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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Nakor Wrote:We are going to make it!
India needs 3t to research Nationalism and we can whip it next turn for 3pop I hope. Do we wait another turn or do we whip?

Some other things:
- Krondor, we need a Grocer there and could put Hermitage there to get more culture.
- Carse, size 5 now, when do we whip for Lib, we can run 2 scientist there easily
- La Mut, do we build another Settler or military?
- Sethanon, should we build a market-grocer in the hope we get a Great Prophet?

If you could take a look after you tests, that would be great!

Taj Mahal - see above

Carse - see above

La Mut - see above (I suggested a worker, actually, since by a quick visual count, Yabon, Sethanon, Stardock, and Port Natal need improved tiles. Even Krondor ...)

Krondor - a grocer is okay to me. Hermitage is as well - obviously that should be next after the grocer.

Sethanon - hm ... I'm not so sure. Let's see what happens. We aren't going to have to make a decision until we get a great person though.

If you've got any suggestions/criticisms/questions, feel free to ask. smile In particular, I'd like to know what your plans are regarding Sethanon.

Novice, he gifted it to us, so to stay within the rules of the game, we won't be building HE before we get one of our own units to 10XP.

DMOC, I agree on TM, will try to end the turn last and see how things stand and decide on it. I do suggest we whip TM next turn. Rolan is unhealty, so a 3pop with is no problem.

Good point on the other cities. Sethanon, really don't know. If we want to turn it into a GP-farm, we should farm all the tiles, but cottaging is an option as well. Don't use workshops much myself, so you need to tell me about them.

Worker on Queg island on the pre-road sign (I'm learning) will camp the deer to speed up growth from Darkmoor, then return for the cottages. We'll be whipping/worker/settler building the cities, so we don't need the cottages just yet.

[SIZE="7"]WE DID IT!!!![/SIZE] jivejivejive

Ended the turn as last player.
We can now whip TM for 2 pop, I suggest we do so!
Made most of our moves, except some whipping, so we need to chech the game before proceeding.

Wow, really? So India is still researching Nationalism? Wow, their economy must be weaker than I thought.

Anyway, let's whip it now. I think India could, in theory, get a great person to bulb Nationalism but that's extremely unlikely.

With your approval, I will whip the Taj. Or you, if you're in the game later. EDIT: Still we should probably wait. Hopefully India has an agreement with another team to make them give India gold, so if they do that, and we play AFTER then and finish, the other team might be upset. Not likely though.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 187 - 1270 AD[/SIZE]

1. I'm looking at the situation with Northwarden, and I opted to whip the rathaus for 2 popuation. Now the city is working the rice as well as a silver tile. It should get a library next for culture.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0697.jpg]

2. Plako converted to Hindiusm. Hm ...

3. Whosit is down to 1 city.

4. Okay ... it seems like we are STILL switching the culture signs. So this is what I propose: DON'T ALTER ANY OF THESE SIGNS FROM NOW ON. Here are before and after screenshots. Once again, don't alter the signs. smile

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0696.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0699.jpg]

5. Sethanon will have a great person in 5 turns. We could burn him for a golden age to get 24 turns of it, but I think that there's a better long-term use for him.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0698.jpg]

6. Hawk's Hollow will be founded next turn, which will hopefully give us cultural control of that Romali tile Dantski is chopping. Eventaully. One thing I want to make sure of, though, is that Hawk's Hollow does not steal any of its surrounding cities' tiles.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0700.jpg]

7. The more I think about it, the more I think Carse should be our long-term Great Person city. It's nowhere at the production of Sethanon yet, but Sethanon is really better as a cottage city rather than a GP city. Carse will, with the rice farmed and chain-irrigated, generate at lesat 10 surplus food eventually. With farms, we can easily increase that amount, I'm sorry we cottaged it, but I guess we can let Carse work the cottage anyway. What do you think Nakor? We could put the National Epic there? I think our worker there should farm the rice next, then mine the hills.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0701.jpg]

8. Changed La Mut to a worker. Sorry, this isn't even debatable. We're so low on workers in the mainland and our cities are growing rapidly now. It seems like all cities except Rolan and Crydee need some improving at the moment. frown Working the forest to get 2F and 2H next turn rather than just 3F from the farm.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0704.jpg]

9. Let's move the axe to the plains tile SW-SW of their city center, so we can see it. smile

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0708.jpg]

10. Yabon's next build - definitely a theatre. This is another culture battleground. Hopefully La Mut's worker can improve some tiles.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0707.jpg]

11. When should we crank up our research for HBR? And did we pay off Athlete?

12. Krondor - since we don't have Guilds yet, I highly recommend that we build the HERMITAGE there. It's NINE turns (I'm not kidding, I checked the game). That'd be a huge help as Krondor would pressure 2 Romali cities.

13. EDIT: Should we maybe spend our EP on Dantski? We're spending a lot on Slaze and we have visibility in his cities, but he is not as important to us from a game perspective as Dantski is. Ideally I'd like to get visibility into Romali and Korea.

14. Don't whip Land's End just yet. Let it grow.

I'll try to end the turn after India again. lol

1. Should be build a Lib or a Theatre in Northwarden for culture?
2/3. Indeed.
4. Will try to do so. We're gaining a bit of cultural ground.
5. Hope we get a prophet for our shrine. If not, maybe another academy in Krondor? Helps culturaly as well.
6. yes, let's keep a close eye on HH. What shall we build first? Granary? Theatre? Lib?
7. Sounds good. Let's farm a lot there.
8. Ok, I was in doubt. We can let Port Natal build another worker as well.
9/10 Yes
11. I suggest next turn once our GA starts. HBR - Guilds and then beeline Rifling? We did pay off Athlete.
12. Good plan but maybe switch if for a grocer once Guilds is in.
13. We could, but we promised not to. Guess we need to tell him then.
14. Ok!

My questions:
* Where do we get the settler for Loriel from?
* Are we going to spread religion more? Port Natal or Yabon could be put un missionary duty.
* What is our long term plan? I guess going for Dantski for more land, but then? We should think about a possible victory condition.

If you're busy sometime in the next 9 hours, I will also be online almost all day so in the event the turn timer goes down to 1,2,3 hours I will be able to login.

1. I'd build a library, if only because it has a better long-term effect than a theatre. The silver tile can, in some ways, justify the library.

5. Yes, I was following that train of thought. Scientist = Krondor academy, Prophet = shrine.

6. Usually I'd build a granary first but honestly I'd be happy with a theatre. Get the 10 culture pop ASAP then the granary. We should be farming but mostly cottaging the city. I don't want it to steal the other cities' tiles since those cities have better multipliers so HH will need to get its own science buildings eventually.

7. Do you agree with farming the rice next? We'd have to do the painstaking task of chopping jungle, but the borders won't pop for a while.

8. Indeed, I hadn't thought about Port Natal on a worker. Correct me if I'm wrong but will Port Natal grow to size 8 next turn AND be done with a forge? Best case scenario for this city at the moment.

11. Okay, so we did pay off athlete. smile And good job of holding back research until the Golden Age. smile

13. Oh okay, so that explains it. Who do we have EP agreements with? Dantski, Plako/Broker, and Speaker/Sullla?


Loriel - Where is that? lol

Religion could be spread more. We should probably be spreading it to cities just starting out so that they can build granaries without worrying about culture borders. I'd wait and see if we can get a prophet.

Long term plan - Dantski seems like the best choice. Beef up defenses by Korea and then attack Dantski. Then go to nuclear weapons?

I'll have the time, but feel free to whip Rolan and end turn is we're last.
Then you can start us up in our Golden Age.

Just to respond to your points:
1. Library it is!
5. Agreed, so let's go with that plan. With an Academy AND Hermitage, Krondor should win the culture battle.
6. So, do you mean Theatre first, or Granary first? Not completely sure. We can also go Library first while chopping those forests before cottaging. I suggest we cottage the whole place.
7. YES! More food is better! We don't have a border pop, so chopping a forest doesn't do us much good.
8. You're correct, so worker it is then.
11. Thanks!
13. I believe we have agreed with all 3, but we can change our minds if we want to. Have to think it through, since we don't want to anger India yet (they build Notre Damne).


Loriel is between Carse and Ironpass, sealing the southern shore of Centralia.

Agreed, Dantski should be our target once we get rifling. Do you want to wait for cannons or cavalry? Going for nukes sounds good. We could also try to go for UN-victory. Culture seems of the table, military won't work, I think and space is such a long job, but possible.

Religion, indeed, let's wait for the Great Person in Sethanon. We need to rethink the specialists in Sethanon after this one.

PS: India is now 8 turns from Nationalism, but I think they're trying to fool us.

I meant the theatre first in Hawk's Hollow - sorry. A quick forest chop or 2 will help.

Settler for Loriel - not sure right now. Land's End could whip it if we're going with Moai in Queg.

Theatre it is. Land's End is a good option indeed after the Library.
Land's end could run some GP's as well...

Do we switch Civics in our GA?

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