Mack got the Bone Palace. Hopefully he's going to be public enemy #1 again, as I'm guessing this GA is going to propel him to a winning position. It also means my plans are going to change somewhat. Sorcery is now my target, as much for Metamagic and Floating Eyes (or whatever they're called) as Sorcerers.
Found a little barb civ between me and superjm:
Unfortunately I wont be able to take that one nearest me, since it won't have ever grown past 1 pop.
I'm expanding normally as well:
And next turn will start my own Golden Age. Maybe I'll be able to somewhat compete with mack and his outrageous GNP and MFG:
All my new forests from Bloom should make this GA a good one.
I am number 1 in power though:
I plan on getting most of my cities on building PoLs, they're slower than my cap, but more queues does equal more units. My cap meanwhile has been building Archers to garrison my cities with, and will use that overflow to build workers quickly, and a settler soon as well. There's a nice spot with some Horses and Deer that's already surrounded by my territory, so I don't need to build much of a garrison beforehand.
Going for Alteration for Haste, then going for the next FoL tech that'll unlock the Hero unit for that religion, which can see Mack's invisible units.
I'm assuming Auro's spike was summons arriving then dying, I guess to protect him after their peace wore off?
But I don't understand Rathus Denmora being killed, would he really turn it into a shade and settle it as a great person? Or is there something else you can do with high xp units as the Sidar? Something to do with his new Golden Age? I dunno.
Speaking of Golden Ages, I'm pleased to report that I'm still ahead of mack in hammers while we're both in one:
I've settled two new cities:
China Roses to the south by the deer and horses, and Pax Deorum to the north-west. That one I'll just surround with forested workshops.
I also have Body mana now and I'm getting Enchantment mana at the node by China Roses. I probably ought to build some more Adepts, but only my cap has a Mage Guild atm, and it's going to build the FoL hero next turn.
I have plans for at least three more cities. At home most of my cities have been building some useful buildings like Elder Councils and Markets, as much for the specialist slots as their actual output. I'm going to swap into Guardian of Nature soon, which will increase my happy cap significantly. I'm going to tech towards Military Strategy next so I can revolt into Military State at the same time.
I think I might have to attack Dave soon. I doubt I'll be in a position to attack mack, and it looks like Auro isn't going to be going back to war with mack any time soon, and I need to do something to improve my position other than internal development. Lots of PoL, Fawns, and Archers will be the invasion force, along with many Tigers of course. The Fawns I want to bring along to get enough xp that I can upgrade some into Satyrs. And if mack attacks me while I'm invading Dave I can use my worldspell.
Alright, let's get this over with. I attacked mack with some Fyrdwells where he has no units and burned one city. I hope to be able to burn at least one more before they all die, but if he moves a bunch of units to deal with them I can attack at the old border with Dave (GG Dave, btw). Last turn I had some Woody 2 fawns ready to attack from another direction, but my Hawk scouted ahead (I had previously forgotten that Hawks can rebase and scout in one turn) and saw that he had a Hawk there and managed to move some highly promoted Hunters in there. So I moved away, but my Fawns are still in the area so if he moves a lot out of there I can go back in.
Mack's power has been stagnating, and the turnaround time for the last turn (and his post in the tech thread) tells me he's checked out of the game. Which is unfortunate from a "fair play" sort of standpoint. Fortunate for my chances of winning, or at least ending this game soon. I'm still near-invulnerable to attack with my worldspell (well, not invulnerable, but my territory is not somewhere you want to invade). And I have a pretty huge numerical advantage. In fact, after I hit end turn and units were built in most of my cities I finally caught up in power:
His units are very much superior in quality though.
Alright, I'll concede to mack if superjm is ok with it. Mack somehow killed Kithra (I don't know why he defended before most of the other stuff there, but whatever), and now I can't see any of his invisible crap, so even ym Worldspell is pretty useless, and his invisible Rathas can just freeze all my stuff in place. It'll still take a lot of time for mack to kill me, but there's nothing I can do about it.
scratch that last. I've stymied the bleeding with the Treants and I have metamagic from superjm, so I can use the floating eye to see invisible stuff. So far all mack is doing is holding the bulk of my stuff in place with Rathas, presumably waiting for my Treants to disappear. If I can just maintain the stalemate, maybe do some more damage, then maybe that'll be enough time for superjm to get involved? I can only hope.
OK, mack's actual invasion has begun. I can do nothing to stop it, and superjm is apparently doing nothing either. I'll keep playing, but if a lurker can go and actually ask superjm if he wants to keep going, that would be great.
(October 17th, 2019, 14:50)Mr. Cairo Wrote: OK, mack's actual invasion has begun. I can do nothing to stop it, and superjm is apparently doing nothing either. I'll keep playing, but if a lurker can go and actually ask superjm if he wants to keep going, that would be great.
He indicated so.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
Well, he's made his intervention. So far it's going relatively well. He struck with a bunch of Djinn, which game me an opening to use some of my last few high-strength Priests to clean up mack's units in that city and take it back (for a turn), but more importantly killed Baron Duin Halfmorn, I also cleaned up a bunch of his Blooded Werewolves he had around my cap, got quite lucky on some of them. So that cut off a source of a lot of his units.
My only concern is that superjms stack with his Archmage heroes, other Mages, and a bunch of Axes, is too close to macks forces still in my territory, and could get killed. Also, I really hope he's got more than just what I've seen, because it is not a lot of units.
I made a ton of mistakes in this game that I'm kicking myself over, not least of which was not preparing roads through the jungle next to your territory and not putting my Archmages close enough to properly intervene the turn before I actually did when it probably would have been way more helpful. It seems like I can never get used to the obscene amount of mobility armies in this game can have, I'm not even sure what I could have done about the 6 move Rathas and their Sun II spam.
I did have more units than what you saw but they were kind of spread behind the lines and regardless of that my production was suffering the whole game until just recently.