strategic resources in the city produce +1 copy per turn
+1 amenity for every improved luxury resource in the city's limits.

The governor+Siege bonuses+loyalty bonuses+Jannisaries and Corsairs make it very aggresive. Reminds me of the Turks having "Power of Siege" in Rise of Nations. I'm not sure what to think about the Jannisary though, losing population sucks but half cost and improved strength is very cool.

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