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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

So I recently picked up the Civ6 for the Switch, and I've found myself playing Civ6 for the first time since the first few months after release. I only logged around 30ish hours ever, so the game feels pretty brand new to me.

I'm struck by how much I enjoy the economic systems of Civ6, and conversely how much I despise the combat. It's just so close to being great, but invasions are such a slog. The combination of 1UPT, the need for siege weapons, and the obnoxious movement cost rules just kill me. Obviously there are people in this thread that still care about Civ6 - did you ever get over this hump, and if so, how? I'd really like to, because there's so much about the game I really enjoy.

I actually think the movement rules are the best improvement to CIV V. Not being able to cross into something just because you got 1 point left, makes combat a lot more tactical.

Mind you against the human player. The AI is as always helpless if you know what you are doing.

Last civ was indeed Phoenicia

Phoenicia – Dido

Leader Ability - Founder of Carthage - May move her Capital at will to any city with a Cothon by completing a unique project in that city. +1 trade Route for each Government Plaza building, and for the Government Plaza District. +50% Production towards districts in cities with the Government Plaza.

National Ability - Mediterranean Colonies - Start the game with the Writing Technology Eureka. Embarked settlers receive +2 movement and +2 sight, and no movement penalties for embarking and disembarking. Coastal cities on the same continent as Phoenicia’s capital cannot be flipped by Loyalty pressure.

Unique Unit - Bireme - Replaces the Galley, and is faster and much stronger. Embarked Trader units within 4 tiles of a Bireme cannot be plundered.

Unique Infrastructure - Cothon - Replaces the Harbor district. +50% production towards naval units and settlers. Wounded naval units within the city’s borders heal completely in one turn.

I... Don't know what to feel about this, some of the bonuses feel strong (getting to ignore the annoying Loyalty system is really nice) but I don't feel a particular strategy around these abilities, they seem quite a grab-bag (if flavourful).

+50% Icon_Production for Settlers is nice, what with chop overflow getting fixed.

So if the last leader is indeed Alienor, would she be a joint leader for both France and England ? That would be interesting.

Phoenicia seems nice, spam coastal cities and make a uber cap with a government plaza and a thousand districts

Any civ that has a relatively early unique district is already out ahead, though the harbor is a bit harder to get to and having to get astrology messes up the discount formula. That 50% settler bonus is really quite strong especially as by the time you have a Cothon up you might very well have colonization and maybe the government plaza with ancestral hall. Building settlers for 100-150% cheaper is quite strong, though maybe a bit late if this is a land based map. With the movement and LOS sounds like the plan on a water map is to REX and forward settle, change capital to a new landmass to keep cities loyal (not that loyalty has ever been an issue), and then build more Cothons. Use the extra trade routes and the trade routes from the Cothons to help grow these new cities and stay ahead from there. Protect the trade routes with the Bireme. That is how I would play them probably.

Seems to be edging out poor Harold to further irrelevancy. I heard England is getting updates as well.

(January 25th, 2019, 15:16)T-hawk Wrote: Civ 4 did accumulate quite a corpus of design knowledge over several years of playtesting and iterations through expansions.  Jon Shafer just decided to ignore half of it for Civ 5.  It's nine years later that Civ finally just now recovered from Shafer failing to understand why Civ 4 divides overflow production by the modifier.

Remember when civ6 let you sell units for gold? And this included builders? It was like civ3’s ability to merge workers back into cities combined with the longevity wonder, but somehow worse because it affects the whole game rather than some endgsme score milking

I mean, shafer is also the one who added the whack a mole espionage improvement sabotage in BTS after the design team were specifically trying to remove stuff like civ3’s pollution when designing 4

Thought I would see this mentioned here, but in the Phoenicia Livestream yesterday the devs showed a new Multiplayer Feature:

"Cloud Play"

It sounds like PBEM or "Pass the Floppy" as one of the guys called it. So easy passage of savegames within the game itself. They didn't tell much, but it sounds very promising.
Now the only thing missing is a balanced game, right?

I watched a stream of a press release of the expansion. They finally added a build que for cities. I hope that is free content in the patch as well.

Quill18 has been pumping out LP footage of the pre-release version at a decent clip:

He's quite a pleasant streamer, and at least he isn't as frustratingly bad at the game as the Firaxis turnplayer....

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