This won't be long.
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There's nothing we can build that gets odds on knights. Longbows on hill cities just about break even but both longbows and hills are hard to come by.
I screwed up. I upgraded an archer before promoting it, which meant I couldn't promote this turn. If Old Harry and co. capture the capital by the skin of their teeth, I'll be kicking myself.
It looks like last turn Krill declared war on TBW, presumably with the goal of burning stuff so OH couldn't take it. Don't know what TBW's going to do, but he might be in the funny position of savaging his former lands, now that he has stepped in for Krill.
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There's nothing we can build that gets odds on knights. Longbows on hill cities just about break even but both longbows and hills are hard to come by.
I screwed up. I upgraded an archer before promoting it, which meant I couldn't promote this turn. If Old Harry and co. capture the capital by the skin of their teeth, I'll be kicking myself.
It looks like last turn Krill declared war on TBW, presumably with the goal of burning stuff so OH couldn't take it. Don't know what TBW's going to do, but he might be in the funny position of savaging his former lands, now that he has stepped in for Krill.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.