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[SPOILERS] Woden gets swept away by the Gathering Storm in PBEM15

Turn 80
Open the save to...

Which allows me to change policies...

I take out Maneuver and put in Corvee. I plan on building the Pyramids next at Bomb Cyclone. This is a little bit of a gamble on my attack at Istanbul, as I don't plan on building units in the near future and I hope I have enough to take the city. If I don't, i know this is where it went wrong. I do have a bunch of gold that I can buy a unit if I feel like I need it. We will see. Here is what it looks like before I began my assault...

As expected, he focused on the lead Immortal. I move the horseman across the river to attack the sword and the other horseman attacks the catapult. The injured Immortal moves back and 2 healthy Immortals attack the city. Here is what it looks like at the end of the turn...

I think next turn I will focus on the city walls and then work on the units afterwards by shooting with the Immortals until I can earn promotions to heal. He most likely will kill my horseman and weaken my Immortal with the Ram on his turn. I will then cycle my healthier Immortals to the front, shoot the city with the weaker ones, and hit the city with my southern horseman. Should be enough to drop the walls and if I am luck, draw his sword into range.

Turn 81
Open the save to find...

As expected, he focused on my horseman and lead Immortal but didn't kill either but did move the swordsman into the city. Let's see if I have enough to take down the walls. I retreat my almost dead Immortal out of range and cycle a few healthier ones to the front. I shot with the redlined Immortal southeast of the mountain and move up my archer to shoot the city. I melee the city with my 2 Immortals and horseman and...

I am 4 points short of taking out the walls. I might need more units than what I brought, especially if he keeps the swordsman in the city and takes pot shots at my units. I expect my northern horseman and at least one Immortal to die on his turn. Maybe even my other horseman. I should be able to take out the walls next turn with the archer and have everybody else focus on the remaining units or weaken the city. This may take a while. I will have to keep an eye out for him getting the first General. I might have to faith buy it beforehand if I can. 

I switch Edirne to an Immortal. I have a builder coming to repair the pillage mine and can chop a jungle once I can get Agoge in once I can get another policy swap. I will also have enough gold to buy an 2nd one, right around that time in case I need it. 

Turn 82
Open the save to good and bad news...

Jester got out a spearman and killed my northern horseman, he moved out his swordsman and killed my southern horseman, and he killed my northern Immortal. Bad news that he got out a spearman and killed 3 of my units. Good news is that his swordsman and spearman are vulnerable and are going to die. To start off, I move the Immortal just east of the city northwest and shot the spearman, the follow up with...

Look at that, that Immortal is almost dead but still has a 40 vs 24 advantage. He easily kills the spearman. Next up, I move the archer next to the city and take out the remaining bit of health in the walls. Finally, I move the almost dead Immortal in the east up and shot his sword, gaining a promotion, and attack with the full health Immortal, killing the swordsman...

Took out 3 attackers this turn. Pretty good, might not need those extra Immortals after all.

Turn 83
Looks like Jester focused on my Immortal on the sheep tile...

Not enough to kill him but enough to give him a promotion. I promote him and the Immortal on the wheat. I shift units around to get teh city under seige and take a few pot shots... 

Don't know if he has enough to kill a unit this turn and no knowing what might come out. He did harvest some stone on his turn. Not sure if he bought the tile or if he gained it naturally. Might see a swordsman next turn. 

Turn 84
No swordsman but a chariot. He was able to kill my Immortal that crossed the river...

I think about what to do for a while. Do I go for the city and hope I can take it quickly, or do I try to take out his units and then work on the city. City right now is at 167/200 health. I start with swapping my horseman with the Archer and then shot the Warrior with my red-lined Immortal. Next, I shot the city with my Archer and the Immortal on the wheat. Finally, I bash the city with my Horseman and the Immortal on the sheep...

Bringing the city down to 73/200. It will heal 20 HP this turn and be at 93/200. Depending on what Jester does on his turn and if he has another unit coming out soon (he has been chugging them out fairly quick), I might be able to take the city next turn and eliminate Jester. I need to do it soon, as I am starting to fall behind the other players. I am currently in last place in score, science, and culture.

I was hoping pindicator would play his turn early enough so Jester would get it before he turned in for the night and I could get the kill today, but nope, Jester lives another day. Tomorrow.

Turn 85

This is all you need to know about T85...

Funny that I got the defeat movie and this screen when I capture Istanbul. Must be a player one thing. Anyways, I will post a proper turn report and my thoughts on this war later. Just wanted to share the good news.

Turn 85 cont.
Open the save to...

But who really cares about that, let's see what Jester has waiting for me...

He went after my Immortal on the sheep. Awesome, that was what I was hoping for. Now, I can take the city. If he had went after the archer and parked a unit on that tile, I am not sure if I could take the city, as my Immortal on the wheat would be blocked. I switch the archer and Immortal on the wheat and shot with the archer and Immortal on the sheep. The horseman goes across the river and I bring the remaining Immortal (red-lined one by the mountain) to melee attack the city. Finally, I attack with the Immortal that was on the wheat...

And take the city, killing Jester and get the defeat movie. That was unexpected and I thought I broke the game for a second. I didn't get the movie last time I killed someone. Must be player 1 thing or something new. If the Immortal wasn't enough, I still had the horseman. I want to see if I could preserve him because Jester has a road going west and I am pretty sure it is to a city state, and with Jester's high science rate, it might be a science city state. Which is why I did this... 

I swapped out Charismatic Leader for Diplomatic League. I have 2 envoys and could get insta-suzerain when I meet them, or at least the next level of bonus. I also want to stay in Oligarchy until the Ancestral Hall finishes and I get the legacy card. I swap Governors around, Magnus goes to Polar Vortex and Pingala goes to Istanbul. I faith buy a settler at Edirne. He will go either north of Istanbul or to the other side of the mountains if I can find freshwater. Better to create a good buffer before that land is gone. 

Here is the current score...

The total is not updated yet from my new city. My total is now 174 but looking at the civics and techs, pindicator is leading in science with 17 techs to my 11 and suboptimal has 13 techs. I am about par with civics but that is not very good since I have all the extra culture from my trade routes and Pairidaezas. I guess suboptimal has Gorgo's culture ability and could be farming barbs but still, I am behind right now. Let's see if we can change that. 

You put up a good fight and this war took way longer than I was expecting. I think me attacking you is partly due to me being boxed in and not much land to expand. I have one more fresh water site to my south and the remaining city spots are coastal. I was blocked in by Istanbul and Jerusalem. There is one more good freshwater site east of Edirne but I don't know if I could get there before you.  

I jumped the gun a little bit and should have waited until I had a bridge across the river and I wasted much of my time trying to get out of my northern city. I don't know if you had a builder in place in case I attacked or if it was coincidence but the walls at Edirne were just in time and a pain in my ass, plus the Encampment slowed me down for a few turns. You put on a great defense at Istanbul and at times I really thought I might not pull off the attack. The only confusing part was the catapult. Did it give you any advantage defensively? Also, did you have any plans to put a city by your horses. I was surprised you didn't try to get a settler out as I was stalling at Edirne but maybe you didn't have time or felt your defenses needed improving. Anyways, good game! You put up a great defense and gave me a challenge, slowing me down enough to where I don't think I can run away with the game right now.  Thanks!

Overall, I think the war took longer than I had thought it would but still worth it. I have 2 more cities that won't increase my settler costs and one came with the Temple of Artimus! 

Turn 86
Quick turnaround on the turn and was able to get a second turn in tonight. Start the turn off with moving my horseman west and find...

Ran into one of pindicator's scouts. I wonder if suboptimal has a scout around too? Let's take a look..

He has 5 cities with at least 2 campuses, a commercial hub, and a harbor. Not sure if they are built but at least he has them placed. Iron and horse hooked up and 2 luxuries. Not making much gold and about half my favor. His science rate if almost double mine. He probably has promoted Pingala. Culture rate is a little above mine. Maybe that is influenced by Pingala too. That could be promising, since I have no promotions into him yet.

Not much going on this turn. Time to switch to builder mode but I have to look for a 2 v 1 now that the others might think I am a threat. I will have new strategy coming in next few days as I work out what I want to do.

Congrats on your successful war! The Temple is a nice pickup indeed. Looking forward to how the game shapes up from here.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(August 7th, 2019, 09:20)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Congrats on your successful war! The Temple is a nice pickup indeed. Looking forward to how the game shapes up from here.

Thnaks CMF! I think this is going to be a very interesting game that could go further than most PBEM, as it seems we are all about even right now, or at least will be soon enough.  I don't know how the others are faring with remaining land but it looks like I have a bunch I can settle and improve.

Turn 87
Open the save to a nice surprise...

A Brussels Warrior meets my horseman. I was hoping this city state was a science one but Brussels will do. They provide 15%Icon_Production to wonders and I happen to have a few wonders planned. I pop my 2 envoys into them for the bonus and to open th map up... 

That is some nice map knowledge and looks like I have a nice buffer to the other players. Since I know more of what is west, I send my horseman down to see if there is freshwater in the south, on the other side of the mountain range, and there looks to be a river just under the fog. My settler will go here. This will allow me to set up a nice buffer to Istanbul. You will also notice that suboptimal sent a scout calling. Here is what I can see...

He has 4 cities, a couple of luxury resources, and iron. I forgot to check what districts I can see but he is only making 8 gold per turn. His science rate is less than pindicators, at 40Icon_Science per turn and his culture is less than mine. He has the most civics, so he must be farming barbs. Both his and pindicator's military power is double mine but all my units are injured. I will need to build some units soon to make sure they don't see an opportunity.

Turn 88
Pretty uneventful turn. I switched civic research to Drama, as the Ancestral hall completes next turn and I will get the Oligarchy legacy card. I did dot out a settling plan. Here is my core area...

Space for at least 5 cities and most will be halfway decent. I will settle the one directly east of Polar Vortex first so I can get a galley in the water, followed by the one southwest. Here is the north...

Four more spots plus a bunch of land in the northeast tat I can probable fill in 5 or 6 more cities. The first city will be the one by my horseman, followed by the one north of Istanbul. I want to get the one by Brussels placed afterwards to build a defensive output city. Those cities plus Istanbul should give me enough time to respond if I get attacked by both players. 

Turn 89
Start turn off with...


Finally can get out of Oligarchy. Here is my new government...

This should help with building the Pyramids. Here is the current score... 

We all are about even, especially if you take the Wonder points away. I am lagging in techs but will complete 3 techs in the next 3 turns and should have enough overflow to finish a four. Won't be enough to catch pindicator but should help close the gap some. I put my Governor title into Pingala to get the science from population this turn and he will establish next turn. Should be close in science to suboptimal and will need a few more libraries to catch pindicator. 

Overall, I think I am going to go for a heavy faith build this go around. I am in a Golden Age now and think I can get to another one before the Era ends (minimum of 12 turns). Two Wonders (+4), a galley (+3), a General (+1), a Medieval Tech (+1),the first religion (+5 and +1 for Prophet), settling a desert city (+1) and Suzerain of Jerusalem (+2) should get me to 60 era points and very do-able in 12 turns. Then I build the government building that allows you to buy units with faith. That plus defender of the faith should make the others think twice about attacking me. I can supplement culture with the belief that adds culture to religious buildings and science with the science faith building. Should be able to do alright with those. 

I did buy 2 tiles at Polar Vortex this turn, one for Stonehenge and one for a Holy Site. Both the Pyramids and Stonehenge wil be complete by T95. I placed a few Commercial Hubs this turn (one at Istanbul and one at Derecho) but both cities are working on other projects. Istanbul started a settler and Derecho started a granary. Polar Vortex started a settler and will work on it for a few turns while my builder repairs a pillared tile at Derecho. I do need to take care of that barb camp sooner, rather than later. There has been a steady dribble of barbs coming up from the south. I have an Immortal coming down from the front but it will be a while before he gets down there.

Turn 90
Finish my second tech in a row...

I immediately place a Holy Site at Polar Vortex. Both Pingala and Magnus establish in their respective cities and my science rate jumps to a respectable rate, just under suboptimal's but not even close to pindicator. We will work on that over the next 10 turns. 

Up north, my horseman defogs the remaining area around Jerusalem...

There are 2 nice spots for Holy Sites or Campuses along that mountain range, just nee to save some gold to purchase them. Other than that, units move and cities build. My archer at Derecho was not able to kill the barb sword this turn and my furs are going to be pillaged. Build repairs the Pairidaeza there but will go and harvest the stone at Polar Vortex before he can come back and repair the furs. 

Turn 91
Third tech finishes...

This will help with production as I have a few forests that need lumber mills. I am keeping my mines to a minimum in some cities to keep the appeal up and I can get the +2Icon_Faith, so I need to save some trees for lumber mills. I think the pay off with buying builders and settlers is making up for the restricted production. I will probably put more mines down once I can get a few Holy Sites up and get more faith generation. We will see. 


Suboptimal has had a large jump in score. He was at 168 points on T89 but now is even with me at 191. Looks to be a big jump in empire score and era score. Most likely founded a city and built his unique district and maybe his unique unit. They should be available to him about now. 

Barb sword did pillage my furs and I kill him with my archer. Builder moves towards Polar Vortex and will remove quarry next turn to harvest the stone into Stonehenge. 

Turn 92
Fourth tech in a row...

Uneventful turn. Builder removes the quarry and is ready to harvest the stone. With all the overflow from the 1-turn techs, I am able to cut 2 turns off of Mathematics and make it a 1-turn tech.

Turn 93
Fifth tech...

I now have more techs than suboptimal but no telling if he is holding off on completing any techs right now. The settler I have out right now has made it to his destination...

Name the city Thundersnow. And I finally remembered to rename Jecter's cities. I go with El Nino for Istanbul and La Nina for Ederine. If you haven't guessed, my naming convention has been types of weather phenomenon that I have seen recently living in the middle of the continent. Since I didn't settle Jester's cities, I figured I would go a little more abstract and go with phenomenon that impacts my climate. We just got over an El Nino phase, so that fits, but no telling if we are going into a La Nina phase. 

City starts working on walls but will shift to a galley once Sailing is complete next turn. Big turn coming next turn...

Turn 94
Six turns, 6 techs...

And a civic...

Both the Pyramids and Stonehenge completes this turn, so no longer need the production card... 

Put in Maritime Industries to get a galley out at Thundersnow, which I chop a jungle into and it will be complete in 2 turns. I will keep Maneuver to build a few chariots and then switch to Agoge to build a few Immortals until I finish Feudalism, then will start building crossbows. I need to make sure I keep up on Military so I don't look like an easy target. My hope is that pinidactor and suboptimal will fight, stall out, and let me continue to expand to snowball ahead. 

I get a Governor title and put into Pingala for the culture per population. Great Prophet was Confucius, so I found...

Take Choral Music for more culture and Defender of the Faith to make the other players think twice about attacking me. I was thinking about Jesuit Education but I would rather use my faith for settlers, builders, and units. I will get more benefit from Choral Music once I get some Holy Sites down. I will build the Mahabohi Temple at Polar Vortex to fill out my religion. 

Here is the current score. 

It is not updated for this turn, so my score will jump 50 points this turn (+15 for Pyramids, + 15 for Stonehenge, +10 for religion, +5 for Prophet, and +5 for a tech and civic). I am now +2 techs on suboptimal and 3 techs behind pindicator. I am tied with suboptimal for civics and one ahead of pindicator.

Turn 95
Quite turn. Settlers at El Nino and Polar Vortex are due next turn but I rearrange the tiles at Polar Vortex to have it finish in 2 since I want the settler at El Nino to finish next turn and don't know if it will with the increased settler costs. Here is the updated score...

I have a big lead in points but that is due to the wonders and religion. I shoudl take the civics lead next turn and am in the middle of the pack for techs. 

I spent some time on this turn to lay out a few districts. Not sure if this there final positions but it is a start. For now, the plan is to push out a bunch of Commercial Hubs and markets to get more trade routes. That should get me the discount on the Industrial Zones. You may also notice I have placed where I want the Eiffel Tower. With my pantheon, it is a must have wonder. The plan is to have the city there focus on improving its production and chop the wonder out with all the stone. I will also look out for one of the Great Engineers that help build wonders. 

Turn 96
Start turn off with...

I put the envoy, along with one I just earned, into Jerusalem to become suzerain and gain +2 era points. 3 more points to go for another Golden Age. I will get +1 for Apprenticeship, +1 for the General, and +1 for settling on a desert tile north of El Nino. 

I swap out Maritime Industries for the Campus adjacency card, which brings my science rate to 53.8Icon_Science, just behind pindicator's. Too bad I need to switch back to Maritime Industries in a few turns to chop another galley out at my new city by Polar Vortex. Looking west...

I spy pindicator's borders just under the fog, by the stone. My horseman will head over there to scope him out. Finally know where one of the other players are located. Given that suboptimal had a scout near Istanbul about the same time as pindicator, my best guess is that suboptimal is in the south and pindicator is in the north.

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