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[SPOILERS] TheArchduke blasts into Space as Russia

(March 23rd, 2020, 16:56)Sullla Wrote: For your eastern dotmap, I definitely would not split Eastern Rampart up into multiple cities. The terrain is fairly weak in that region (few hill tiles) and you need a city there largely to establish control in the region before pushing on to more desirable targets further east. This is a bridge city to the next spot which I'll suggest should go northwest of the pigs on the river, right where the "Wai" text is sitting in the screenshot. That spot will grab the pigs + citrus + silver + iron and will be a strong producer. Obviously it will also serve as a staging ground for going after Greece as well since the next Greek city is only about half a dozen tiles away. Given the strength of the land it's kind of shocking that Kaiser hasn't tried to settle there yet. (If he does, then that's the first target in your war.)

The only potential alternate spot for Eastern Rampart that I would consider is one tile southeast. I only suggest that because it could open up the chance to place a Campus district on top of the current deer resource; I think that's a +4 beakers adjacency spot because it's next to the two thermal vents (obviously I can't check this in-game). If that's correct, then I'd move the city southeast a tile so that the deer are in the second ring instead of the third ring and a Campus district can go down immediately. Eastern Rampart's going to get a 5 charge builder when it gets established and even without Magnus you could convert 3 forests into a Campus by chopping some of those low-yield non-hill forest tiles. I think that's the best way to make use of this low yield terrain.

I keep asking this question since I haven't seen a response: has the countdown to the next era started yet? It's important to know how much faith is available before Monumentality ends. And did Magnus start moving to Atreides? Again, that city can't start Mahabodi until it finishes a temple so I think it should come before the Theatre district. (Not to mention the theatre district is 4 faith / 4 culture, better yields regardless.)

Have you considered harvesting the two wheats along the Don River to try and get the capital to size 10? I saw that a flood looks like it took out the previous farms there and I think harvesting them both would get the city from size 8 to size 10. That would deliver the Civil Service boost and a higher size for the capital would be worth more Pingala beakers/culture plus unlock another district. Not sure if that's the best use of some of the upcoming builder charges but worth thinking about at least.

Your scouting has been very good in this game, still hoping to find the last two leaders soon.

Hmm, valid point. There is a +4 campus spot which I would not need to buy.
I am rather fixated on coastal spots thanks to my loss as Russia last time to ships. But this opens up the spot on the north coast regardless.
The dot on the river should be accompanied by a bit of a military presence and a missionary for DotF.

Era countdown has not started at all. Still 15-25 from my recollection.

Good point about the capital. Our problem is housing. I dislike taking the two wheat away from Atreides especially. ToA would solve the situation at the capital nicely. But we need to fix our money income.

Yeah, I am suprised that we still have not met two civs.

Turn 87




Doing my turn in 3-4 hours. As everyone seems intent on taking 12-13 hours I see no reason to rush anymore.

Wanted to make a longer report, but things are crazy.

Turn 89

I needed to settle earlier then planned as there are greek horseman around. In the worst case we upgrade a chariot to knight early.


I spot a horseman moving ever closer. I settle in place. More secure there.


Either Kaiser wants to conquer the mil CS or he wants to attack me with horses on turn 90?


Finally a sign of the other two players.

Sorry to hear that life has been so crazy for you lately. I'll do my best to make some comments although it's a bit tough to understand what's been happening over the last three turns.

* Was Magnus ever moved to Atreides? Did that city ever switch from Theatre district to the temple that it needs to build before it can start the Mahabodi?

* I see that faith went into another settler for another city further to the east instead of being used for builders in the Liang city or for faith-purchased monuments via Valetta suzerainship. I definitely agree that Russia wants another city beyond Eastern Rampart, but I thought it made more sense to wait for roughly 10 turns and use faith for builders/monuments first. Placing Eastern Rampart was stretching to the east and it didn't feel like Russia was ready to plant another city beyond that for a bit longer. Indeed, now it looks like that settler is standing around wasting turns because there aren't sufficient units to protect its establishment. Plus there's the worst mechanic in Gathering Storm to deal with, "loyalty", which will cause some problems with planting another city over there.

This is ultimately your game and you can take whatever actions look best. However, it's a little strange that there will be a long discussion in this thread and an apparent agreement on a course of action, then something completely different happens while playing on a spur-of-the-moment decision. I think it was a mistake to purchase another settler at this moment in time, I guess we'll see though.

* Is Eastern Rampart planning to chop out the +4 beaker Campus district that was suggested? What's the free 5 charge builder planning to do there? Did you spend the gold to upgrade the archer into a crossbow, or was that picture just showing an action that could be taken in an emergency? A lot of these screenshots are ambiguous without commentary to accompany them. If you haven't spent that gold yet, I would avoid doing so if at all possible. I cannot imagine that Kaiser wants to attack you in an area 10 tiles away from his borders. He looks like he's going for the nearby city state to me.

* Not sure about going for Mercenaries as a civics research instead of pushing along the bottom of the tree towards Reformed Church and Theocracy government. Russia needs to adopt a tier 2 government to be able to start the Grandmaster's Chapel in Fogger and Mercenaries is located in a different part of the civics tree entirely. I really don't think either neighbor (and Kaiser is barely a neighbor at this point) is looking to start a war anytime soon, and Professional Army policy doesn't feel urgent to me right now.

* A picture of what the core cities are working on right now would be helpful since the last one is a couple turns out of date now. nod
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Hmm, the purchase of the settler was a mistake, blame a bit of a rushed turn there.

Magnus is yet no at Atreides but will move there.

Yeah, +4 campus is the best district for Eastern Rampart.

I will provide an overview of all cities next turn.

Turn 90

Things have been a bit hectic, thanks to 2 kids, no support, corona, home office and me being in the healthcare sector.


Things to note.

Our useless settler hangs back.

We got denounced by the Greek and Cree has rejected a DoF. Worst case scenario is a sandwhich, I may have to act accordingly.



We uncover Nubia.


What a nice wonder.


Situation at the start of the turn.


At the very least I urgently need mercenaries to upgrade 2-3 units instead of just one.
Need a possible War Plan for attack from both sides. I doubt the Cree will stay peaceful if Greece attacks me. What with DoFs with everyone else.

Turn 92

Having a lot less time to play and report.

We are preparing for an invasion of Hattusa and getting ready for a possible attack by Greece or Cree whilst teching onwards to Cossacks.

Hattusa is suzerained by Alhambram. I think that means we can only dow if we dow Australia? We have a DoF and do not want +100% production.

Seriously the only sensible rules we need would be anti-exploit rules for Australia and Persia but what we got is basically shooting ourselves in the foot because of CS.
Thankfully this was not even discussed anymore as Singaboy started to throw a gigantic tantrum.

As you can see I am starting to get annoyed.

Especially by Kaiser who is out but instead of attacking Rome or actually getting somewhere seems intent on thwarting me and only me.:D




Bought some walls and a barracks.


Seems like I finally lost my audience. Anyway.

A new envoy next turn? Yerevan for more faith and peace Cornflakes out (he attacks it)

or put into Hattusa to make it attackable due to suzerain rules.

Kaiser is lurking me with 3 horseman which is just silly. Does he expect to actually damage me with them?




Is there any chance to get the 8 pts for an other golden age or is it a lost cause ?

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