Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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I want to play.

Looks like we have a team to play.

I would go with 4 players who play their turns on time and not more.

To get a discussion going. I would love to give everyone 2-3 bans on Civs to get this game going along.

Something along the lines no Australia, Persia or Hungary from my side.

I like the ban idea.

I think 5 players is manageable, but more than that, turn speed suffers.

OK...we'd need a mapmaker (or I'm it if you're counting me as the 4th).
Sending units to their death since 2017.

Don't do what I did: PBEM 3 - Arabia , PBEM 6 - Australia This worked well enough: PBEM 10 - Aztecs Gamus Interruptus: PBEM 14 - Indonesia 
Gathering Storm Meanderings: PBEM 15 - Gorgo You Say Pítati, I Say Potato: PBEM 17 - Nubia The Last of the Summer Wine: PBEM 18 - Eleanor/England
Rhymin' Simon: PBEM 20 - Indonesia (Team w/ China)

Would you all be interested in testing out the balance mod (mentioned by sub in his PBEM17 thread) to see how that feels, or do you just want to stick to vanilla?
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Well, for obvious reasons, is there a link somewhere else to see which mod you mean?

I'm hoping sub or a lurker will post, because I also can't go back in to root around for it, sadly.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

that should be the link(s)

[color= var(--color-text-link-visited)]Better Balanced Game[/color]

Nerfs to overpowered civs/mechanics, buffs to underpowered ones, plus some extra balance/playability tweaks
BBG Full Change Log :
BBG Discord channel

=== Feature List ===

Changes that start with a '-' are active in the mod.
Changes that start with a '#' are coded but inactive (commented out).

<- General Gameplay ->

- Scaling formulas were changes to reduce cost increases (Crystalline Cat)
# Era scaling factor for war weariness set to 0 (Crystalline Cat)

<- Buildings ->

- Costs reduced per Sulla's suggestions (Crystalline Cat)
- Research Lab provides +6 science (Crystalline Cat)
- Bank provides +6 gold (Crystalline Cat)
- Stock Exchange provides +10 gold (Crystalline Cat)
- Granaries and Sewers provide 3 housing instead of 2 (Crystalline Cat)
- All buildings provide a +25% bonus to the corresponding yield type in
Campus, Theater, Holy Site, Industrial Zone and Commercial Hub districts.
- District buildings have 2 citizen slots (Suboptimal)
- Zoo moved to Colonialism per Bacchus' suggestion (Suboptimal)
- Encampment buildings reduce war weariness accumulation (Suboptimal):
> Barracks/Stables: -2%
> Armory: -3%
> Military Academy: -5%

<- Cities ->

- City housing minimums increased (Suboptimal)
> No Water: 3
> Coastal: 4
> Fresh Water: 6
- City growth penalty due to housing changed (Crystalline Cat)
> Growth -50% at housing limit
> Growth -75% at one over housing limit
> Growth halted at five over housing limit
- City population growth and cultural expansion rates changed per Sulla's
suggestion (Crystalline Cat) Updated to Hans Lemurson's suggestion of 0
for the city growth exponent and 1.0 for the cultural growth exponent.
- Amenities spread to 5 cities (7 cities for Aztecs) (Crystalline Cat)

<- Districts ->

- All specialists generate 1 Great Person Point per turn, Theaters 1 GPP for each type (Suboptimal)
- All specialist yields were increased (Suboptimal):
> Non-gold: +3 (from +2)
> Gold: +6 (from +3)
> Harbors: specialists provide 2 gold and 1 science
> Encampments: specialists provide 2 production and 1 culture
- Industrial Zone gets +1 adjacency bonus per district (Suboptimal)

<- Tile Improvements ->

- Forest planting moved to Recorded History (Crystalline Cat)
- Camps provide 1 gold and 1 food (Crystalline Cat)
- Camps provide +1 gold instead of +1 food at Mercantilism (Crystalline Cat)
- Road improvements moved up in era per Sulla's suggestions (Crystalline Cat)
> Ancient Era: roads provide bridges
> Medieval Era: roads cost 0.75MP to use
> Industrial roads moved to Renaissance Era
> Modern roads moved to Industrial Era
# Farms on grasslands and plains provide +2 food (Suboptimal)
# Farms on rice and floodplains provide +1 food (Suboptimal)
# Farms provide +1 housing (Suboptimal)

<- Policies ->

+ Military +

- Professional Army discount is 33% (Crystalline Cat)
- Naval production policy bonus is 50% (Crystalline Cat)
- Limes production bonus is 50% (Crystalline Cat)
- Levee en Masse moved to Nationalism (Crystalline Cat)
- International Waters moved to Mobilization (Crystalline Cat)
- Agoge obsoletes when Grande Armee is unlocked (Crystalline Cat)
- Chivalry obsoletes when Military First is unlocked (Crystalline Cat)
- Feudal Contract obsoletes when Military First is unlocked (Crystalline Cat)
- Press Ganges obsoletes when Military First is unlocked (Crystalline Cat)
- Bastions, Discipline, Grande Armee, Limes and Retainers do not obsolete
(Crystalline Cat)

+ Economic +

- Expropriation and Land Surveyors gold discount is 33% (Crystalline Cat)
- Ilkum and Public Works production discount is 50% (Crystalline Cat)
- Ilkum Obsoletes when Public Works is unlocked (Crystalline Cat)
- Corvee, Gothic Architecture and Urban Planning do not obsolete
(Crystalline Cat)
# Rationalism, Free Market, Simultaneum and Grand Opera provide +100% yield
for district buildings and +25% city yield for the corresponding yield type.
<- Religion ->

- Defender of the Faith provides a +5 bonus (Crystalline Cat)

<- Units ->

- Unit costs reduced per Sulla's suggestions (Crystalline Cat)
- Unit upgrades now cost 2x production cost in gold (Crystalline Cat)
- Formation of Corps/Fleets moved to Guilds (Crystalline Cat)
- Formation of Armies/Armadas moved to Nationalism (Crystalline Cat)
- Machine Gun range is 2 (Crystalline Cat)

<- Wonders ->

- Venetian Arsenal now only works for the city it's built in (BrickAstley)


Hmm, you forget the civilizations.

Specialist changes,

Changes to the OP Civs like Australia, Persia, Russia, Germany.

Some crazy stuff gone like Mapuche +10 CS. Shame I never got to try this. It is ridiculous.

I will look this over in its entirety but I would be game to try it.

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