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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Played most of our turn.

When we cash in the GM, we'll get about 1500+ gold, I suggest we spend that on research in our prolongued GA. We could keep running GM's in Sethanon and try to get a third one to send to Ottomans for upgrades once Rifling comes in.

India is running away again....

Turn 197 - 1370 AD

Some notes:

1. I knew that we would get that crab tile! wink See the screenshot below. Due to the way culture mechanics work, Dantski will have a tough time reclaiming that tile!

2. By Port Natal, why did you put a worker on a jungle rather than on the forest south of it? Usually going on forests first is best since they give you chops and production earlier is usually more valuable than production later. I assume, though, that we'll be cottaging, right?

3. By Rillanon's dyes - you doubled up a worker pair, but that left one worker idle, so I canceled the group so that one worker who still had movement points could start a road.

4. Workers by Carse on the mine - road, then finish plantation/road sugar plantation right? Then afterwards, 2 workers can mine Carse's other hills. I don't think we need a road on Carse's second mine, though, since one is best considering the circumstances.

5. Queg - I'm not sure if this was the plan (worker at size 11 next turn?) so in order for this to work I was forced to move a tile from the plains hill to a coast so that the city would grow next turn (it still finishes the longbowman with 10 turns of overflow, though).

6. Rolan - Oxford University next turn, right? smile Stardock - Globe Theatre next turn.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0755.jpg]

Oxford and Globe started.
Gunpowder done next turn.

Off to work....

[SIZE="7"]Turn 198 - 1380 AD[/SIZE]

Quick notes:

1. The worker directly north of Yabon can farm the tile that is to the direct east (right) of Yabon. This is better than a farm elsewhere since there's already a road on the tile.

2. Krondor - maceman after grocer (in 2 turns).

3. La Mut - military unit next turn.

4. Ylith - needs a galley next turn (so we have a second one outside of Centralia).

5. Dantski is building up his defenses in Gao. He has 12 units there.

Quick notes as well...

India's GA ended and they adopther HR - Merc - Theo - Nat...
Guess that means war.
They got a GM as well.

As expected.

I'll check the turn once the game is back up.

[SIZE="7"]Turn 199 - 1390 AD[/SIZE]

1. I generated a GA with the merchant, so we now have 13 turns of Golden Ages left. This is to confuse our opponents who may be wondering when our Golden Age ends. lol I don't think it will be feasible for us to continue running Great Merchants, though. Our next one comes in 9 turns, but you have to realize that we can't stay in Pacifism for our entire Golden Age. I left the merchants on for this turn but will probably put many of those mercahnts back on the "fields" on turn 200.

Next turn rolled by.

I was unable to play the turn fully due to an interruption, so be sure to finish a chop into Queg (barracks?) and check worker actions, etc.

I think we should switch to Free Religion this turn, to be honest, but ... what do you think? We should come to a consensus. Still think Free Speech is not as good as Bureaucracy at this ponit.

Be sure to double-check all city builds since I was in a bit of a rush.

I'll take a look later today.

Returning to Slavery and OR or FR, but FR seems best with the research bonus. We need more bpt...
We can switch into Nationhood once Rifling comes in and start drafting, right?

Okay, played most of the turn. big update next turn!

We need to decide about our GM. We can get 1300 in the Ottoman capital, but could get 1500 at the island city we passed.

I switched to Slavery and Free Speech. Our gold deficit went from -297 to -256 (per turn), quite an improvement! smile Unfortunately, I didn't get a good calculation of the beakers per turn difference.

I also switched Northwarden from a University to a Barracks. The more I think about it, the more important defending the inner island will become in the near future.

Nakor - are you sure that the island city gives us 1500 gold? If that's the case let's bring the merchant back. I moved the merchant back south. That's a little surprising to me, since Endor is the top city in the world.

I'm not sure if a grocer in Sethanon is the best for the city, since it isn't even at its happy cap yet and has no shrine.

Last thing, keep an eye on what India is researching. We don't have espionage points on them, but we do know that as of turn 200, they can research:
  • Chemistry
  • Compass
  • Divine Right (They will not research this ... lol)
  • Economics
  • Liberalism
  • Printing Press

I think they are researching Printing Press - it makes the most sense based on their situation.

India has these techs that we lack:
  • Constitution
  • Horseback Riding
  • Music
  • Theology

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