Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Alhazard goes back to BTS

ill post pics later this week but looks like Gav is set on attacking SD next with knights and I seriously doubt that SD can hold on.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

banghead banghead banghead
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

ok maybe I overreacted but is SD really going to attack Commodore? ugh. game thrower for sure.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Honestly now sure how long I can try to report on every turn since the turn pace is really fast with only 4 players left.


Whipped courthouse at Claustrophobia. Now every courthouse is saving at least 4gpt. In Jersey's building wealth until the city is at the size I want since forge is at 70/120 and ger at 30/60 so at 20H, forge will finish in 2 turns with 0 overflow, and ger in 1 turn with forge.


Maybe I am being too paranoid, but if Gav has 2 Praet's in the galley, I could be in trouble so build a pre-emptive trieme.


I did my math wrong and realized that size 11 is the ideal size for Jerseys. Keeping in mind the 44/120 limit for forges to allow a 3-whip with organized religion with max overflow. (2*30*1.25) = 75. so need 76 hammers sort of completion for max overflow.


Really wish I had some island cities like Commodore.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin


I made a mistake this turn. Should have at least scouted what RM has in the coastal city this turn. Shows you how far Gav has gotten ahead GNP wise. More land = more commerce. At least he didn't get the colossus. New city. Wondered why in civ5 and 6, there is no option to rush a partially completed build with gold/faith. Seems bizarre to me.


Saw that the coastal city only had 2 archers so take city. Covered wounded HA with combat2+shock HAs.


Now I am moving my trieme ahead like this because the worst move would be for Gav to declare when his galley is outside my borders SW of Nan Madol. So move trieme in position to kill it before it can land units if I have to.


I thought that I needed to end the RM war now so I can start vulturing commodore if he SD makes headway. Also RM wasn't whipping his capital. Was short by 2 units of taking the city this turn. Finally Jersey's can start 2 turning longbows/cat. Can't afford to make a ger because HA's aren't that good anymore and I still have a good number of them for flanking. Wanted to 3 whip a forge in Great Scouts and prioritized spreading religion there but didn't grow to 6 in time. So 2 whipped a rax instead and try again in 10 turns.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin


RM war is over. Saw that SD already has x-bows so he is more advanced that I thought. Also this turn Commodore adopted vassalage and theocracy and whipped a bunch of longbows. Which makes sense because SD war+peaced with Gav (why?!) so now I am thinking SD is going after Comm any moment now and Gavagai will move in against SD as soon as he can. Gav also revoluted into Bureacracy eating an anarchy turn and instead used a great prophet on the shrine? Definitely going for Music now since he already used a GScientist for his academy in capital so would need several turns for the next great person even with the forum boost. Need to not go over 104/150 market build in DotF to allow a 2 whip with max overflow. Also should have prioritized improving the silk SW of Golden Ages faster since 2 Movement could have worked it instead of coast.


Now having capital build wealth to help with research because by now, I am sure Gavagai is doing this also. Don't really see the value of growing to size 18 especially without Colossus. While trying to figure out which techs might have been taken already through GNP changes due to known tech bonus, saw that someone researched Alphabet and see that SD is 1 tech away from knights! at the expense of economic techs like CoL, civic service, and calendar (really no value to him although he might have 1 calendar resource in former Aztec land?)

New city names:

Disasters: Maybe this is a good thing for SP but do we really need natural disasters on for MP? You can't even disable it. There was someone in the PYFT discord who reported that on T18, a tornado hit his capital for a loss of 2 pop so this definitely adds huge variance.
World Congress: The 1st time this came up, i honestly had no idea what I was voting for. What do these policies mean? Why wasn't there any option for the player to propose legislation to vote on?
Upgrades: Now upgrades are more expensiver in gold and resources. (read why requiring # of strategic resources for units is a bad thing in the civ6 release thread). Another way of cutting down on ways around production in this game, and honestly not a good thing because everything still costs way too much in civ6.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin


Concerned that Comm is sending reinforcements to the neighbor with less power and who didnt get a 10 turn NAP with his other neighbor.


What an unfortunate barb spawn. Realized that the target population at the Moai city was 13 (20h/t with guilds), not 14, so no need to build an aquaduct, will have city build wealth until guilds. Making some badly needed missionaries instead of military at Jersey's but this is a long term investment. Honestly nervous about Comm's military build up but I can't believe he would launch an attack with longbows. Also I realized that I should have whipped the missionary at discount card last turn, not this turn because of what happens on T170.


So let's talk about the city at the sugar. To be honest, I felt really turned off by GS and haven't played it but other than the reasons listed already, just couldn't figure why. Is it because of the new civs? Then I finally realized that the game now runs really poorly on my 2015 MBP compared to base and R&F. It does run ok on my Dell G3 so I might try playing it more, but ugh still.
Music is in so using culture bug (queue culture then another item in the queue when the borders will expand to have the production goto culture and the next item in the queue) at World Congress to expand borders and put hammers into the granary although the barb galley will pillage the clams. Intentionally starving Wonders for 1 turn to speed up the Heroic Epic build. 3 whipped forge at 2 Movement and wondered why the overflow was so tiny then realized that it doesn't have the stage religion. Oops.
Overall, feeling behind tech and military at the same time. Now I planned on having Pillagers build the forbidden palace next but wondering if it should instead start producing more military.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Culture bug is banned btw - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

I don’t think it’s banned? Did i miss a post?
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Ok I checked the organization thread and nothing.

EDIT: Could you please point to the post in the organizing thread where it is banned? I did read it 1st to make sure that this wasnt banned in the game and I didn't see anything.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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