Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Chevalier Takes the Reins

Turn 60:

Finished Heavy Chariot in Geelong, got envoy for Brussels and as bonus boost for Mercenaries civic by having 8th unit (also counting levied units).
Start builder there: I need improve one more mine for Apprenticeship boost and one more sea resource for celestial navigation boost (tile picker picks amber tile next turn).
Construction almost 50%, swap to Astrology so I can still put holy site with discount in Hobart before Drama&Poetry disables discount mechanics.
Next turn era change and I shall pick Pen, Brush and Voice dedication for minor culture boost in all cities.

In west Suboptimal retreats his army from impending rebellion in Au Gratin.
I am going poke my nose in free city of Au Gratin, maybe I can gain something from it. As long Suboptimal don't suddenly declare me war, though probably not due huge production bonus for me as result.

Turn 61:

Era changed and I picked up Pen, Brush and Voice, boosting my culture.
Next turn is actually more meaningful for me with policy swap to autocracy and giving Pingala a grant promotion.

I managed to toss down holy site with discount in Hobart, I also plan to put another holy site in Canberra without discount, no worries due Canberra's high production output.
Next turn colonization policy in, build settlers in Hobart and Canberra, then builders in both cities, then more districts and maybe wonders.

City states requests vary between doable (get GG or trade route to Brussels) and impossible (get boost for Drama&Poetry for Auckland, ouch).
Looking at scores, only both Suboptimal and Pindicator enters normal age while remaining players get golden age. Early warring didn't any good for their scores now, but they can cause me problems.
So I should build some units and walls normally. As long their horns are locked, I can afford to play with settlers, builders and districts, but if they sign peace, it is sign for me to build some units.
At least Pindicator got his old city back.

Your civ yields are pretty monstrous right now.  You did get pretty lucky with the early war between your neighbors but I am still impressed how strong your 3 cities are right now.

(February 10th, 2020, 19:44)varcharmander Wrote: Your civ yields are pretty monstrous right now.  

After 3 turns it becomes even more!

Turn 62:

Finished Drama&Poetry, swap in autocracy government:
I got one useless military slot right now but when I produce units, I am going be very happy with double military policy slots due keeping Conscription. Also in case of sudden attack I can swap to unit production if needed.
Inspiration out after 3 turns, keep in colonization policy till settlers in both Canberra and Hobart are completed.

If you check my science, you notice that it got decreased a bit, that is because I stopped working pop in Canberra's campus in order to get more food for minimizing pop loss from settler build.
Hobart is going be hit by pop loss fairly hard, that is why after settler I produce builder which shall improve two wheat tiles for extra food. Also when Defensive Tactics civic (after roughly 12 turns), another new governor slot for Magnus to avoid pop loss when finishing settler.
As for governor title from recorded history, I shall use for Pingala (who got grant promotion this turn) to get science per pop promotion, combined with natural philosophy policy I get over 50 science per turn at turn 65.

In west I deployed a sentry net to check whether Suboptimal is possibly sending units in my direction, probably I am paranoia, but always be cautions instead not being cautions. I need to lay down another sentry net in north between Brussels and Kumasi.
Though one of warriors might return to Hobart for settler escort, maybe I change my mind and have archer or heavy chariot to do it instead.

Turn 63:

Finished Construction and start currency for apprenticeship next it.
Pindicator using DoF to snoop arond. Also volcano above Hobart erupted again, resulting in strong tiles around it. I bought one such tile with gold, resulting in faster settler.
I also bought tile for industrial zone in Geelong. Next Great Egineer is one who gives production bonus for wonders. I intend to use it to complete Petra in city close Uluru.

Next turn Hypatia as long TheArchduke or others don't run project or faith buy her.

Turn 64:

Completed Currency and start Apprenticeship, worker from Geelong shall mine at turn 67, boosting Apprenticeship and pre-turn 70 Apprenticeship is possible which is really fast.
And I am egible to pick Great Scienist, unfortunately Hypatia got bought with faith or project rushed by TheArchduke:
Note that Great Prophet and Homer have been taken by TheArchduke too, which means he already got boost for enlightment civic by collecting 3 Great Peoples.

And next Great Scienist is...
Thankfully Aryabhata and not Euclid which would be disaster for me since Euclid gives boost for Mathematics which I already did and merely 1 random medevial tech boost.
Aryabhata gives 3 random boosts for classical/medieval techs and by completing some boosts I can roughly control which techs get boosted by Aryabhata.

Thus I save up Aryabhata till I boosted more techs, for now he shall scout lands directly south of Canberra, Great People are immortal and can't be killed, they are transported back to closest city instead.
Not getting Hypatia do sting a little bit, now I must build library in Geelong from stratch. Also every Library shall gives me 6 science per turn (if I put 3 envoys in both Hattusa and Fez) instead 7 science per turn.
Not a big loss and disaster for my empire, but it do sting a little.

Overview of my tech tree:
Celestial Navigation just out of pic left is still unboosted, but I shall improve amber at Geelong with builder aside mine and quarry.
I should call back slinger north of Geelong and use 60 gold to upgrade and finish archer in Hobart (2 turns) to get Machinery boost.
And I still am pending to finish more boosts, at least I hope to grab Military Tactics with Aryabatha since there isn't any barb around anymore and I don't plan build and attack either Pindicator or Suboptimal with spearman.
Also no cheesy war with city states. After 6 turns trader finishes trade route and I can send it to brussels for 3rd envoy there. Which means I should use envoy next turn for Fez to get 2 extra science in Canberra at least.

Turn 65:

Finished recorded history, swap out inspiration policy and put natural philosophy in. Also put 3rd envoy for Fez and science promotion for Pingala resulting in 53Icon_Science per turn.
Suzeraining Fez brought me in contact with TheBlackSword's Cree too. I already noticed from score that he has been playing good game together with Cornflakes and TheArchduke.
His yields confirms this, our culture are roughly equal while my science advantage is likely due lack of science city state suzerainship and natural philoshophy policy card for TheBlackSword yet.
Note his high yield from deer camp, likely Goddess of Hunt since volcano would destroy forest or deer before giving more yields, similar how I lost one of banana tile at Hobart.
Also nice combo for his campus by 2 reefs and government plaza.

He got 5 cities comparded with my 3, I need to settle more cities soon, otherwise I am lagging behind despite high science and culture yields, both Cornflakes and TheArchduke got higher empire score than me too.
Also at his diplomatic screen: DoF with all other three players and Cree's military is strongest of other contintent despite lower then mine.
Therefore my island is warring one thanks early arggession of Suboptimal while other 4 players played peaceful game, though Kaiser's low score might provoke something soon from one of three big players.

Turn 66:

Galley from Fez meets another civ:
TheArchduke's Russia which yields roughly matches Cree's yields except faith generation which is 47 faith per turn. Really high for this early period, it explains how he was able to grab Hypatia.
5 cities and DoF with everyone same as TheBlackSword.

Finished builder in Geelong, start archer there. Suboptimal got 2 envoys in Kabul and might get rid of levied army, so I need one more archer for machinery boost in that case.
Next turn swap away colonization and enter Ilkum and both Hobart and Camberra start builders. Also next turn start trade route from Canberra to Brussels for 3rd envoy there.
Then I can start wonder building.

Turn 67:

Moved my galley and met another civ: Kaiser's Greece.
His yields is compardable with Suboptimal and Pindicator, however other 3 at same continent as him has much better yields. (Cornflake's Rome too based upon completed tech and civics at score ranking).
TheArchduke seems to found natural philosophy button too judging his equal standing as me in civic tree, boosting his science to 49.

In my lands, completed settler in Canberra, start builder there. Settler goes to Uluru location, Hobart's settler goes to west to found a front city against Pindicator.
Finished Games&Recreation and swapped out colonization in favor of Ilkum. Netx turn check how long it takes to complete builder in Hobart and I might swap to Military Training to swap away Ilkum upon completion of builder in Hobart.
Saddenly trader from Canberra comes one tile short to able start trade route to Brussels which would likely go through Hobart for road connection. So I am forced to start from Hobart instead to get Brussels suzeranity next turn.
Also builder next Geelong mined 3rd mine, getting apprenticeship next turn.

Turn 68:

Sent trade route to Brussels to suzerain it, it revealed loyalty pressure from Nubian cities.
This also shows potential bottleneck between Brussels and Kumasi which I should settle later. Right now would be bad idea due lack of defense or nearby cities to send support.

Finished Apprenticeship and all mines gain extra production.
Both settlers shall found cities at turn 75.

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