T97 continued.
Edit - screenshot added. Same one as post #69, I forgot it. Boat route doesn't quite match the text, I fixed the signs then forgot to take a new shot.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://pages.suddenlink.net/flowerdog/Civ4/RB46/PB46T97.jpg)
6xp archers referred to as F1, F2, etc. 9xp archers are L1, L2, etc.
FF contains 2 6xp archers, and a 6xp spear. Granary, Totem Pole.
It has 22 shields in a barracks and makes 4 shields per turn.
Production set to walls (0)
I have one galley in the area (G1 - 0xp).
T98. Footfall(sz3) whips walls. 38-25=13 shields overflow (protective adjusted out).
L1 completes and loads. Boat moves 2s.
Option. Declare. Move Nav1 (G3) boat N of Neapolis Pigs. Blockade. Is blockade radius 1 or 2?
T99. FF Borders expand. Inner ring tile reclaimed.
FF worker1 finishes chop. 22+13+30 shields into Barracks (5 overflow)
L1 offloads S of wheat (no road there sadly)
L2 completes and sits in Lucifer. L3 started, some starvation required to 1t it.
Boat moves to Gripping, picks up worker2, moves back to same tile it started on.
Option. G3 to Neapolis Clams, blockade or pillage.
FF puts 5 overflow +4 production into chariot. Iron pillage opportunity strike, or worker defense.
FF regrows to 3
LH completes L3, starts Medic (only thing it can 1t, and I need one)
G1 moves E of wheat, offloads W2 onto wheat, loads L2+L3
L1 moves onto Ivory.
W1 moves to Oasis Wheat if safe-ish, Irrigate1
Option - G3 Pillage Clams, move E-SE to help shuttle units (and be in position if he throws some Praets on a Galley to throw at Lucifer, which would REALLY suck if he burned it)
T101. FF Chariot whipped.
G1 moves adjacent to FF, unloads L2 and L3.
W2 moves to Oasis Wheat, Irrigate 2&3.
If a warrior threatens workers, L1 moves to cover. If it's an axe (there is one down there somewhere), they run away instead and fort gems (with L1 covering on a jungle hill...
Medic idles.
FF starts archer. Chariot moves onto Ivory - out of view (or all the way to kill worker-chasing axe)
G1 returns, loads medic (and maybe an archer, hammers are very close, if not I whip it.).
G2 arrives
G3 mills around. (blockade something?)
If workers are safe, L1 moves to FF.
G1 moves, offloads medic (and archer?)
FF contains F1, F2, L2, L3, spear, medic, possible L1, possible L4, possible chariot.
Vs 3 praets. It's fine.
LH definitely completes L4 here, loads.
FF FF regrows to 3, and whips archer.
T104. 5 Praet window.
L5 loads on G3 and moves directly into the city to unload on the same turn.
F1-3, L1-5, spear, medic. Still fine.
FF starts F4
G3 returns, loads L6
FF starts F4.
T106 - 12 Praet window.
L7 loads on G3, G3 moves, L6&7 unload.
F1-3, L1-7, spear, medic, possible chariot.
Getting thin. My other cities need to help out before that.
First Trireme completes.
Borsche lands a fleet on my east coast.
OH hits my north with Knights.
Footfall is my last city. It's sz1 and all tiles are pillaged, but it has 24 CG3 archers in it.
Gavagai completes Space Elevator.
Edit - screenshot added. Same one as post #69, I forgot it. Boat route doesn't quite match the text, I fixed the signs then forgot to take a new shot.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://pages.suddenlink.net/flowerdog/Civ4/RB46/PB46T97.jpg)
6xp archers referred to as F1, F2, etc. 9xp archers are L1, L2, etc.
FF contains 2 6xp archers, and a 6xp spear. Granary, Totem Pole.
It has 22 shields in a barracks and makes 4 shields per turn.
Production set to walls (0)
I have one galley in the area (G1 - 0xp).
T98. Footfall(sz3) whips walls. 38-25=13 shields overflow (protective adjusted out).
L1 completes and loads. Boat moves 2s.
Option. Declare. Move Nav1 (G3) boat N of Neapolis Pigs. Blockade. Is blockade radius 1 or 2?
T99. FF Borders expand. Inner ring tile reclaimed.
FF worker1 finishes chop. 22+13+30 shields into Barracks (5 overflow)
L1 offloads S of wheat (no road there sadly)
L2 completes and sits in Lucifer. L3 started, some starvation required to 1t it.
Boat moves to Gripping, picks up worker2, moves back to same tile it started on.
Option. G3 to Neapolis Clams, blockade or pillage.
FF puts 5 overflow +4 production into chariot. Iron pillage opportunity strike, or worker defense.
FF regrows to 3
LH completes L3, starts Medic (only thing it can 1t, and I need one)
G1 moves E of wheat, offloads W2 onto wheat, loads L2+L3
L1 moves onto Ivory.
W1 moves to Oasis Wheat if safe-ish, Irrigate1
Option - G3 Pillage Clams, move E-SE to help shuttle units (and be in position if he throws some Praets on a Galley to throw at Lucifer, which would REALLY suck if he burned it)
T101. FF Chariot whipped.
G1 moves adjacent to FF, unloads L2 and L3.
W2 moves to Oasis Wheat, Irrigate 2&3.
If a warrior threatens workers, L1 moves to cover. If it's an axe (there is one down there somewhere), they run away instead and fort gems (with L1 covering on a jungle hill...
Medic idles.
FF starts archer. Chariot moves onto Ivory - out of view (or all the way to kill worker-chasing axe)
G1 returns, loads medic (and maybe an archer, hammers are very close, if not I whip it.).
G2 arrives
G3 mills around. (blockade something?)
If workers are safe, L1 moves to FF.
G1 moves, offloads medic (and archer?)
FF contains F1, F2, L2, L3, spear, medic, possible L1, possible L4, possible chariot.
Vs 3 praets. It's fine.
LH definitely completes L4 here, loads.
FF FF regrows to 3, and whips archer.
T104. 5 Praet window.
L5 loads on G3 and moves directly into the city to unload on the same turn.
F1-3, L1-5, spear, medic. Still fine.
FF starts F4
G3 returns, loads L6
FF starts F4.
T106 - 12 Praet window.
L7 loads on G3, G3 moves, L6&7 unload.
F1-3, L1-7, spear, medic, possible chariot.
Getting thin. My other cities need to help out before that.
First Trireme completes.
Borsche lands a fleet on my east coast.
OH hits my north with Knights.
Footfall is my last city. It's sz1 and all tiles are pillaged, but it has 24 CG3 archers in it.
Gavagai completes Space Elevator.