[SIZE="7"]Turn 181 - 1210 AD[/SIZE]
1. We won Liberalism and chose Nationalism:
2. Rolan started the Taj Mahal in the capital. We can whip it to make it faster. The workers also went to chop.
3. Stardock is on a university (we need 6 for Oxford University).
4. Yabon is on a library for culture.
5. Research is on Aesthetics.
6. Whosit gifted us 2 cities. We're moving some defenders over to cover them. One of our galleys has 2 longbows headed over. Dantski gifted us a galley so we still have 1 galley able to manage transportation between Stardock and Land's End, etc.
7. Some more defenders are shifting towards our southern island too.
8. Whipped Carse for a rathaus - don't want to whip but this city is costing us an insane amount due to overseas costs that it's out of necessity. It's growing on a library now so no more whipping. I will try to stop if I can't help myself.
The bad news is that when the next turn rolled, India generated a Great Engineer - so getting the Taj is probably a lost cause. We'll try to build it anyway.
The next tech is currently on Drama at 50% research which we can still get it in 1 turn. La Mut, Yabon, Crydee, and Krondor need theatres. After this we can do either Literature, Horseback Riding, or Guilds - what do you think?
And we saved 10 gold per turn with the Carse whip.
I didn't do the entire t182, especially with troop movement so may have to adjust and see which cities need garrisons. Also, if we're going to get drama, we might want to skip a library in La Mut and build wealth for a turn until we get drama for a theatre.
For lack of better options, a worker in La Mut?
Lastly - maybe we should try requesting open borders with Korea or Inca?