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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Thanks SquareLeg!

Nakor - we definitely need to settle Hawk's Hollow soon since it could quickly benefit from a Taj Mahal Golden Age due to riverside cottages. The question is - which city makes the settler? My gut says La Mut only because we don't have much of a need for extra military at the moment.

Edit: Read our emails. I don't think it's worth it to give Dantski extra stuff for a no rite of passage, etc.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 181 - 1210 AD[/SIZE]

1. We won Liberalism and chose Nationalism:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0670.jpg]

2. Rolan started the Taj Mahal in the capital. We can whip it to make it faster. The workers also went to chop.

3. Stardock is on a university (we need 6 for Oxford University).

4. Yabon is on a library for culture.

5. Research is on Aesthetics.

6. Whosit gifted us 2 cities. We're moving some defenders over to cover them. One of our galleys has 2 longbows headed over. Dantski gifted us a galley so we still have 1 galley able to manage transportation between Stardock and Land's End, etc.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0671.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0674.jpg]

7. Some more defenders are shifting towards our southern island too.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0672.jpg]

8. Whipped Carse for a rathaus - don't want to whip but this city is costing us an insane amount due to overseas costs that it's out of necessity. It's growing on a library now so no more whipping. I will try to stop if I can't help myself. lol

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0673.jpg]

The bad news is that when the next turn rolled, India generated a Great Engineer - so getting the Taj is probably a lost cause. We'll try to build it anyway.

The next tech is currently on Drama at 50% research which we can still get it in 1 turn. La Mut, Yabon, Crydee, and Krondor need theatres. After this we can do either Literature, Horseback Riding, or Guilds - what do you think?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0675.jpg]

And we saved 10 gold per turn with the Carse whip. alright

I didn't do the entire t182, especially with troop movement so may have to adjust and see which cities need garrisons. Also, if we're going to get drama, we might want to skip a library in La Mut and build wealth for a turn until we get drama for a theatre.

For lack of better options, a worker in La Mut?

Lastly - maybe we should try requesting open borders with Korea or Inca?

Great news, DMOC!
I'll take a look into the game myself!
India needs to research a bit before TM, so we might get lucky.

We need to repay Athlete 500 gold, so we have to get that together first.
After that, you think we should keep going 0% - 100%? Is it really worth it?

I'll ask Korea and Inca for OB.

Checked the game, didn't end turn yet.

India is in Phil (3t) and then Nat (5t?), so that gives us 8t to build TM. We are chopping a forest and can chop another one (see sign). Then we can let it build and whip before India gets Nat.

Changed La Mut to a forge, Whosit will gift us workers, so we don't need to build them now.

Put science at 0% since I want to repay Atlete first.

Whip Land's End for 2pop to get the settler done when ready.

Put some signs as well!

Think we're doing prett good! But we need 3 more settlers at least....

I do think going 0-100% research is worth it, mainly because we'll be having universities completed soon so that puts extra research modifiers to our civilization. However, just now, I think we should get Drama and Literature out of the way (they are both 1 turn techs at 50%) and then go to 0%. smile

India has 3 turns to Philosophy, so the could probably finish the Taj in the order of 8-10 turns. frown

La Mut on a forge is fine. Hopefully Whosit's workers can help us improve tiles. I think we might want to workshop some of the grasslands.

Queg - what to build next? I'd like it to grow to size 7 to work that extra plains hill mine. Build wealth to size 7 and then start another settler?

We do need to repay Athlete... can we do that first? If not, I'm ok with getting Lit and Drama first. After that it's HBR - Guild - beeline Rifling I think, or do you want to gamble on Physics and take a non-military route?

La Mut can build a settler first as well, before the Forge, to take care of Hawk's Hollow.

Queg, I suggest a LB to grow and then another settler. The pair of them can sail to a new island.

India has now 2t for Phil. I don't think they can maintain that pace, but we'll have to hurry TM if we want to land it. Other option for a GA is our next GP that comes in 10t. But if it's a prophet, we'll shrine him. If it's a scientist, we might want to go for a 1 person GA.

DMOC Wrote:India has 3 turns to Philosophy, so the could probably finish the Taj in the order of 8-10 turns. frown

I don't think you posted your ETA or showed a screenshot with Rolan on the Taj, how long would it take you?

Nakor - Korea and Mali will gift their gold to India.
Timmy - You're right, I didn't. It would definitely take us at least 8 turns, that's for sure.

DMOC, then we have to convince them NOT to gift their money to India...

LOL. No way they do that. We could try, methinks.

Nakor - do you think a library is best for the inland centralia city that Whosit gave us? There might be a better build. A rathaus (it costs us 14.35 gpt)? A theatre for next turn?

Oh! I forgot to mention - of course La Mut can switch to a settler for the much-needed Hawk's Hollow.

I suggest we stay at 50% research to finish Drama, then store up our gold to repay athlete. I can't believe we need Guilds right now because we have non-aggression pacts with Romali and Korea.

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