So, we have a few unaddressed issues we couldn't deal with in 5.56 left :
Furthermore, I discovered there is no building destruction if a city is conquered without combat. This opens up the possibility of abuse : make the AI summon something, kill all units except the summon, retreat, send whatever leftover unit you have around into the empty city : voila, no buildings lost.
Quote:- Draconian problem 2 : I'm unsure what to do with this one, but the extra racial armor and breath attack is clearly a lot more powerful for a life player and the two amplify each other. Unbuffed the breath attack will not deal significant damage, but with buffs it will be strong at eliminating enemy figures and the retaliation damage will have a hard time to break through extra armor. Furthermore Draconians can position themselves to attack the nonflying enemies together so suppression penalties will likely apply to at least some of the retaliation. Prayer in particular is extremely relevant, raising defensive power and breath damage simultaneously and significantly. To a lesser extent Heroism can too but that one is mostly obsoleted by the existence of War College by the time you mass produce halberdiers or better.
-Negate First Strike to apply vs throw and breath - this is too difficulty and major to be added to an update that's urgent due to fixing a bug so it'll be postponed for the next one. Also, which this helps the AI a little, ultimately breath and thrown will still favor the human and the AI will still not be able to use it effectively. Maybe rethinking the thrown/breath mechanic and allowing it to be used on the defense is a better long term solution? It still maintains the main benefit of the ability (hitting before normal melee retaliation), but takes out the unit positioning element which is not just an AI problem : if the AI knew how to play it better - not that such is possible, just in theory - we'd have a very unfun game where units stare at each other as whoever moves first, loses. Of course there are ways to break out of that, but it rises game complexity to unhealthy levels either way I'm afraid - we have to remember this is a game where you fight hundreds of battles, and thrown/breath is a very common ability.
-Dark Elf large neutral cities can have an Armorer's Guild at start which violates the turn limit for building one. We should likely replace that with a different building, problem is, it should be for a unit with no ranged attack and the race has no other such unit.
Furthermore, I discovered there is no building destruction if a city is conquered without combat. This opens up the possibility of abuse : make the AI summon something, kill all units except the summon, retreat, send whatever leftover unit you have around into the empty city : voila, no buildings lost.