Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 26

KNIFE, duh.
I also like SWITCH for Switchblade.
3rd is probably HELICOPTER.

KNIFE, HELICOPTER, SWITCH are my top three. There are other possibilities, but I'd have to be talked out of those three.

Knife and Helicopter for sure. Maybe lock after that, as in combatants locking their blades together, or King as a reference to guillotines or the Sword of Damocles or King Arthur.

Post spoiler edit: missed Switch, prefer that as a third word.

Point to KNIFE
Point to SWITCH

Knife is RED
Helicopter is RED
Switch is RED

Blue team is up
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.


Teleportation 5


That is an ambitious clue.

Teleportation could easily be a reference to a game. Is there a teleportation mechanic in Mario Cart?

If so, I could see SPIKE,and BALL as obstacles in that game and then you can teleport away from a SPOT (perhaps even with a JET?)

Is there some teleportation mechanic in Magic the Gathering? I could then see LIFE as well.

Or maybe I`m waaay off the mark. lol

What an unexpected clue!

Let's see. How does teleportation work? LOCK on to life signs, TAG the destination SPOT, then PASS through the aether. It's quite the TRIP.

I dunno. It all feels very speculative. The only thing I'm confident about is that we should avoid PLANE and JET, because if they were among our words, we would have been given a clue that was much less... esoteric.

If I had to pick an order, it would be SPOT/LOCK/TRIP/PASS/TAG.

Teleportation is a quick way to take a long TRIP
To teleport off a planet, you need transporter LOCK (if I remember my Star Trek)

Aaand then I get stuck. Friday evening wine brain.

Ooh. You PASS through things when teleporting.

You Teleport to ATLANTIS through a stargate in the eponymous TV series.

I'm not seeing why Teleportation not Teleport BTW, although there may be no particular reason.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Oof, that's a tricky one.  And remarkably ambitious!  There's got to be some reason for teleport not transport, so I think that rules out at least plane and jet.

Agreed on TRIP, LOCK, for sure.  I can see possibility in any of ATLANTIS / PASS / SPOT.  

Honestly with a clue this ambitious I want to go backwards.  Here are all the remaining words, with those I want to rule out marked with a reason:
NAIL - Unrelated
LITTER - Unrelated
BEAR - Unrelated
APPLE - Unrelated
OLIVE - Unrelated
PLANE - Almost opposite, plane is very much about travelling including intermediate space
JET - Same as plane
TAIL - Unrelated
KING - Unrelated
Ok, after doing that, I find the pattern that my gut wants is against concrete tangible things.  Teleportation is very much a conceptual step-skipping ethereal word, and much closer to a verb than a noun.  Possible exception of Atlantis - although even there Atlantis is mainly rescued by being imaginary.

Strongly disagree with JR4's method, I hate going for two-step clues.  Almost always if a spymaster intends you to think of things related to Kart, he will clue Kart - not clue something that makes you think of Kart. You can maybe make an exception for when Kart would be too close to a word and be illegal to clue.  Plus in the particular instance, I don't think there is teleportation in Mario Kart - all the movement is either visible or given an excuse, like the cloud fisher guy recovering your car from the abyss.

So all in all, I would vote for probably in order TRIP / PASS / SPOT / LOCK / ATLANTIS.  I'm only super confident in TRIP, can't decide what order I prefer the others in, and I could be talked into swapping some of them out for others.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


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