Let's plan out the Oracle and future micro. This is pretty well-defined at this point, and in sims, Adler and I have cut Oracle to turn 53 with pottery, 48 without. Let's play it out!
Turn 25:
Worker completes with 8 overflow, worker chopping a forest tile to the south. Start on settler: 8/100 (OF) + 20/100 (CHOP) + 12 per turn. Will be complete in 6 turns. Let's name our new worker the TVA (the one southwest of our capital is the WPA). TVA 1E. WPA finishes chopping. Fishing is in 3 turns
Turn 26: WPA 1N. TVA Chop 1/3. Settler is currently 40/100. Fishing is in 2 turns
Turn 27: WPA Chop 1/3. TVA Chop 2/3. Settler is currently 52/100. Fishing is in 1 turn
Turn 28: Start on pottery, WPA Chop 2/3. TVA Chop complete. Settler is currently 64/100. Pottery in 11.
Turn 29: WPA Chop 3/3. TVA 1NE, start mine 1/4. Settler is currently 96/100. Pottery in 10.
Turn 30: WPA 1NW. TVA mine 2/4. Settler is complete, 28 overflow, start on workboat (7 hammers prod), will be done next turn. Pottery in 9. Move settler to fish/copper spot Pottery in 9.
Turn 31: WPA mine 1/7. TVA mine 3/4. Workboat complete with 5 overflow, send to new city, start on another workboat. New city, Dolphin Town is founded. Set it to work fish and make a workboat for upcoming city 2. Pottery in 6 (because of additional 5 commerce - 2 from trade route, 1 intrinsic, 2 from water, but then we subtract 1 research for maintenance).
turn 32: WPA mine 2/7. TVA mine complete. Workboat has 12/30 hammers, Workboat reaches destination but cannot work tile yet. Pottery in 5
turn 33: WPA mine 3/7. TVA goes 1SW and 1S. Workboat has 19/30 hammers, Workboat works tile. Pottery in 4
turn 34: WPA mine 4/7. TVA starts a pre-chop 1/3. Workboat has 26/30 hammers, Pottery in 3
turn 35: WPA mine 5/7. TVA pre-chop 2/3 - set to skip turn. Workboat has completed with 3 overflow, send 1NW and work the fish, set capital on fish. Start on settler. Pottery in 2. Capital is now size 3 with 4 overflowed food.
turn 36: WPA mine 6/7. TVA pre-chop complete, send 1S to chop forest that will be unusable by capital . Settler in 7 with 18/100 and 15 hammers per turn, Pottery in 1.
turn 37: WPA mine complete. TVA chop 1/3. Settler 33/100, Pottery complete start on mysticism. Djenne grows to size 2, works copper tile. will grow in 5 turns, and finish work boat at the same time.
turn 38: WPA moves 1S starts on cottage 1/5. TVA chop 2/3 Settler 68/100, Mysticism in 4?
turn 39: WPA cottage 2/5. TVA chop 3/3 Settler 83/100, Mysticism in 3?
turn 40: WPA cottage 3/5. TVA moves on hill 1NE. Settler complete with 18 overflow, start on worker, Mysticism in 2? Send settler south.
turn 41: WPA cottage 4/5. TVA pre-chop 1/3. Worker 33/60, Mysticism in 1? Settler arrives at its hilly destination, cannot build yet.
turn 42:
HUGE TURN! WPA cottage complete. TVA pre-chop 2/3, pause the worker.
Capital is building Worker 48/60, Mysticism complete, start meditation 6-7 turns.
I THINK that with the proper micro of setting DolphinTown to working fish, 1 coast and bronze we can pump med out faster. DolphinTown also completes its workboat and expands to s3.
Send work boat it to the other city, which should take 6 turns on the last of which it will be able to build the tile improvement. DolphinTown starts on a warrior which should take 3 turns, while it will grow to size 4 in 6.
Finally, we build our third city (Gulltown, for now), which will work its clam tile, netting a total of 4 commerce, and will star on a warrior.
Now THIS combined with the micro should push us to around 18 commerce a turn which is enough for a 6 turn mysticism. Let's do some calculations: (mysticism is floor(floor(1.2*80)*1.3)=124. We now apply our research. Say we divert, worst case scenario, 17 commerce at break-even. How many turns shall it take? (17+1)*1.2=21.6, floor(21.6)=21, 124/21 is almost 6, and we round up. Can we improve this? Let's say we can make 19 commerce, then our research 124/24 is 5.166 repeating of course, so if we have 4 beaker overflow from the previous tech or more, we can actually do this in 5 turns! Let's take the 6 turn option now, operating under the assumption that capital keeps working the 2 deer and fish this turn, DolphinTown works the tiles mentioned above, and the new city works the clam/crab whatever tile for 2 commerce.
I think this is one of the most critical turns, along with turn 40, where I decided to start the worker and move TVA on the hill (as befits an appalachian worker) rather than doing something else.
turn 43: WPA 1 tile east, 1 southeast. TVA 1N. New Worker complete with 3 overflow, call it the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp, a name that does not befit a chopper of forests. Maybe we'll have him be the one building cottages in the future, rather than the dirty work of his fellow programmes) CCC 1NE, Meditation in 5. Go back to building our barracks from earlier, which had 12 shields on it from earlier. It should be done in 5 turns, and capital should grow in 3.
Turn 44: WPA starts a mine 1/4, TVA and CCC prechop 1/3. Barracks in capital 22/50, warrior should be done next turn in DolphinTown. Meditation in 4.
Turn 45: WPA mine 2/4, TVA and CCC prechop 2/3, pause them. Barracks in capital 29/50, warrior complete in DolphinTown, start on another. Meditation in 3.
Turn 46: WPA mine 3/4, TVA and CCC road 1/2. Barracks in capital 36/50, capital grows to size 4, starts working our thicc floodplains cottage. Meditation in 2.
Turn 47: WPA mine complete, TVA and CCC roads complete. Barracks in capital 43/50, Meditation in 1. DolphinTown about to expand and build a warrior.
Turn 48: Start on priesthood, which is 93 beakers. It should take us 4 turns - 17 commerce +1 *1.2 is 21, but I think we will have sufficient overflow from mysticism, if not just force Dolphin town to micro more coast. WPA moves 1E to road, CCC/TVA move on the tile 1E of capital to road+cottage. TVA does road, CCC cottage. Capital finished barracks no overflow, so start on a worker, which should take precisely 4 turns, with some overflow, because we switch from working our cottage to the bronze from DolphinTown for 1 turn. DolphinTown should start on a settler.
Turn 49: WPA road 1/2, TVA road 2/2, CCC cottage 2/4. Capital worker 19/60 Priesthood in 3
Turn 50: WPA road 2/2, TVA SE, CCC cottage 3/4. Capital worker 39/60 Switch to working floodplaing and give back the tile. Priesthood in 2.
Turn 51: WPA CHOP, TVA CHOP, CCC cottage 4/4. Capital worker 55/60. Priesthood in 1.
Turn 52: 50 hammers on oracle of overflow, 40 from chopping this term, and 10 or so production! We have our oracle next turn
Turn 53: Grab Monarchy.
I'll be editing this plan as time goes on, with the possible addition of a slavery conversion, although I find that the turn lost offsets the gain. I find that the bottleneck is research, rather than the construction of the Oracle itself. With perfect planning, this strategy can possibly be executed with fewer workers. I am not sure how safe Oracle by turn 53 is. I hope that this little bit of planning is enlightening to lurkers interested in how our team is thinking.
Turn 25:
Worker completes with 8 overflow, worker chopping a forest tile to the south. Start on settler: 8/100 (OF) + 20/100 (CHOP) + 12 per turn. Will be complete in 6 turns. Let's name our new worker the TVA (the one southwest of our capital is the WPA). TVA 1E. WPA finishes chopping. Fishing is in 3 turns
Turn 26: WPA 1N. TVA Chop 1/3. Settler is currently 40/100. Fishing is in 2 turns
Turn 27: WPA Chop 1/3. TVA Chop 2/3. Settler is currently 52/100. Fishing is in 1 turn
Turn 28: Start on pottery, WPA Chop 2/3. TVA Chop complete. Settler is currently 64/100. Pottery in 11.
Turn 29: WPA Chop 3/3. TVA 1NE, start mine 1/4. Settler is currently 96/100. Pottery in 10.
Turn 30: WPA 1NW. TVA mine 2/4. Settler is complete, 28 overflow, start on workboat (7 hammers prod), will be done next turn. Pottery in 9. Move settler to fish/copper spot Pottery in 9.
Turn 31: WPA mine 1/7. TVA mine 3/4. Workboat complete with 5 overflow, send to new city, start on another workboat. New city, Dolphin Town is founded. Set it to work fish and make a workboat for upcoming city 2. Pottery in 6 (because of additional 5 commerce - 2 from trade route, 1 intrinsic, 2 from water, but then we subtract 1 research for maintenance).
turn 32: WPA mine 2/7. TVA mine complete. Workboat has 12/30 hammers, Workboat reaches destination but cannot work tile yet. Pottery in 5
turn 33: WPA mine 3/7. TVA goes 1SW and 1S. Workboat has 19/30 hammers, Workboat works tile. Pottery in 4
turn 34: WPA mine 4/7. TVA starts a pre-chop 1/3. Workboat has 26/30 hammers, Pottery in 3
turn 35: WPA mine 5/7. TVA pre-chop 2/3 - set to skip turn. Workboat has completed with 3 overflow, send 1NW and work the fish, set capital on fish. Start on settler. Pottery in 2. Capital is now size 3 with 4 overflowed food.
turn 36: WPA mine 6/7. TVA pre-chop complete, send 1S to chop forest that will be unusable by capital . Settler in 7 with 18/100 and 15 hammers per turn, Pottery in 1.
turn 37: WPA mine complete. TVA chop 1/3. Settler 33/100, Pottery complete start on mysticism. Djenne grows to size 2, works copper tile. will grow in 5 turns, and finish work boat at the same time.
turn 38: WPA moves 1S starts on cottage 1/5. TVA chop 2/3 Settler 68/100, Mysticism in 4?
turn 39: WPA cottage 2/5. TVA chop 3/3 Settler 83/100, Mysticism in 3?
turn 40: WPA cottage 3/5. TVA moves on hill 1NE. Settler complete with 18 overflow, start on worker, Mysticism in 2? Send settler south.
turn 41: WPA cottage 4/5. TVA pre-chop 1/3. Worker 33/60, Mysticism in 1? Settler arrives at its hilly destination, cannot build yet.
turn 42:
HUGE TURN! WPA cottage complete. TVA pre-chop 2/3, pause the worker.
Capital is building Worker 48/60, Mysticism complete, start meditation 6-7 turns.
I THINK that with the proper micro of setting DolphinTown to working fish, 1 coast and bronze we can pump med out faster. DolphinTown also completes its workboat and expands to s3.
Send work boat it to the other city, which should take 6 turns on the last of which it will be able to build the tile improvement. DolphinTown starts on a warrior which should take 3 turns, while it will grow to size 4 in 6.
Finally, we build our third city (Gulltown, for now), which will work its clam tile, netting a total of 4 commerce, and will star on a warrior.
Now THIS combined with the micro should push us to around 18 commerce a turn which is enough for a 6 turn mysticism. Let's do some calculations: (mysticism is floor(floor(1.2*80)*1.3)=124. We now apply our research. Say we divert, worst case scenario, 17 commerce at break-even. How many turns shall it take? (17+1)*1.2=21.6, floor(21.6)=21, 124/21 is almost 6, and we round up. Can we improve this? Let's say we can make 19 commerce, then our research 124/24 is 5.166 repeating of course, so if we have 4 beaker overflow from the previous tech or more, we can actually do this in 5 turns! Let's take the 6 turn option now, operating under the assumption that capital keeps working the 2 deer and fish this turn, DolphinTown works the tiles mentioned above, and the new city works the clam/crab whatever tile for 2 commerce.
I think this is one of the most critical turns, along with turn 40, where I decided to start the worker and move TVA on the hill (as befits an appalachian worker) rather than doing something else.
turn 43: WPA 1 tile east, 1 southeast. TVA 1N. New Worker complete with 3 overflow, call it the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp, a name that does not befit a chopper of forests. Maybe we'll have him be the one building cottages in the future, rather than the dirty work of his fellow programmes) CCC 1NE, Meditation in 5. Go back to building our barracks from earlier, which had 12 shields on it from earlier. It should be done in 5 turns, and capital should grow in 3.
Turn 44: WPA starts a mine 1/4, TVA and CCC prechop 1/3. Barracks in capital 22/50, warrior should be done next turn in DolphinTown. Meditation in 4.
Turn 45: WPA mine 2/4, TVA and CCC prechop 2/3, pause them. Barracks in capital 29/50, warrior complete in DolphinTown, start on another. Meditation in 3.
Turn 46: WPA mine 3/4, TVA and CCC road 1/2. Barracks in capital 36/50, capital grows to size 4, starts working our thicc floodplains cottage. Meditation in 2.
Turn 47: WPA mine complete, TVA and CCC roads complete. Barracks in capital 43/50, Meditation in 1. DolphinTown about to expand and build a warrior.
Turn 48: Start on priesthood, which is 93 beakers. It should take us 4 turns - 17 commerce +1 *1.2 is 21, but I think we will have sufficient overflow from mysticism, if not just force Dolphin town to micro more coast. WPA moves 1E to road, CCC/TVA move on the tile 1E of capital to road+cottage. TVA does road, CCC cottage. Capital finished barracks no overflow, so start on a worker, which should take precisely 4 turns, with some overflow, because we switch from working our cottage to the bronze from DolphinTown for 1 turn. DolphinTown should start on a settler.
Turn 49: WPA road 1/2, TVA road 2/2, CCC cottage 2/4. Capital worker 19/60 Priesthood in 3
Turn 50: WPA road 2/2, TVA SE, CCC cottage 3/4. Capital worker 39/60 Switch to working floodplaing and give back the tile. Priesthood in 2.
Turn 51: WPA CHOP, TVA CHOP, CCC cottage 4/4. Capital worker 55/60. Priesthood in 1.
Turn 52: 50 hammers on oracle of overflow, 40 from chopping this term, and 10 or so production! We have our oracle next turn
Turn 53: Grab Monarchy.
I'll be editing this plan as time goes on, with the possible addition of a slavery conversion, although I find that the turn lost offsets the gain. I find that the bottleneck is research, rather than the construction of the Oracle itself. With perfect planning, this strategy can possibly be executed with fewer workers. I am not sure how safe Oracle by turn 53 is. I hope that this little bit of planning is enlightening to lurkers interested in how our team is thinking.
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