1st duel between TheArchduke and me has concluded and we seek now kind mapmaker who draft map for another duel game between us.
Medieval start this time.
Medieval start this time.
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
Mapmaker needed for duel Medieval start
1st duel between TheArchduke and me has concluded and we seek now kind mapmaker who draft map for another duel game between us.
Medieval start this time.
Medieval yes.
I do think the map had a good size and feel to it. Continents crossable pre navigation.
I can create the map for you as well if you liked the last map. it will probably take until tomorrow though.
Archduke already posted his pick, let me know yours and any special preferences beside medieval start
I have to stay long at work today, so I will not be able to send you the save tonight.
The good news is I will be starting later tomorrow which means I can finalize the map tomorrow morning (CEST) and can send you the safe afterwards. Shall I change player order or do you want to keep it as the first game?
I have your map ready, who wants to start so i can send the save?
Same map preparation as before, I rolled some maps and picked one which looked balanced and made sure that resources are balanced as well. Remember setting a custom map in PYDT
Please join here: https://www.playyourdamnturn.com/game/a8...8b8cc5252b
Password: alvsad And Kaiser thanks for map! |