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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Sorry to add on another update post, but I did kind of forget about our plan for teching Rifling.

It's interesting ... we could go for another economic prize or go for the ultimate defense/attack with Rifling. If we research Rifling, we should definitely pick someone to attack. We'll need to think about Rifling vs Economics carefully. Still, regardless of the path, Guilds is the next tech needed, not HBR.

Thanks DMOC!

Let's adress your points:
1. Forgot that.

2. Yes, Academy or Confu shrine was the plan, BUT what if we get a scientist and go for a prolongued GA (24 turns), with your plan to use Caste System, doesn't that assure us at least one other GP and maybe more in the 24 turns we have? Don't know about long term versus short term gains.

3. 2 workers need to go to Athlete!

4. Ironpass has nice production but MAOI in Land's End is a very good option. Queg has solid production as it is.

5. Ok
6. Good, what next in Rolan? Maybe a worker?
7. Eco - Rifling, will get to this later.

8. Good plan. Do we discuss this with Dantski?

9. Don't use Civics that much myself, so please let's go with your plan!

We can end one of the EP deals we have. India is a prime target. They are the only ones who won't sign OB or agree to a NAP.
This makes me think that India is going to target us sooner or later. Therefore, getting to Rifling would help a lot! But Banking is also in the Rifling line, right? So trying to get Eco in this GA is very nice, so let's try that. A 24t GA would make it possible to get both and maybe more....

Going to look at the turn now!

Okay, played most of the turn.

Rolan is on a Theatre (maybe you can find a 1t build since we want to start a grocer there next.

La Mut is on HE (5t) and will build a forge after that (maybe want to reverse that). We have a 10exp Axe from US on Centralia. Once those two are done, we will have to build military there for the rest of the game. lol

Regarding military, we are number 2 in soldiers now...
India changed research to banking 2t so economy might be a bit of a problem...

[SIZE="7"]Turn 189[/SIZE]

Regarding Rolan - if we want to start a grocer ASAP next turn then we can just build wealth if we want. We don't really need a theatre in Rolan anyway. They're useful for the border cities that need culture. Of course, if we need some for the Globe, then that's fine.

I agree with La Mut on military.

I wouldn't discuss our settling plans with Dantski.

When I played the turn, I ...

1. Switched Ylith to a worker - that was your idea, right? Worker at size 3? I think this is superior to building a rathaus since the city doesn't even cost 8 gold at this point. A worker is in 5 turns, and once he's done, should finish that 1-turn cottage.

2. Switched Rolan to wealth, reducing our gold deficit from -233 to -192.


Some questions:

(a) Where's the galley by Darkmoor with the axes going?
(b) Who do we cancel EP agreements with? India, Romali, or Korea? Personally I'd do Korea only because it'd be a lot easier to gain ground vs them rather than India.


Plan for next turn:

1. Whip Carse for a libary
2. Whip Land's End for a libary
3. Whip Crydee for a university

I believe that's it in terms of whipping. Stardock should keep growing.

Here, by the way, is why we shouldn't whip Carse for a libary now. The net beakers we get will decrease.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0726.jpg]

Ok, noted!

Where do we build the settler for the filler city near Dantski?

The Galley is going to the island we plan to settle next. It will unload the 2 axes (or 1 and drop the other at the next island), then return to Darkmoor for the settler/missionary. Queg can then build either 2 LB's for defense of the new cities OR another missionary/settler pair for the other island.

Agree on Ylith. We need workers there!

Let's cancel our pact with India. They don't want any deal with us anyway, no OB and no NAP.

Do we put Land's End Maoi? Ottomans don't have stone, but Northwarden will get it after border pop. We could whip the Library there next turn for a border pop in 5t. Then we can start a Uni first in Land's End untill the stone gets in, then switch to Maoi.

There we go! T190.

Whipped Land's End, Crydee and Carse. Lot of worker actions (getting better at that).

Here's the good news:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024-1.jpg]

India is also 1t from Banking, so denying them the GM sounds like a good plan now. We could use him for an extended GA or for money.
We also got this guy:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0025-1.jpg]

Here's the current tech situation. India is almost level pecking, we're outteching the others. Athlete did get Gunpowder! Hope that will help him in the war with Slaze.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0027-1.jpg]

Now for the bad news:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0026-1.jpg]

Damn! banghead

So, I landed the axes on the second island and we'll settle there. Renamed your proposed city site near Mali to Palanque.

Do you thing now, DMOC and finish the turn! lol

We've got a tough decision. Printing Press is probably best to go next, rather than Economics.

Banking is fine, since I believe it's a prerequisite for rifling anyway? Or at least on the PATH to rifling.

Checking the turn now.

EDIT: By the way Nakor I noticed YET ANOTHER BUG relating to cottages under a Golden Age. However, this bug actually HELP us by giving us more commerce than we're entitled to. If there's any bug that needs to be fixed, it's Golden Age bugs.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 190[/SIZE]

We will probably lose the fish tile to Romali in Land's End. cry All the more reason to attack that civ.

Just a couple of things:

1. Krondor is back to the Hermitage, which is vastly more important than a gorcer at this point.

2. Land's End probably should build a theatre after its libary is done just for more culture - or the moai. I really hope we'll be able to keep the fish tile later.

3. Where could we build the Palanque settler? Port Natal?

4. Crydee should probably get a theatre next, since we need 6 for Globe in Stardock. Speaking of Stardock it needs its own theatre after the university. Once our workers are done cottaging they should probably chop. Remember to save worker turns by using one worker per forest! smile

5. What do we use the confucian missionary in Darkmoor? Use it on that city or on a new city?

6. Where's the worker that was in Yabon? Was hoping he would improve the city a bit. It's probably in Sethanon, so hopefully he'll go to Yabon's hill to mine or chop a forest/jungle by port natal.

7. Put an academy in Krondor. Beakers in that city increased by 27 per turn.

Anyway ... it's time for the Caste System + Pacifism combo, just for this Golden Age of course. Don't want to be running Pacifism all game.

(This, by the way, is why I wanted the Yabon worker to be improving Yabon rather than sethanon since Sethanon won't need those improved tiles just yet.)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0735.jpg]

A note on economy:

-Civic upkeep went from -44 gold to -32 gold. smile
-Science reamined pretty much the same.
-Gold deficit went from -225 to -261. Pricey, but running the merchants and deleting some warriors helped.
-Deleting 2 warriors in the capital reduced our deficit by 4 gold. If we can gift one of our far-flung galleys to athlete, we should definitley do so.
-At the end of our golden age, it's crucial that we swich back to Slavery + OR or FR.

Last thing:

In some cities that need their first border pop, you can run an artist if you want. However, I don't think any city desperately needs it.

DMOC Wrote:EDIT: By the way Nakor I noticed YET ANOTHER BUG relating to cottages under a Golden Age. However, this bug actually HELP us by giving us more commerce than we're entitled to. If there's any bug that needs to be fixed, it's Golden Age bugs.

Which is....?

Good job, DMOC!

If we run an artist in Northwarden for 3 turns, we'll get a border pop, get the stone connected and can build Maoi cheaper in Land's End after the Theatre.
Guess that's the only change I'll make.

EDIT: Let's do that after growth next turn!

Are you running GP's in other cities as well?

EDIT: Put an Engineer to work in Krondor. Hermitage down to 4t and we might get an Engineer from there.

EDIT: Missionary in Darkmoor is for the new city. Darkmoor can build a Theatre or Library after the WB for culture (or run an artist after growth and focus on someting else.

I think we need to reconsider Economics. I asked Athlete if he would be willing to aid us financially to get the GM. Any bonus we can keep out of Indian hands is good for us. So let's see how long it takes to tech and if Athlete can give us some money. We could use that GM on a prolongued GA.... that would really keep us going with that GM from Sethanon coming and maybe another Great Person as well in about 20t (Krondor is now 21t from a GP)

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