Befoe getting started on the new clue, given the LOCK fiasco I had begun to wonder if Teleporation => Far Travel => JET/PLANE/TRIP.... was the intended link rather than the science fiction angle. But that didn't really help me think of any more Teleportation words.
So, Propeller for 1-3 words, two of which must overlap with Teleportation. Assuming that the first three words were all proper Wailing hits ...
PLANE - seems obvious, may overlap with Teleportation
TAIL - there are cartoon/game characters who use their tails as propellers
LITTER - it's a form of propulsion for the one being carried in it. Just possibly some overlaps between the porters who carry it and Teleportation?
Also, JET is an antonym for Propellor when talking about aircraft, so maybe that's the assassin ...
I need to read the spoilers and come back to this in the evening.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore