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Mack loves EITB,but doesnt know it to well.Elohim.

Turn 67.

I was last to 4 cities because i let  first to cities to be big.I got WoF and lucky for me I got 4 ancient forest in 2 turns unlucy one of them doesnt belong to any city.


Demos  are looking ok.Its clear I cant chalange the fuys with GK and mines but I think I am still ok.


My land and discovered land .To bad I have no contacts as from my limited CD both bob and Auroarcher should have AH to get some nice KTB.

Im other news the peaceful  Elohim is gearing for war and for that asked the help of 3 giants which promised will arive in GoK in 3 turns and togeter with some wariour will march towards the barb city.I realy hope the wariuor will get 1 strike so the odds of giants to be over 95%. Or some barbarians to apear, which i had loads from west which make me think there must be our barbarian friend Cambion the campeon.

Kyra is about to enter in fight turn 82 -83.I played a game and dude is realy strong.And for some reason I cant post in the tech thread .Eror is that site cant be reached and here works fine.


Houston we have a problem!!!! eek eek eek

Last turn i had a comfortable 16 gnp lead and now everithing is 'Wanned" becasue someone got his palace at work.So lets see ,He is running GK(I Am 99% sure) so the speacealist must be a GM so  1 food 6 gold + 1 from palace +50% and there you have 10.5 and still doenst gave sufficient so must be something else most like a EC was finished  and a scientist is worked for another 5 GNP or even worse if he got a merchant ,but he is not fin and there are important techs to get so lets go for now with the scientist and its about right.

The worse part is that for example I have 3 units which can be wanned  so I expect this madness more.Something must be done about that perhaps my 3 giants which arrive in 2 turns can help with that   smug  . Perhaps get BW and pay a vizit to end those figher to became ýoga wise.

But we have a problem we dont know were those yoggins are hidding so must scout first for that kyra will be fantastic.

Great updates; thanks, mackoti! Also...

(January 31st, 2019, 15:50)Brian Shanahan Wrote:
(January 27th, 2019, 14:17)Ellimist Wrote: I think Sanctuary's duration has been changed and is now shorter than 30 turns.

I think it now scales via game speed mostly.

...I would suggest running a test game to check this. My recollection from (quick speed) private games is that EitB Sanctuary is much shorter than 30 or even 20 turns - and still an extremely powerful worldspell in practice, if used correctly. (Note that will come as news to nobody: The AI does not know how to use this worldspell correctly.)

(February 6th, 2019, 22:36)RefSteel Wrote: Great updates; thanks, mackoti!  Also...

(January 31st, 2019, 15:50)Brian Shanahan Wrote:
(January 27th, 2019, 14:17)Ellimist Wrote: I think Sanctuary's duration has been changed and is now shorter than 30 turns.

I think it now scales via game speed mostly.

...I would suggest running a test game to check this.  My recollection from (quick speed) private games is that EitB Sanctuary is much shorter than 30 or even 20 turns - and still an extremely powerful worldspell in practice, if used correctly.  (Note that will come as news to nobody:  The AI does not know how to use this worldspell correctly.)
Yeah i tested and is useles 14 turns , compare that with 18 turns GA for some civ or 7/7 turns anarchy and GA for others and you  see how weak it is , but still can save you once , and in 14 turns you can get some defence.Still if i could pick one of the above i would use both hands.And more than that elohim has a very bad palace  and to get monks you need so much research, I picked this civ without loking to much because Ethne was easy to play(I realy regret doing that now but that it is and i try to enjoy it).

I realy hope i can use the palace thingie to get from someone a city, but will or get hyboretum but dont know if that posible becasue he can span in other people back yard and how to conquer that. So considering all in all right now I realy think elohim is the weakest civ in this game.I think all the leaders from elohim should get Adaptive , i realy think is in concordance with civ tolerant stuff.

About game we are at turn 69 and more bad news:

Max Gnp is now at 70 so there must be another shade ,but wait the maximum food drop by 5 so there were some specealist hired i supose someone(fer sure Auro) finished that cheap marketplace(i should get some as well) hired merchant and if its in capitol you get 10,5 gold from that and another 10, 5 from wanne.So this perfectly explain over 20 points in gnp in 2 turns,I realy hope Auro stop this nonsense.Good play by him.

More bad news , we got no AF(ancient forest) grow anymore.

I am realy glad you Fallow Ref and I realy hope you will join in some game.I realy plan to wrote some updates in character , and perhaps some old players will return to FFH.

Thanks, mackoti. I do enjoy following these games - I haven't joined any myself because my schedule doesn't allow for consistent daily turnplaying (still less at a consistent time, which makes things worse since my tech setup can't handle pitboss) and I'd rather sit on the sidelines or dedlurk than delay other players. I had great fun wth my part in EitB31, but that was a special case, with a limited commitment in a game that had virtually ground to a halt before I joined. (So my when-I-could-find-time participation actually sped up the turn pace!)

Also, I remember reading an old pitboss game and coming across a couple of in-character updates you posted in your thread - they were amazing, and were justly praised in the lurker thread as well. I hope you do find the time and creativity to do it again here, just because they're so much fun to read!

Turn 69.

We got just 1 ancient forest grow but its in good position and finished AH and there is a huge new we have horse at capitol,choriot rush anyone? Cool down chariots are very far away....

Same important at the end of the turn we finished another important project(took us 15 turns , but will nail us a barb city so is paying back).And some borders popped and we see this


Turn 70.

Almost all the creme of the Elohim empire was in capitol having a cup of tea, coffee smoking something because you know is a tolerant empire.When the peace was interrupted  by a load voice :


The military advisory(MA) got out very brave and sure on him 


Wass up? Who's there?

Its me  the Wariour1(w1) the guard from GoK and we have a huge problem I must see the mighty quin right now. OK get in and better be good to disturn us so in the morning . 

  W1  But is already 10 o clock...
  MA Its morning I said and I am yuour boss so..
  W1 Aye aye sir !!!

Ethne  was very graciuos and even invited him for a cup of tea , but W1 refused and with a hard respiration started to talk something about huge people very uncivilised which arrived in city...

Ethne : Its ok my dear this are the giants we hired to help us  with the bar city , and general Orc slayer(OS) had the task to negociate with them and convince them to join us.

W1: But they are so filfthy and smell so bad  and you lady are so white I dont see how those guys can stay in our cities.Did you seen them dear lady?

Ethne: No , but I consider going down to talk with them...

W1: Did My Master lady seen them , here I have a sketch with them and they stink from a mile:


Ethne  were is the OS? 

MA: i dont know its morning yet...
W1: he went west to our new setlement because there is huge barbarian activity ..., he si  very brave my lady...

EThne: please ask 2 giants to go west, and one to go est to help our Wild slayer because i hve reports ther is a huge barb activity.Common move on we dont have time to loose...


There is alot of stupor and confusion on the Elohim Empire,people are talking around the corners about whats happening on the palace and in the second city of the emipire. Ethne is not very happy with this becasue this morning when she went to the marketplace , women and men were quite in her prezence and just wispering, never happened that.

So she returned at palace in hurry in asked a Cabinet mitting in a hurry to check this strange problems.

Why people seems unhappy she said ?

The CA(culture advisor) steped and said : people are confused why ethene gave up on the purity and sanctity of the Elohim empire, people somehow know that 3 giants were hired to join miliatry, and is well known they are dirty, unpure,unmanered they dont brush theyr teeth,dont take a bath at least once a day ,there are rummors they dont bath at all. 

The CA said he said he is all with the poeple and understand that.

MA(Miliatry guy), said well having some strong dudes to fight is very good.

They started to shout one to another until Ethne stoped them and said she expected at least the member of the cabinet to be more polite and have more calm.

Etne dismised the cabined and told them thye will have another meeting next mornging till then she went GoK to have a meeting with the

6 hours later she was there togheder with MA to talk with those unclean giants;

Hello my dear followers,she started

Culy : We fallow no one, we the boss

Ethne: OK, oK who's the boss ?

Me said Curly, and in like 5 seconds he was down.

Ethne was scared waths happening.

Moe was laughing with 2 missing teeth.ME Bos, but didnt take 5 second and lary took him down as well,and lary went down after curly bite his leg.

OFF said Ethne this is the way you act in a lad prezence?

They all stoop up  looking down.

My general told me you have a lot of fight experience , did you ever killed an ork or a bear or something?

MnMNNN, never they say.

Etne: But why lie you have experience?

Curly: We big, we scare vilagers , gave me pig.

MOe: me trow rocks, orcs afraid give me rabbit.

Larry, Me warrrrreee and vilagers run , get theyr food...

Ethne: I see you have no experience

giants: We experienced alot , do stuff many times.

EThne: I mean real combat killing orcs, or hummans or even worse a pyre zombie...

Larry: no but we not afraid.

EThne, from now one you are in my military so you have to abey and fight

Curly: We dont obey and we are not yours

Ethne : yes you are i will show military charts and you see you are in there..

Moe which was one of the giants which knew to read said go and check...

EThne chek the power graph and no giants were there , but still she had to pay for them, then she chanched her attitude and said:

Are you aafraid to fight? Are you too chicke to take some orc archers down?

Giants: Noooooooooooooo!!!!

Ethne then march west and toghede r with OS take down that city.

PHew in the end was not avery bad outcome, to bad those Giants are jsut huge, have no experience in combat ,but thay can learn and with general OS(orc slayer) around they can became realy good...

Next morning the cabbinet is prezent and discuss the empire status.

EA(economy adivisor): I am proud to present this chart:


Everyone take the chart and will talk about it in few hours ethne said.

We had a 3 turn /day.
So here are the news of the turn 74:

MA :  My lady we are sieging the barbarian city and its going very well.
CA(culture advizor) : I think we should let barbarians live, they have rights you know, we can make a melting pot...

MA:What, you crazy is should let those double promo orcs to melting in a pot with you...

EThne: Cool down , those barbarians are taking our sugar, and for sugar were bigger fights then this , and our winnes .We tryed negociate to them but they said something like that , they lsiten just to rantine so we take it by force...
        HoW are our Giants doing against those barbs?

MA: they fought very well, killed 2 archers.Got  hard hammered, but i gave them a litle star and they are very happy and i Think in few days they will recover so we can take the city of Dirage.

Ok.I wait a full detail next day as I have to run now, there is ageneral picture:


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