I got DS1 in a Steam sale a while ago and just started playing it for real. This is still the old "Prepare to Die Edition", am I missing anything if I don't get the Remaster? I'm running it with DSFix.
Just got past the Taurus Demon and lost a couple thousand souls to the dragon on the bridge after.
(April 14th, 2019, 12:15)RFS-81 Wrote: I got DS1 in a Steam sale a while ago and just started playing it for real. This is still the old "Prepare to Die Edition", am I missing anything if I don't get the Remaster? I'm running it with DSFix.
Just got past the Taurus Demon and lost a couple thousand souls to the dragon on the bridge after.
Thanks for the info! I hope I'll find fancy hats like in the video
What am I supposed to do with those giant black knight guys? Am I just underpowered or is there some trick? It seems like the way to go is with ripostes, but I can't make them work anywhere close to reliably. I've been trying to practice with normal enemies. The first problem is that I always get faked out by the loooong windup animations. Then, sometimes, when I manage to block with the shield swipe move, I don't get an opening, but the enemy attacks again immediately.
Also, since I may not be the literally last person to find this song:
Easiest way to beat black knights is circle around them away from their sword arm and backstab (remember to let down your shield first or it doesn't work) after they attack. But yeah, you also don't need to fight them early.
You can also try the technique to just learning to parry one of their moves and then being really patient.
I somehow got it right on the first try, parry rythm and all, but by the end I was shaking from the concentrated effort and decided it's not worth risking my health over.
I finally finished the game (including all DLC) a couple nights ago, and what an experience this game was. I clocked in at around 45 hours of playtime to finish it. Those hours were definitely fairly front-loaded though - I struggled hard up until around Sen's/Anor Londo, and right around that point the combat clicked for me, and I cruised through the second half of the game + DLC with much less pain. I think I was a bit over-leveled in the late game - especially the DLC - because I managed to beat Artorias, Kalameet, and Manus all in my first try, but I died at least 10 times to the Capra Demon early in the game . Then I died horribly once to Gwyn trying to play conventionally, but when I tried parrying instead next time, that turned the fight into a laugh.
The fights against Artorias and Kalameet were probably my favorite moments in the game. I went into both fights with 19 estus (+15 longsword melee build), and I finished both off with 0 estus and half my health remaining. Finishing off a fight like that is quite a rush. Overall the second half of the game definitely dips a bit in quality compared to the incredible first half, but I still enjoyed it.
Ending spoiler:
I had no idea there were multiple endings until a couple hours ago when I googled it. After killing Gwyn, I ran around the boss room looking to see if there was somewhere I was supposed to go, but I somehow missed the bonfire. So I simply walked out of the boss room, triggering the "Dark Lord" ending. Imagine my confusion when I discover today that there was a "choice" to be made for the ending.
(May 14th, 2019, 13:42)scooter Wrote: I finally finished the game (including all DLC) a couple nights ago,
So now that you have the game figured out, beating Dark Souls 2 should be a piece of cake, right?
Welllll... I started Bloodborne instead, and the answer so far is definitely not . The start of that game doesn't mess around and forces you to play super differently.
I've been playing a bit sporadically after getting stuck for a while. Now I figured out that the reason why I couldn't first-person aim was that I had equipped a crossbow instead of a bow. With that problem out of the way I could finally "Try Tail" on the drake and now I have the Drake Sword and I'm loving it. I've been unlocking a bunch of new areas and shortcuts which I enjoyed a lot, and now I'm at the Capra Demon. Seems pretty standard fare after you get rid of the dogs. Roll around, hit him, don't get greedy and try to get in multiple hits at once. Still managed to fail of course. And getting rid of the dogs is a problem on its own, even though they're one-hit kills with the Drake Sword. I have a hard time actually killing them while the demon is swinging his swords around.
I went into the catacombs and I'm assuming that I'll need some item to progress further. I can't figure out where to go with all the darkness and resurrecting skeletons and weird screaming skulls.
I also discovered New Londo. I have the item I need to fight ghosts, but looking at the damage they do, I figure it's best to leave for later.
There are also some rooms left to explore in the Undead Parish. Maybe I should clear it out before going for the Capra Demon?