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CIV VI Gathering Storm PBEM in autumn

I'm not crazy about maximum disasters given my general noobishness with Civ6 in general. I'm good with all the other suggestions though.

Maybe I'll set up a quick play by cloud test game later so we can see how well it works and whether the notifications are sufficient.

Disasters were at max in pbem15 and they really haven't been that frequent. But that was before the flood plains in world builder bug was patched
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

What size do you want to go with? Small (6 player map) for a little more room or tiny (4 player map)? I can start rolling maps this weekend but will need a little time to look at World Builder. They changed it a bit and I haven't spent much time with it yet.

I would lean towards a bit more room, but I will defer to the others if that's unwise. If we can confirm Alhambram is also good with this setup, I wouldn't mind if civ choices got rolled sooner than later because I'll probably spend some extra time looking into that.

I made a test Play by Cloud game. Try joining by code: dZpal

There should be 3 open slots. Maybe let's just mess with it a bit while we're working through settings and see if it's worth it. I joined and readied up.

I am ok with setup, tiny map with low sea level is what I would suggest. Tiny map make chance for early era war bigger, while at small map 4 players tend to grow first 100 turns.

I tried to join using code but it causes me enter different game with 12 players. I am comfortable using PYDT, PYDT also has possiblity to revert turn and kick/replace player for various reasons. I don't know whether it is possible with cloud.

I have no interest in a mirror start as a warning. I find them bland.

Continents, small for me. Tiny makes for a thunderdome which is fine by me, probably not for everybody else.

When i tried joining the Play by Cloud game I got an error: Missing Mod "Unnamed Map Mod"

Continents, small with high sea level would be OK as long as we all start near the middle, and not at total opposite sides where we can't interact for ages.

Here are your civilization picks. I went with civilization only, figuring you can pick the leader for the ones with 2 options. I randomized ( 4 groups with 1GS, 1RF, and 5 of all remaining civilizations then assigned a random person to each group. 

TheArchduke: Mali, Cree, Kongo, Nubia, Japan, Mongolia, England
Alhambram: Hungry, Georgia, Canada, Greece, Korea, Sweden, Ottomans
Scooter: Inca, Mapuche, Norway, America, France, China, Persia
Cornflakes: Phoenicia, Zulu, Brazil, Scotland, Macedonia, Poland, India

Sounds like play by cloud is a no-go. I’ve read a few things suggesting it’s a bit buggy, and that seems to be matching our experience here. PYDT should be perfect.

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