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[Spoiler] Suboptimal Goes on a Pseudorandom Walk

(August 15th, 2019, 19:18)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote:
(August 15th, 2019, 16:47)suboptimal Wrote:  After four chariots I’ll complete Mercenaries and swap out Maneuver.  After that I’ll put Serfdom in to get a few builders out at Acorn and LinCon.

Does that mean that, apart from your scout, you've only got 3 military units? I feel like I must have miscounted, your milpower seems far higher than that.

No...I've got a milpower of 273 (which is currently the largest by a few points) and my current force composition is:

- 7 warriors: 1 N of LFSR, 1 NE of LFSR, 2 north of Mixmax, one near the capital, 1 down near Tsingy and one at Acorn
- 1 swordsman:, just NE of LFSR
- 3 archers:, fortified at Mixmax, LFSR and Threefry
- 1 Slinger: just SE of LinCon
- 1 Injured scout (69/100)

Those don't add up to 273, so I don't know what else is contributing to the milpower number reported in-game.  There are also two one charge builders (S of Mixmax, embarked S of Xorshift) and a two charge builder waiting for the IZ to be placed in Threefry.

It's been quite a while since I've really shown much of my territory, which has probably made following along at home a bit harder than usual for one of my threads.  I'll be including a city overview with screenshots when I do the Turn 100 Situation Report after I play T100. That report is mostly written but even if the turn comes back around tonight I might not get the summary up until the morning.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 100

Made it to Turn 100! thumbsup

Feudalism is complete and I get an era point. I also have a notification that Istanbul’s drought is over. I take a look at my policies and stay with what I’ve got. I resume Military Training, 2 turns to go. Up north, Pindicator does appear to have done a unit swap as the chariot is now fortified. Mixmax has grown a population this turn but is showing growth is stalled. Why? Because it has three population and only two workable tiles.

Fun Fact I Just Learned: A citizen that cannot be assigned to work a tile generates 0.5Icon_Gold

There will be an interesting situation waiting for me next turn: both Mixmax and Acorn are taking the same tile next turn (a grassland hill forest exactly between the two cities). Well, that makes it easy – I move the waiting builder to the tile for a lumbermill next turn. If I’m lucky Acorn will grab that tile and Mixmax will grab the forested hill SE of its Campus.

Up near the mountain wall I send my scout SE to get on with defogging around Auckland. The warrior at LinCon moves to the Government Plaza where it will reside for the time being. The builder moves up to the city center en route to the woods at the eastern end of the city’s territory, where it will place a lumbermill.

Over at Threefry I check the IZ cost – it’s down to 98Icon_Production. dance It appears that it was the processing order. I place the IZ in the designated location and move the builder to the deer. It will harvest the deer and place a lumbermill. The IZ’s current adjacency is zero, but over time that will improve to +3 or +4 from two mines to the south, the Aqueduct and possibly a Commercial Hub to its east.

That leaves the embarked builder….it moves two tiles SE and...

Hmmm...flatland island. I’ll go SW next turn and that should defog the entire thing.

The game says my turn is over. I take a bunch of screenshots and pass the save along. Summary report in the morning.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 100 Update

Well, the second 50 turns went better than the first 50 turns, I think. I’ve been able to recover from a poor start well enough where I’m not necessarily a sitting duck. I’m still last and my chances of winning are slim to none, but I don’t think I’ll go down in flames.

The Empire

First off, some context:

Here’s the zoomed out view of Greece. You can see Incaland to the northeast.

The terrain all throughout the area north of the river is mostly hills, jungle or forest. The settler “donut hole” I mentioned previously is north of the mountain north of Threefry. The tiles NW and NE of that mountain can be settled.

City Tour

Feudalism has helped solve this city’s starting food issues and it should grow nicely for a little while. I’ll be placing the Commercial Hub in a few turns and then building it out once the planned chariot build out is complete. There’s a reasonable spot for an Industrial Zone to the east of the Government Plaza. I suppose at some point I should hook up those horses. I may want to put a few horsemen out as I approach cavalry and I’d need the resource connected to get that done.

My “eastern frontier” city. I remain undecided if a third district will go here. A likely answer is “no” although if the city claims the tile east of the Campus I may mow down the jungle for an Encampment, though I’d lose 1 adjacency at the Campus. I’ll probably shift this city over to building units when it’s not producing district buildings.

The crown jewel of the empire. As will be discussed later I’m considering building The Oracle on one of the featureless second ring hill tiles that the city has yet to claim. I’m leaning towards the southern location. With a camp on the unimproved ivory the city will be at 11 housing. Walls will be going in at some point in the future, probably after I get The Oracle done.

My northern frontier city. Currently a bit cramped, that will be “fixed” next turn. I’m still debating what, if anything, will go where the Encampment is marked. I may very well get a builder up here and just lumbermill the spot. Once the Campus is done I’ll build the library and then walls once I slot Limes. Interesting note: there’s a settler “donut hole” up here – it’s where Pindicator’s warrior is standing.

The central river valley location. The hills south of the Industrial Zone will get mined (I think I once contemplated a lumbermill on the forest). Its position is such that only Xorshift would be out of range of a factory or power plants. A Commercial Hub to the west the city center would get a +4 adjacency though reduce the Campus adjacency by one. An Entertainment Complex east of the city with the Colosseum east of the Aqueduct would reach Acorn, LFSR and LinCon. The Industrial Zone should complete EoT 104 and then I’ll need to work on the Aqueduct and city expansion to get some adjacency bonuses.

Last but not least (for now) my marble grab city. I’ll finish the Campus and then work on a library until I get Celestial Navigation completed, at which point I’ll get out a Harbor and Lighthouse. Liang will move to the new city once the Campus is done here so that the chops there speed things up (and prevent a loyalty flip).

Game Status

Now for the numbers:

Like last time around the row of numbers at the bottom shows a different score stat – I’ve backed out the era and wonder scores from the score totals this time around.

Pindicator has the clear edge on science. I’m currently ahead of Woden but I’m also running Natural Philosophy and he is not. The silver lining is that I think Pindicator is also running Natural Philosophy and if he were to drop that civic his science would plummet due to his high adjacency Campus districts. Culturally I have an advantage over Pindicator though am slightly behind Woden. With the monument at Threefry and the Amphitheater at LinCon completing during the interturn I’ll be just behind him. From an economic standpoint I’m also middle of the group...I’m currently generating more gold per turn than Pindicator but not as much as Woden.

Meta Situation

Right now I don’t think military conquest is a viable option for anyone. Pindicator and I have maintained military parity and with the terrain it would be difficult. Woden, well, he ate Jester but I’m willing to bet that was due to Jester more than Woden based on past PBEM spectating. Woden would have extreme difficulty getting a military force put together and mounting an invasion. Any sudden build up in his milpower could be matched by myself or Pindicator before he could reach us overland or over the seas. An overland invasion also has the issues of chokepoints – with the exception of the city NE of LFSR both Greece and Incaland are bottled up behind mountains.

One area where Woden has us in a bind is Diplomatic Favor. He’s generating 4 per turn and we’re only generating 1 per turn. The World Congress will meet next turn and Woden will pretty much be able to dictate what occurs there. One potential issue for him is that the resolutions are random. The votes will be interesting as they will be a form of “open” diplo; it might also give some insight as to what Woden plans to do next.

Victory Conditions


We’re past the point where this is a viable possibility. I’m a relative simpleton when it comes to military execution in this game but the combined military power of the three of us right now is barely 100 points more (if that) than my own milpower in PBEM 14 when it ended at Turn 93. The only way this victory condtiion happens is if one of us manages to get a crapton of uranium in their territory (not likely), outbuilds everyone with nukes (not likely), the World Congress doesn’t drop a nerfhammer on nukes (not likely) and they blow everyone up and pick up the pieces.


This game isn’t going 500 turns. No game will go 500 turns.


In order for this to work someone will need to ramp their tourism rates to a kiloshittonne per turn. When your opponents are competent at generating their own culture (ie Human) this victory condition is almost impossible. Will we see rock bands? Maybe, though Woden is the only one currently positioned to get any (because they require Icon_Faith to purchase). Pindicator could go on a ski resort binge. Either way it won’t be enough.


This one is possible, though Woden would have to maintain his grip on the World Congress for the rest of the game to have a shot. If we see Woden build either the Mahabodi Temple or Potala Palace we’ll know he may be giving this route a shot.


This is another one that Woden may be positioning himself for, perhaps as long-sought redemption for losing a religious victory to Alhambram in PBEM 2 (remember that one?). It’s also currently his path of least resistance to victory, but will take some time to pull off. Again, though, geography makes it difficult to mount a land-based crusade as we’d be able to position units at chokepoints to kill the heretics as they came in. The number to watch here is Woden’s Icon_Faith generation. He’s currently at 14 per turn and would need a significant ramp up to start a timely religious victory.


This one is possible though we’ll be here for another 150-200 turns to get it done, I think. This may also be my only route to victory provided I can figure out how to keep up with Pindicator and out-build him when the time comes. As a result of that thinking I’ll be needing to keep district spots open at Acorn and LinCon for eventual Spaceports.

Looking Ahead


I’ll get Stirrups to one turn then work on other parts of the tech tree while I get a group of chariots built out of LinCon (and possibly LFSR). I’ll probably stall techs to one turn to help with district costs (Campus at the new city, Commercial Hub at LinCon). I’m going to hold off researching Astrology and Celestial Navigation until I have 9 districts built so that I can keep the discount in place and continue to try to work that mechanism. At some point I’ll complete Shipbuilding and try to get my scout into Persia.


Feudalism is complete, though astute observers will note I made no attempt to prebuild builders with Ilkum. Two reasons – first, other build priorities. Second, don’t need that many builder actions. I’ll be looking to slot Serfdom around the time I found my next city (for a free 5-charge builder) and I’ll get a couple of builders out then. There are a few chops and improvements to be made, but not enough to warrant a full-on builder flood.

The current goal is Exploration for the Tier 2 government. I do plan on getting the Intelligence Agency built in LinCon to get a spy up and running. Like PBEM 10 I’ll use it to try to scout out my opponents, though I need to figure out how to get better visibility on Woden’s lands.

City States

I’ve got four envoys in the bank. I’ll most likely use two at Bologna and one at Bandar Brunei. That will suzerain both city-states and leave me one envoy in reserve. I want to do that partly to try to offset Woden’s Diplomatic Favor and partly to see if or how Pindicator will attempt to contest those city-states. Even if Pindicator matches my envoy counts the additional science and gold will make the envoys worth it.

Further down the line I’d probably look to get three envoys into Auckland and Brussels (currently 2 and 1, respectively) to help boost the IZ at Threefry.


I’ve got two Campus districts in progress and an Industrial Zone and Aqueduct placed at Threefry. The city will complete its monument next turn and I’ll start getting those districts built. Threefry will go IZ → Aqueduct → Workshop. Depending on what happens the next district would be another Commercial Hub or a cheap Entertainment Complex for a late Colosseum run. But what about beyond that?

At Xorshift I’ll eventually put down a discounted Harbor, but that won’t be for a while. Up at Mixmax I’m not sure what district #2 will be, if at all. This city might get the Campus built out, go max walls and shift to Campus projects. The new city will get a Campus down first and then probably an Acropolis or Commercial Hub.

As for LFSR a third district is a possibility, but what and where? One option is to chop the jungle west of the city center, place an Acropolis there and then remove the quarry, harvest the stone and farm the tile once I can farm hills. Another option would be to park an Encampment in one of the mountain passes.

That leaves Acorn. Well, right now there’s no real space for one. The city’s current focus is to get to 10 population for the inspiration. Any further districts here will need to be third ring. But what? Another Industrial Zone, most likely E of the city’s Commercial Hub. After that I'll probably hold a spot for an eventual Spaceport.

That Settler

Well, there’s a problem with the location NE of LFSR:

I’d have a hard time holding the city without a governor, though Liang will be available to move here for a little bit while I get the Campus going. That’ll give me enough time to get a Monument built (helped by a jungle chop) and then population and LFSR’s pressure should prevent the city from flipping.


You can’t be serious, can you? Yes, I can. Acorn has empty hill tiles 2NW and 2SE of the city center. I’m thinking I purchase it and drop The Oracle on the hill. Acorn could crank that out in 10-11 turns depending on overflow from the prior build. That would be good for +4 GPP in Merchant, Writer, Musician, Artist and Scientist flavors (and Engineer if I go through with the IZ build). I’d be looking to start that wonder in eight turns, right after the market completes. I’ll purchase the tile I want to use after Acorn’s natural expansion after Turn 100. LinCon currently has the territory and production to do it but Acorn gets the better use of it.

Would I consider any others? It’d be situational, but sure. Angkor Wat and Hanging Gardens at Acorn, Jebel Barkal at Threefry (if I needed to ramp up faith generation, maybe the Great Library (though I suspect Pindicator may already be eyeing that one) or Oxford University.

Other Items

Ancient and Medieval Walls at Mixmax, LFSR, Acorn and possibly LinCon. The builder currently embarked is going to put a camp down at Acorn to get its housing to 11. That’ll keep the city growing to 10 and the Civil Service inspiration.

On the Great People front I’ll be uncontested for the first Great Writer and probably the one after that. Pindicator will be getting the first Great Merchant and currently has a slight lead in terms of point generation. Acorn’s Market will put me ahead, though probably temporarily, in terms of point generation and I’ll have a chance at the second merchant. As for Great Scientists I’m currently tops (by a point) in GSP generation, will extend the lead slightly with Acorn’s library and should be able to claim Triple-A. Woden is well on his way to Great General #2 and no one has built an Industrial Zone yet.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 101’s good to be Medieval. :mischeif: This one’s a Golden Age (ooog...shiiiiny). Woden is also in a Golden Age, Pindicator is in a normal age. I take Free Inquiry. Not only will this give me a 10% eureka boost but Commercial Hubs provide Icon_Science equal to their adjacency bonus. That gives me an extra 6 Icon_Science per turn (and maybe more) during this era. I need to get to 75 era points to get a normal age and 89+ points to get another Golden Age.

The turnover in eras has also gotten me new city-state tasks:

- Bologna: eureka for Military Tactics (kill unit with Spearman). Nope.
- Brussels: train a Pikeman. Maybe.
- Jerusalem: Recruit Great Prophet. That’s two city states (Yerevan being the other). Are they sending me a message?
- Auckland: Train a Courser. What’s that? (Consult Civilopedia). Ah, the unit midway between Horsemen and Cavalry.

The World Congress will convene next turn. Oh, goody. In other news, Pindicator has recruited Marcus Licinus Crassus. Next up is Piero de Bardi at a cost of 120. I have 25.3 @ 4.6/turn, Pindicator has 4.3 @ 6.9/turn. His ability is 1 charge, gain 200Icon_Gold and one envoy. I think I may be content to let Pindicator have him. On to the turn at hand.

At Threefry the monument is done. I queue up the Industrial Zone, select the worker and harvest the deer for 76Icon_Production. Time to build is dropped to 5 turns (from 18). Lumbermill goes down next turn. I also learn that you can harvest the forest out from under the deer. I always thought you needed to harvest the resource first. contemplate

Up at Mixmax and Acorn the cities have expanded, with Mixmax taking the tile with the Encampment marker and Acorn the tile due north where I stationed the builder. I swap that tile over to Mixmax and place a lumbermill. The brings the Campus build time to 5 turns. Acorn will grow in three turns and the population will go into the library, as that will be done in two turns.

At LinCon the Amphitheater is complete. I slot the settler, it’ll be done next turn with quite a bit of overflow (that won’t get cancelled by the new overflow mechanics). The city will grow in three turns. I also move the slinger into the city center for tidyness. Instead of the lumbermill I’m going to send the builder south to the horses and get those going now. I’ll accumulate horses while the chariots build and then get a couple of horses out with Maneuver as well.

The scout in the east moves towards Auckland. That leaves this turn’s embarked builder exploits.

Nothing spectacular but a good spot for a lifeboat city if it were to come to that. The builder will head for the unimproved ivory next turn and arrive there in 5 turns.

As my last action for the turn I put an envoy into Bandar Brunei. That gains me suzerainty, some extra gold for LFSR’s market and an additional Icon_Gold for my trade route to Bologna. I also get two era points for being the first to suzerain them. The completion of Military Training during the interturn will replace that envoy, bringing me back to four in the bank. Next turn I’ll suzerain Bologna with two envoys and see how Pindicator responds.

Stirrups will be at eureka minus 1 turn next turn so I’ll switch over to Education for four turns and then Military Tactics for five turns. With the upcoming policy change I’ll swap in Maneuver for Conscription. I’ll also swap in Serfdom for Caravansaries. The latter is currently worth 2Icon_Gold per turn and I can have LFSR churn out a couple of builders and traders while other cities focus on their own priorities.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 102 Turn 101-102 Interturn

Oh looky…

What will be voting on today?

Ok, so, in case no one’s gone over this, I’ll do so as I currently understand it.

- The resolutions are generally random, and there are two to vote on. There's a Diplomatic Victory vote that starts appearing in the Modern Era. That'll be a while.
- You get 1 free vote on each resolution.
- Additional votes scale up with each additional vote being costing n * 10 Diplomatic Favor. Cast one additional vote, that's 10, the second is 20, the third is 30, etc.
- You must cast one vote for each resolution
- You cast votes for Option A or Option B
- You also select a target where applicable.
- The option selected by the majority takes effect against the target accumulating the most votes from the option. Say Option A gets 5 votes, with three targeting the Inca and two targeting Persia, with Option B getting 4 votes all targeting Greece. Option A takes effect, targeting the Inca.
- Ties are broken by the proportion of Diplomatic Favor spent. The wiki doesn't quite explain what that means, though I assume it totals the amount of Diplomatic Favor spent to vote and the highest total gets the vote. Wonder how that works if an even number of people vote and no one spends any Diplomatic Favor?
- Anyone who votes for the winning option/target combination gains 1 Diplomatic Victory point. You need 20 to win.

You “win” a vote if you have selected the same option and target as the majority. You “lose” a vote, and get a partial refund of diplomatic favor, if you do not vote the same option and target as the majority. The size of the refund, I think, depends on the

So, what to do here?

Well, the first one is a no-brainer. Why give Woden’s units additional religious strength. I’d rather kill them. One vote for Option B in World Religion. Public Relations? Generate grievances or not generate grievances. Better still, you need to pick a target. I vote Option B and I vote myself as the target. That seems to be the least aggressive and most “neutral” option to take. Of course, I could be completely wrong on that but we’ll see. It’s also a bit useless because Grievances will only affect Diplomatic Favor generation and the only way they’re happening here is war. rolleye I also decide to not spend any Diplomatic Favor voting on these. I might need it later. I hit next, review my choices and hit submit.

I’m immediately granted by the usual End Turn dialog. I do see that Woden gave a heads up in the tech thread that this is how the mechanism works. Looks like we’re in the interturn.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 102

Annnnnnddddd….we’re back. Richard Dawson turns around to the big board and yells “SURVEY SAYS!”

Hmmmm…Woden spent 60 Diplomatic Favor on these votes and has earned himself two Diplomatic Victory points. Pindicator and I voted the same on Option A, differently on Option B (Pindicator wanted that option to target himself). Well, Woden need not worry about religious combat and religious combat strength does nothing when units get stomped by military units. As for Grievances, well, we’ll see how those play out.

I clear out the screen, Military Training is complete and Liang has established herself in Xorshift. The settler is out in LinCon and the city will replace that population in one turn. I did forget about that little factoid (population loss) when planning my district placement. The “funny” thing is that the city needs 0.3Icon_Food to gain a population. rolleye

Did Pindicator use any envoys in response to my suzerainty?

No, he did not. I take a look at the Great People generation screen and notice something interesting. Pindicator and Woden have both lost their decimal points and are back to integers. I think they’ve hit their amenity cap. Right now I’ve still got spare capacity.

I switch Stirrups to Education and start Mercenaries. I’ll work both to one turn from completion and switch out to something else. Open up the policy screen, swap out Conscription and Caravansaries, put in Maneuver and Serfdom. LFSR will start a builder next turn.

At LinCon I move the settler towards LFSR and the builder towards the horses. I’ll put the new population to work on one of the 3Icon_Food farms to help build up the population again. I might even move a citizen off the iron depending on how fast it’ll speed things up. I queue up a chariot and put three more in the queue. They’ll be out in two turns apiece and they’re being produced at a 75% production bonus (Maneuver + God of the Forge).

At Threefry the builder puts down a lumbermill, that cuts a turn off the Industrial Zone (now due in three turns). Embarked builder moves towards the mainland. Scout turns towards Auckland and runs into a thicket of Australian swordsmen, all standing on open ground.

Looking by LFSR, Woden’s horseman has shown up:

I’ll need to keep that in mind as he prowls around looking for a way in. I move my warrior southwest. Next turn I’ll go into the forested hill and block him from poking through both passes. That last move generally ends my turn.

I do decide to push my...luck?...a little and drop two envoys into Bologna. That’s good for 2Icon_Science this turn, 2Icon_Science more next turn (Acorn’s Library completes) and I’ll be earning a few more Great Person Points (2 scientist, 1 merchant, writer, artist and musician), at least for as long as Pindicator “allows” that to continue. While I’m on the topic of city-states I forgot to look at Bandar Brunei’s known map last turn:

No southern passage around the main land mass from that direction. That’s good – it’ll force Woden over the sea if he decided to invade. Suzerainty at Bologna doesn’t reveal much, other than the fact that there’s an isolated barbarian camp over there in the fog:

Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Turn 103

Like last turn my first question is whether my envoy deployments remain unchallenged by Pindicator. The situation remains unchanged – I’ve got suzerainty of both Bologna and Bandar Brunei. I’m not sure what Pindicator is planning on doing with his envoys.

Woden’s horseman has crossed the river, so I move y warrior back onto the hill. Woden will not be able to gain visibility on LFSR from the direct east. I though that the northern pass would also keep him contained, however,

The jungle NW of the swordsman is a flat tile. He could spend 2MP to enter the swordsman’s tile and then 2MP to get into that jungle. Option 1 is to shift the warrior east for the time being. Option 2 is to shift the swordsman west, allowing Woden to see the borders but not the city center. Given the military situation (parity) I’ll move the warrior east.

Within my own empire, LinCon is back to 6 population, LFSR’s trader is done, Threefry has expanded and Acorn has finished the library. LinCon is set to grow in 8 turns; moving a population off the iron to the farm shortens that to 7, which isn’t worth the loss of 3Icon_Production and 1Icon_Science. The builder pastures the horses (finally) and I move the citizen from the plains farm to that tile. It nets me 2Icon_Production more and doesn’t slow down city growth that much.

At LFSR I select the trader and see that the trade route from here to Bologna goes through Threefry as desired. I go with the trade route and start a builder. The embarked builder moves next to the mainland and will disembark next turn. I’ve realized that I could, in theory, get the Military Tactics eureka for Bologna, but it’d take some somersaults – build a hoplite or two, complete Shipbuilding and then go wreck that supposed barbarian camp west of the city-state.

Since it’s been a while, here’s a shot of the Great Person screen:

For reference, the current point accumulations are:

General: Woden – 2
Merchant: Pindicator – 6, Me – 5.7
Scientist: Woden – 5, Pindciator – 5, Me – 8
Writer: Me – 5.7
Artist: Me – 4.6
Musician: Me – 4.6

Based on the current totals I’ll be recruiting my first Great Writer and the next Great Scientist in 6 turns. I’m 15 turns from the Great Merchant and Pindicator is 18 turns. My turn count will go down once Acorn completes its Market in 4 turns. Given how the pass mechanism works I think I might be able to get away with passing on Triple A and shooting for Omar Khayyam. I’d beat anyone else to the next GS in the race given my GS point generation. Likewise, Marco Polo (+1 trade route, free trader) or Irene of Athens (+1 governor title) would be better than Piero de’ Bardi (200Icon_Gold, 1 envoy) so I might take a pass there as well. The only “danger” is that Pindicator also passes and then we sit around waiting for Woden to catch up. That would also mean Pindicator gets first choice of the next merchant as we’d both exceed the threshold in the meantime. contemplate

I am having some second thoughts about the settler. I could continue to send it to the +5 Campus location. That would be good for 10 science. The question then is one of amenities. I could, instead, send the settler to the furs. That would be for four amenities. In theory, that gets me 8 more happy population at 0.5Icon_Science each. However, two of those population would probably be at Acorn where they’d be worth 1.6Icon_Science each. That location would also give me a high Icon_Gold trade route with Bandar Brunei. The only reason this is “in play” for reconsideration is that I’ve caught Pindicator’s science rate for the time being and will exceed it in a few turns when Mixmax (8Icon_Science) and Xorshift (6Icon_Science) complete their Campus builds. I’ll also be exceeding Woden’s culture rate shortly with the Great Works (and an eventual Amphitheater build in Acorn and monument builds elsewhere). Next turn I’ll switch my tech research to Shipbuilding – it’ll complete in four turns and I can use the time to ponder what I want to do with the settler.
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Thanks for continuing with the detailed updates, I really love them. I might be the only spectator of Civ VI left (although a few people join me now and then in the lurker thread), but I like Gathering Storm so far (although I note there have been no disasters yet).

Two questions:

1)The resolution says units gain 10 strength (combat and religious). Does that mean Woden's combat units get +10 strength, too? That seems really high, but I am having a hard time parsing what the resolution means otherwise - does it refer to religious combat strength and religious CONVERSION strength?

2)In order to move onto the flat jungle, wouldn't Woden's horseman need visibility of the jungle at the start of turn (since he can't move into the tile with your swordsman, only past it)? With the mountains and jungle hill, I'm not sure he has any means of obtaining that vision. You might be safe there.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

(August 17th, 2019, 12:09)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Thanks for continuing with the detailed updates, I really love them. I might be the only spectator of Civ VI left (although a few people join me now and then in the lurker thread), but I like Gathering Storm so far (although I note there have been no disasters yet).

You are not, I am still reading daily even if I am not posting.  I also keep meaning to come in here to say I appreciate the regular updates.  Its just part of my morning reading now.

(August 17th, 2019, 12:46)Banzailizard Wrote:
(August 17th, 2019, 12:09)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Thanks for continuing with the detailed updates, I really love them. I might be the only spectator of Civ VI left (although a few people join me now and then in the lurker thread), but I like Gathering Storm so far (although I note there have been no disasters yet).

You are not, I am still reading daily even if I am not posting.  I also keep meaning to come in here to say I appreciate the regular updates.  Its just part of my morning reading now.

Yes, please keep updating! I'm really enjoying following this game, even although I've not played Civ VI beyond the base game myself (and pretty badly at that).
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

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