Catching up on the Meklar game:
2397: IRC III researched. Start Improved Scanner. Klackons have a escorted colony ship headed for Phantos (Dead 45 Rich) – I can get some Ftr 1.0s there, but there aren’t nearly enough I think. I need Sublight and Ion Cannons.
2400: Darloks abstained with 3 votes, otherwise this game would have been a victory (Thanks Klackons for making enemies!)
2401: Their colony ship is armed, so it engaged in combat. I destroyed it, lost some fighters, but Phantos is safe for now.
2402: IT+20 researched. Start Toxic.
2404: Ion and Sublights come in. Design some Ion 3.0s to contest Phantos.
2409: Alkari had settled Rha (Dead in the NW), I bombed it as a matter of principle. Fought off an Alkari and a Klackon fleet at Phantos – had 105 Ion 3.0s and ~45 Ftr 1.0, lost all the fighters and 61 Ions to wipe the two fleets. That third maneuver point was probably essential to victory.
2414: Alkari grab Arietis, the Tundra in the far NW – was never contesting that realistically.
2416: Fail to protect Talas, incoming Alkari.
2417: Pulled the fleet back from Rha, Alkari show up in force there. Talas airspace restored.
2418: Alkari ground troops pummel Talas (only shot 6 down with >100 Ion 3.0s), but it holds. Send the fleet back to Rha to bomb it out.
2425: Lose 110 Ions and the obsolete chaff fighting this:
Inconclusive vote (have to abstain, since the Klackons picked up the Alkari as a friend), and Toxic is finished – start Soil Enrichment, and 2 Toxic 3.0s.
2428: Settle Rha. Toranor (the UP) gets a surprise Alkari visitor (5 mediums I haven’t seen before)
2430: Sign a cease-fire with the Alkari. Now that I have settled these worlds, that’s actually useful. Toranor loses some pop but holds.
2436: Get Soil, start Atmospheric Terraforming
2440: Alkari declare war again. I guess it’s going to be like that.
2442: Mek Cap’s 2 bases aren’t anywhere near enough to hold off the Alkari fleet (especially since Hyper-V rockets barely do anything). Trade for Planetary V (for Improved Scanner) and Improved Eco (for Battle Suits) from the Humans.
2444: Clear out Mek Cap, shooting down the Alkari transports and enough of their fleet.
Late 2440s: Phantos gets an Alkari welcoming present – the Ions weren’t fast enough from Toranor, but now that the Shield and MBs are going up, it should be OK.
2450 vote: Klackons have a significant veto (15/39). Abstain again. I only have 11 votes.
2451: Wipe out the Alkari troops heading to Phantos in the air. Neutron Blaster researched, start Anti-Matter Bomb over Fusion Beam (no missile techs). I just wrecked my diplo by signing a trade deal with the Silicoids and they immediately lost contact with me.
2452: Zortium researched (start Armored Exoskeleton over the IIT 6 that is quite useless as Meklar). Energy Pulsar researched, start Impulse Drives.
2453: Klackons are up to 18 worlds. That’s scary, and I can’t really attack them yet with the tech I have. Really need those Antimatter bombs to start a proper Glassing Campaign.
2454: Or maybe Anti-matter Bombs won’t be enough. 26 shields, and they could get busted missiles any moment now? That’s not enough. This is bad.
2460s: Some techs come in, including IRC IV (Adv Scanner only option) and Deflector V (start Planetary X), and Antimatter Bombs (start Megabolt). Need Impulse to have a chance to strike quickly though.
2470: Atomspheric Terraforming researched, start Adv Soil (YAY!).
2480: Crypto destroyed by 700 Alkari Fusion Bombers. Steal Hyper-X from the Humans. Not sure how to beat the Klackons if I’m getting dumped on by the other races.
2483: Vulcan destroyed by the same Alkari fleet. This is going to end very poorly.
2485: Megabolt researched. Start Pulson Missiles.
2486: Planetary X researched. Start Deflector VII.
2487: Vulcan destroyed a second time.
2492ish: Klackons get the “majority of the galaxy” news alert.
2494: Klackons destroy Vulcan again.
2495: Here’s what’s incoming. That’s 4500 cloaked fighters (Rangers have Ion Cannons, Sabres have Neutron Blasters), and the Knights are Shield XIII Energy Pulsar/Hellfire Torpedos.
2500: Klackons get voted Emperor. I am not fighting this one out – they’re so far ahead on technology, and I’m just going to get crushed immediately. I concede defeat. That’s unfortunate, this was a decent map but the Poor Worlds as Meklar were really costly, and the Klackons just ran rampant over the part of the world I couldn’t touch. They had 32 of those 54 votes, and that was only going to get worse over the next turnset. The Alkari also having a glassing squadron didn’t help either. Needed them to attack the bugs, not the robots.
This game wasn't completely unwinnable - the vote in 2400 could have easily gone differently, but that would have been an RNGesus vote win, not a "I dominated the galaxy and got the deserved victory". Still, not sure what, barring better AI manipulation ahead of that vote, I could have really done. Building a fleet to try and wipe out the also-ran AIs might have gotten somewhere, I guess? I was scrambling to defend my core for much of that time, though, so there wasn't really the BCs to also go on bombing runs against secondary targets like the Darloks. This shows just how difficult the game is post-patch.