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1.51 release candidate!

I think it was strength 8+(total casting skill)/8 but a max of 32 or maybe 64. Not sure, I changed the formula a few times in CoM but this one still uses the original. The important part is, it grows stronger with the wizard.

Apply the patches in DOS. Those are all DOS executables.

(February 25th, 2019, 16:40)Seravy Wrote: I think it was strength 8+(total casting skill)/8 but a max of 32 or maybe 64. Not sure, I changed the formula a few times in CoM but this one still uses the original. The important part is, it grows stronger with the wizard.

I edited my last post, not sure if you saw it - its not letting me apply optional patches because it says 64 bit Windows is not compatible.

Is there a way around this?


Sometimes I use the perk that doubles the power I put into skill, so that will help with a stronger lightning bolt. But I feel anything less than 10 strength bolt is utterly useless. 

What strength does Call Lightning spell use? It should be the strength of at least one of those. 

I'd like to be able to rely on it to keep my capital from being taken early by monsters or bandits so I can funnel resources into developing the city.

8+8/8 = 2, that's pretty pathetic. Is there a way I can augment this?

Call lighting uses strength 8.

You are miscalculating the formula, it's 8+(8/8) = 9. Basically it goes from call lighting to several times stronger (but you only get one bolt each turn while call lighting is 3-5)

I also edited my last post meanwhile, "Apply the patches in DOS. Those are all DOS executables. " basically, anything newer than windows xp  can't run them without the emulation, just like the game.

(February 25th, 2019, 17:10)Seravy Wrote: Call lighting uses strength 8.

You are miscalculating the formula, it's 8+(8/8) = 9. Basically it goes from call lighting to several times stronger (but you only get one bolt each turn while call lighting is 3-5)

I also edited my last post meanwhile, "Apply the patches in DOS. Those are all DOS executables. " basically, anything newer than windows xp  can't run them without the emulation, just like the game.

Thanks again.

I assume then I shouldn't use cmd.exe to run this FILESET WIZARDS W211FEAT.TXT  because that's how I'm trying to do this.

I also tried doing this in dosbox command prompt after I mounted the game directory, but then it's giving me a "run time error"

.EXE is missing there.

Continuining here, better to let any players that don't use CoM raise opinions.

(April 6th, 2019, 02:35)Seravy Wrote: I'm not going to reintroduce a greater bug (always taking 1 turn longer) to prevent a smaller one (sometimes building 2 tiles). There isn't a solution that is completely bug-free.

The flying stall AI tactic is present in it, yes, it was compatible. It's not as elaborate as in CoM, MoM RC only has the first version as far as I remember.

I think that the flying stall tactic is a big change in gameplay, it's ok for CoM that is balanced in that way but in MoM it doesn't take in account the much bigger difficulties you have dealing with flying and the unbalanced strategic combat. It makes both flying and strategic combat even more OP. I don't think that it should be applied here.
Also, sometimes the tactic seems to kick in when it shouldn't. I've had many cases of defenders in a city doing absolutely nothing (and not flyers).

Engineers taking 1 turn to start working is a bug? I find that extremely unlikely, how would that be missed in testing? This change makes engineers have built-in pathfinding, on top of immediate building. Note that one turn longer is only to start, not always. I would rather keep MoM gameplay as close to the original as possible.

Flying stall is an AI improvement. Our premise was AI improvements are okay. ALL AI improvements change gameplay in the sense the human player has to play better or differently to win. But that's not what we mean when we say this patch doesn't change gameplay. We mean that it doesn't change the game mechanics. Flying stall is part of the game mechanics, the AI simply never used it before. The AI also never attacked on sea before, and never used like two dozens of spells.
Defenders in a city doing nothing is the "stay behind walls" tactic which is the default. Until you go there, or do something that triggers the "leave walls" tactic, they will have nothing to do because they have to stay behind the walls.

Yes, it's a bug. It's not just "start working" but also every new tile they work on as far as I remember. Also when you build the road, the game tells you how many turns. Now that number matches the actual time needed, without this fix, each tile took an extra turn (so building a road that's length 4 was displaying 4 fewer turns than required in reality). Ofc we can argue the bug is the wrong displayed number but unless you ask the original developers, we have to guess one or the other. I'm guessing this because otherwise they would have simply stored a 1 higher building cost in the table instead of wasting that turn. Or maybe I had even better reasons but I can't remember that from 2 years ago.

If you don't like this change, you can undo it yourself, but why force it on everyone? The patch files are provided separately with the tools to add or remove any exactly because not everyone will agree on what is or isn't a bug.

1. Problem is, they don't even move to the fortress gates, which seems wrong.

2. Two turns always? In my experience that's only when they start the road, but I'll double check. But there is a way, to keep the gameplay: couldn't you make engineers work at the end of the turn or between turns?

Engineers work as part of their movement. Can't change that.

I'm currently trying out the RC8 and decided to apply some of the optional patches that looked interesting. I go into dosbox and run the fileset command and keep getting warnings. Do I need to run the patches in a different order? I'm trying to start with the lowest numbers first. I copied the output from the first two below.

Warning, source file different at $333C5
Warning, source file different at $333C6
Warning, source file different at $333D5
Warning, source file different at $339A6
Warning, source file different at $33A01

Warning, source file different at $33792
Warning, source file different at $33949
Warning, source file different at $33E4C
Warning, source file different at $469C2
Warning, source file different at $46DF0

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