Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 25

Vacuum is grey


So we were thinking of saying PORT, HOLE and PIANO. Lets see if SD wants to direct us away from those somehow.

Spy Unlimited
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

A MOLE is a type of spy.
I think a spyHOLE is a thing.
Which would be kind of like a spyPORT?

I can't think of any PIANO related spy things, so maybe he's trying to steer us away from that word? I think MOLEman is a comics thing?

It's an unlimited clue, so likely that it points to one word that we've so far totally missed, then lets us get the other two from previous clues. Or SD didn't realise that was a tactic and it points to 3 words. We've only got 8 words to choose from though, so this should be easy, right?

I struggle to see a PORT link noidea
A spy could kill someone with PIANO wire
Red SQUARE is a place where spies go  Commissar
A spy might have to improvise a deadly weapon with a FORK
A MOLE is a spy (this could very tenuously have been a man reference - there's a character in the Simpsons called Moleman)
A spy HOLE is a thing for perving shhh
SATURN? Nope, nothing  shakehead
SpyFALL was a bond movie (could SD have clued man to give us FALL guy?)

There's only one strong link in there - MOLE - which makes me think the other two words might not be spy-related.

Of the other words we suggested previously (PORT, HOLE and PIANO) did we have a strong preference for two or should we just take the first two from the list? My preference would be to take PORT (because of the man unlimited meta-clue) and HOLE (because it somewhat fits all of oil, man and spy).

If it helps the clues so far have been:
Oil 3 (DRILL, GAS)
MAN Unlimited
spy unlimited

If it isn't Mole I'm going to riot.

Assuming that's one of our words, I will attempt to puzzle our the remaining two rationally.

There's only one reason to give us an unlimited clue- we've hit most of the words we need but were missing a single word SD needed to alert us to. Otherwise he would have given Spy (2) or Spy (3). Thus Mole, which both fits and had never once been suggested by anyone on our team. There shouldn't be any other spy words. Mole was likely meant as a Man word, as in "moleman". How we were expected to go for that over Snow is beyond me, but here we are. I see no connection whatsoever to Oil.

So then we need two more:

* One Man word

* One Oil word which may or may not also be a Man word

Port is surely the final Oil word. It fits and SD must have known we were leaning heavily toward it. It theoretically also could be a Man word, as in the last name "Portman", as others have noted.

So then we just need a final Man word. I suspect the team will lean toward Hole; I urge us to avoid it. Hole fits with Kevlar (I suspect it was accidental that Blue considered both Helicopter and Parachute for that word) AND with Escape (escape hole, fox hole, bolt hole, etc.)

Given OH's prodding, SD should realize that we're then left with Piano. He didn't try to steer us away by trying to clue Mole + something else instead, so we should select it. On that note, if our final words were Mole, Hole, and Port, surely SD would have given us something like "Tunnel (2)". Mole and Hole are very easy to clue together; for that matter, Mole, Hole, Drill, and Ground would have been easy to knock out with our first clue.

I guess it could still be Saturn, but whatever. This is why really broad clues like "Man" typically don't work, too many words fit. Although, to be fair, I'm not sure how I would have clued Mole, Piano, and Port together last round either.

Anyway, my vote is for Mole, Port, Piano.

Replies to other spoilers:

@OH: I think the Bond movie was skyFALL, but full points for creativity.

@Bob: As I think the blue team pointed out, Kevlar is supposed to prevent HOLEs, so that would be kind of a backwards clue.

I think you're being too literal regarding the Kevlar clue. Kevlar prevents Holes to the Organs in your Torso. You're just supposed to follow that simple train of thought. Think about it this way; Helicopters and Parachutes aren't actually made of Kevlar, so neither makes any sense as an answer, right? Or, if you think they do, neither is more of a leap of logic than Hole.

Bob is convinced the man unlimited clue was to point us away from HOLE. I feel like it was designed to grab the hard-to-clue PORT, but I do buy that HOLE is likely to be a Kevlar word. Whatcha think Auro?

Well, this is interesting. At this point I am not sure of anything as last clue proved...

Certainly this must be for one word we were missing earlier. Why unlimited otherwise? Spy obviously links to MOLE.

So the other two... I think PORT is a must because SD has seen our discussion and he saw that we all had that on our list. So it must be the last Oil word.


But then the 3rd? HOLE (which I originally liked) or... PIANO. No other possibilities really.

Like Bob said HOLE is dangerous. At this point I think it is blue. It could be evacuation word easily. Now that I know (eh.. think) PORT is the last oil word I don't like HOLE anymore. Also, Bob had a good reasoning why it's very unlikely our word at all.

I think Man clue must've been for MOLE and PIANO (I guess? but no idea how SD thought we could get those two or even one of them). But connecting MOLE, PIANO and PORT is not easy... probably impossible?

So I think we'll go MOLE, PORT and then my vote for 3rd is PIANO.

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