OK so war it is! Let’s have fun and smash some lizards!
2 missile bases scrapped at Hope for 42 BC each. Unity is given reserves to finish one Ion 3.0 ship in one turn.
About assigning transports, I ask myself whether to sync all troops to hit in 3 turns, or attack in waves, wearing out little by little, or a combination of both. The problem with many waves is if it triggers the Sakkra to ECO grow pop and breed like crazy.
After some though, I decide to hit with two waves, in 3 and 4 turns. Talas has only 42 pop so it will grow pop now and reinforce the second wave. Uxmai can send 20 pop now and grow +16 for the second wave. The other planets can grow pop now and add up to the first wave in the next turns. Generosity will finish its terraforming now.
It’s settled. Roll the drums of war!
Scan at the Mrrshan colony of Rana. Very well defended… Mrrshans will not be so easy to break right now. From there the Lunette goes to Paranar (not Fierias as I intended before): Fierias is certainly even more fortified and now we’re going for the Sakkras I prefer to check/try to scout their colonies.
Sakkra make 32 more goblins at Rayden. They retreat. Good, just don’t grow more pop there please. +6 pop from natural growth is already enough (geez crazy breeding lizards). I’m not bombing the planet.
And now look at this beautiful pearl hidden in the south! Can’t do anything about it right now. Out of slots and with the war effort. I’ll try to dispatch a LR Dead Col by the end of my turnset.
Ok now Uxmai send 20 more troops, to start the second wave. Talas now have 54 pop and can add 12 to the second wave. Empathy (now 48) sends 15 to join the first wave.
More and more Juggernauts are coming from the southern planets. The 2 that were close to Empathy just passed by. We will need to reinforce the fleet. I’m leaving ~50 fighters at Empathy and the rest goes to Rayden.
Sending 1 old NPG to check bases at Ukko. I also sent one to the blue star last turn, ETA 1 more year.
Seems like another Meklar fleet (with 5 huges and a large) is coming from the east to join the party at Rayden. I really hope that peace treaty will stand long enough to prevent them from striking...
Adjusting some sliders around. I think 40 NPGs can deal with the Sakkra colship at Serenity, so Ursa goes IRC3. All our planets should max factories this turn or the next, and switch to research (or fleet) so the smaller ones can refit / build more factories. Kulthos has now 135 fighters in orbit, and that should be able to handle the comet in time.
31 more Goblins flee from Rayden. Pop is now 68.
Welcome to Ukko. I was expecting to find more ships here… have they already left to fight for Rayden?
Our neighbors (at least half of them) are a little upset with our expansion. First the Meklars. Then the Sakkra. Then the Mrrshan. All in the same turn. Oh my friends, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
That Sakkra colony ship going for Serenity? It stopped at red star with the asteroids. OK we’ll leave it there.
Uxmai sends the third batch of 20 pop. Hopefully they will get there to live and not to fight. 10 more sent from Talas. Empathy sends 8 more. Generosity sends 15 and finishes a missile base.
Now look at this: the main Sakkra fleet at Ukko is actually going the other way, to the east! The AI really blew it up this time... Also, the blue star in the center is a Radiated 20. I’m not inclined to build a colship for it; let the Sakkra start the colony and we can invade it easily.
4 Juggernaut are closing in to Rayden, fleet at Generosity will move forward to reinforce.
31 fresh Goblins run away from Rayden. Glad they're not making bases (or worse, ECO growing). Our 50 troops will fight 74 defenders.
Paranar is not so strongly defended. We can reach it if we control Galos. Scan moves from there to Aquilae.
First invasion wave arrives, 50 x 74… so close! We win 68 vs 50 or 58:42. Sakkra discovered Zortrium in the meantime, so we had a +5 edge. Better than expected!
Next wave of 42 troops will certainly succeed. There are 30 more arriving in 2y to make use of the 96 factories.
Comet defeated. Fleet moving to Unity. For the record, fleet count at Kulthos along the last years was: 18 / 60 / 135 / 153 / 153, so the comet had something between 366 and 519 HP.
Sakkra dissolve our NAP on their own! I ended up forgetting to do it. Trade is still rolling. They will certainly declare next year. So, it's time for espionage: 5 clicks on the Lizards. Actually I should have spied on them from the moment I decided to attack…
I’m also putting 2 clicks on the Humans (for engines) and 2 on the cats (for weapons). Will not be spying on the Meklars though, they have high computer level and we shouldn’t upset them (I mean, more than they already are). Just one click to keep the report up to date. The Bears have no tech we don’t have.
The five Meklar huges are actually going north and will not join the party. I am not complaining.
With the planets maxing and going research, we now have a lot of RP to spare. Time to seed Improved scanners.
PS V is now at 1% – with a chance we get them at Rayden. I'm spending for them anyway.
We should expect getting 2 techs from Rayden. Sakkra have 12 techs that we don’t. I tried to trade old techs with the Cats to fill in some gaps, but no way I’m giving them Repulsor for Neutron Blaster, or BC3 / Mercs / +10 gropos for IIT9. No way! We will get the techs that we get.
Last info of the turn: Sakkra colony ship approaching the UR Tundra escorted by hundreds of fighters. Nothing we can do now, but should not let them develop it. Maybe my LR dead colship will carry some bombs as well.
Unity is finishing our third Ion cruiser in 2y. Next turn I’ll decide if I finish that, or do something else.
Mrrshan’s Aquilae is not very well fortified.
Now for some serious fighting (in theory at least) over Rayden!
I advance the Soldier 3.0 to draw the first round from the Juggernauts. Honestly, I don't like the design and it’s pretty expendable now. They hit for only 100 damage. I take one ship out with my first round of fire. The fighters die quickly to the reaction fire of the NPGs. They don’t even fire a second round at us and retreat! We take a second ship on the run.
The Sakkra colonize the UR. They had two stacks of fighters: one with 2x nuclear missile, and the other with lasers. The Colship had 1 ion cannon and no shields. I think I could have tried to kamikaze kill the Colship if I had only put combat speed 2 in my design. With speed 1 it’s pointless, better to flee and get the BCs in reserve. Their mission is complete, and I need the slot.
We take Rayden and loot PS V and BC4. I choose DS6 over DS5 (not top tier) next. GNN comes in with the 3/8 report.
PSV ended up being bad for us, not only because we invested a lot of RPs in it (it was already at percentages), but because now we spend 500 BC in the shield BEFORE any missile bases can be built! Rayden will suffer from it, and even worse than that, Generosity did NOT complete the base it was supposed to this turn. Not a lucky tech pick in this case... Fusion bombs would have been so much better...
Wait, what? Generosity is completely undefended! I’m reserve spending there. It needs a missile base ASAP.
Also reserve spending at Rayden to refit / build new factories for the incoming pop. Colonies that backed up the invasion resume normal life: Uxmai and Empathy will max out. Talas being poor will grow some pop to its max before investing in expensive factories.
The Sakkra just sent transports from Galos to Rayden. Kind of wish I did send the bombers west, but I was worried about new bases popping to defend Rayden (and not fighters). Anyway the low pop window should be very narrow (they breed fast) and now there are 19 bases there, with PSV.
I can pop 64 nukes at Unity (2 turns away), maybe 100 with reserve spending, but it doesn’t seem enough. Our nukes are AL0, not so efficient.
No, not gonna do it. I am scrapping the Scans and putting Unity to a huge placeholder, so the next emperor can decide what to do. I’m sending the nukes we already have to Unity as well.
Tech: I’m going seriously for Scanners. All we had in FF and the additional RPs from the maxed out planets – that’s about 2k RP. I hope my successor will appreciate not having to guesstimate the ETAs of the many fleet that will be visiting us soon.
And as predicted the Sakkra are approaching the Radiated 20 at the blue star. Let them have it.
Our spies invade the Humans! I take Propulsion (Planetology means Tundra), and Fusion drives are VERY welcome!
Of course, Impulse drives would be even better, but I can’t complain! We can improve our nuke bombers quite a bit with Fusion drives. Warp 4, speed 3, attack 4, def 6 and Anti-Missile Rockets. Is it enough against 20 bases on Hyper-V and shield 7?
Rayden has a Sakkra fleet incoming and the Meklar huges too. I think I can handle the Sakkra, but what about the two Meklar huges? Is the peace treaty on? They could have Andrium armor, fusion bombs and/or pulsars in those ships. If they do, I’m screwed. This can be the biggest mistake of my turnset and it could cost us Rayden… but I’ll take my chances and NOT threaten them. I prefer not to risk a second full-scale war. Fingers crossed. Pump spending heavily there to try to get a base in time, but I think I won’t – unless unless the fighting is only in 2411. Also pumping BCs at Generosity for its first missile base.
Sakkra fleet just passed by the Radiated in the blue star… dumb Sakkra are really dumb.
Meklars attack and do it befor the Sakkra (I think the attacks come in the same order shown at the map). I messed up big time with the battle tactics!
I should have retreated the NPGs, for the gatling lasers just obliterated them. In the end, the two Ion 3.0 took care of the non-ARS huge alone, and stalled the other huge until the 50-turn limit. After that, the Sakkra fleet came, but with a single Juggernaut – luckily the big fleet wasn’t going to Rayden or I could be in real trouble!
And the cats complain again about my size. Blah blah Blah. Go find a box.
I got myself immersed in adjusting sliders and making arrangements for the next turn… and then I just realized my turnset is over!!
It’s time to handover the game. Notes for the next emperor:
1. What a mess I did in the late stages of the turnset! I'm really sorry for some bad decisions in the last 3 years: should have started the shield at Rayden in 2408, but did one round of factories instead; should have threatened the Meklar in 2409; but the WORST was not withdrawing the NPGs from the Meklar battle, and get 200 fighters burned down for nothing!!!
Got really lucky it didn't get any worse, we will probably get away with it. Rayden needs a bigger fleet ASAP.
2. other than that, it's pretty good: we are up to 18 planets, most of them maxed out. Ursa and Uxmai need just 1 or 2 factories or pop. I am sending 6m from Talas to Empathy to max its pop. Unity was pre-building a huge ship but I forgot it didn’t maxed out factories (to make the Ion 3.0 cruisers – I am happy I did it because in the end they saved my a** at Rayden). Rayden will complete shield + 1 base next turn. Generosity has its 1 base with PSV. The remaining production is in factories but you could as well build more bases or new fighters.
3. I did not build PSV anywhere else, just at these two planets.
4. We now have Fusion drives! You should design new fighters (whether with NPG or Ion Cannons is up to you) to take advantage of these. I would scrap the 3A design as there are only a few left. I already scrapped the Soldier 3.0.
5. Our next step is probably to take Galos. The Stinger NPG fighters that destroyed the comet are at Unity ready to go there. 100 Bumblebees are arriving at Unity too. I wouldn’t build any more of those, you can make a much better bomber design using our new techs. Either scrap those or send them to Galos along with a stack of modern bombers.
6. Only 40 NPGs are defending Serenity in the East. They are not enough to defend against the Meklar, although I don’t think they will attack because they don’t have Radiated.
7. I didn’t change spying or tech spending... adjust those according to your strategy.
I still think we can win this game in 2425. Good luck to our next Emperor!!
2 missile bases scrapped at Hope for 42 BC each. Unity is given reserves to finish one Ion 3.0 ship in one turn.
About assigning transports, I ask myself whether to sync all troops to hit in 3 turns, or attack in waves, wearing out little by little, or a combination of both. The problem with many waves is if it triggers the Sakkra to ECO grow pop and breed like crazy.
After some though, I decide to hit with two waves, in 3 and 4 turns. Talas has only 42 pop so it will grow pop now and reinforce the second wave. Uxmai can send 20 pop now and grow +16 for the second wave. The other planets can grow pop now and add up to the first wave in the next turns. Generosity will finish its terraforming now.
It’s settled. Roll the drums of war!
Scan at the Mrrshan colony of Rana. Very well defended… Mrrshans will not be so easy to break right now. From there the Lunette goes to Paranar (not Fierias as I intended before): Fierias is certainly even more fortified and now we’re going for the Sakkras I prefer to check/try to scout their colonies.
Sakkra make 32 more goblins at Rayden. They retreat. Good, just don’t grow more pop there please. +6 pop from natural growth is already enough (geez crazy breeding lizards). I’m not bombing the planet.
And now look at this beautiful pearl hidden in the south! Can’t do anything about it right now. Out of slots and with the war effort. I’ll try to dispatch a LR Dead Col by the end of my turnset.
Ok now Uxmai send 20 more troops, to start the second wave. Talas now have 54 pop and can add 12 to the second wave. Empathy (now 48) sends 15 to join the first wave.
More and more Juggernauts are coming from the southern planets. The 2 that were close to Empathy just passed by. We will need to reinforce the fleet. I’m leaving ~50 fighters at Empathy and the rest goes to Rayden.
Sending 1 old NPG to check bases at Ukko. I also sent one to the blue star last turn, ETA 1 more year.
Seems like another Meklar fleet (with 5 huges and a large) is coming from the east to join the party at Rayden. I really hope that peace treaty will stand long enough to prevent them from striking...
Adjusting some sliders around. I think 40 NPGs can deal with the Sakkra colship at Serenity, so Ursa goes IRC3. All our planets should max factories this turn or the next, and switch to research (or fleet) so the smaller ones can refit / build more factories. Kulthos has now 135 fighters in orbit, and that should be able to handle the comet in time.
31 more Goblins flee from Rayden. Pop is now 68.
Welcome to Ukko. I was expecting to find more ships here… have they already left to fight for Rayden?
Our neighbors (at least half of them) are a little upset with our expansion. First the Meklars. Then the Sakkra. Then the Mrrshan. All in the same turn. Oh my friends, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
That Sakkra colony ship going for Serenity? It stopped at red star with the asteroids. OK we’ll leave it there.
Uxmai sends the third batch of 20 pop. Hopefully they will get there to live and not to fight. 10 more sent from Talas. Empathy sends 8 more. Generosity sends 15 and finishes a missile base.
Now look at this: the main Sakkra fleet at Ukko is actually going the other way, to the east! The AI really blew it up this time... Also, the blue star in the center is a Radiated 20. I’m not inclined to build a colship for it; let the Sakkra start the colony and we can invade it easily.
4 Juggernaut are closing in to Rayden, fleet at Generosity will move forward to reinforce.
31 fresh Goblins run away from Rayden. Glad they're not making bases (or worse, ECO growing). Our 50 troops will fight 74 defenders.
Paranar is not so strongly defended. We can reach it if we control Galos. Scan moves from there to Aquilae.
First invasion wave arrives, 50 x 74… so close! We win 68 vs 50 or 58:42. Sakkra discovered Zortrium in the meantime, so we had a +5 edge. Better than expected!
Next wave of 42 troops will certainly succeed. There are 30 more arriving in 2y to make use of the 96 factories.
Comet defeated. Fleet moving to Unity. For the record, fleet count at Kulthos along the last years was: 18 / 60 / 135 / 153 / 153, so the comet had something between 366 and 519 HP.
Sakkra dissolve our NAP on their own! I ended up forgetting to do it. Trade is still rolling. They will certainly declare next year. So, it's time for espionage: 5 clicks on the Lizards. Actually I should have spied on them from the moment I decided to attack…
I’m also putting 2 clicks on the Humans (for engines) and 2 on the cats (for weapons). Will not be spying on the Meklars though, they have high computer level and we shouldn’t upset them (I mean, more than they already are). Just one click to keep the report up to date. The Bears have no tech we don’t have.
The five Meklar huges are actually going north and will not join the party. I am not complaining.
With the planets maxing and going research, we now have a lot of RP to spare. Time to seed Improved scanners.
PS V is now at 1% – with a chance we get them at Rayden. I'm spending for them anyway.
We should expect getting 2 techs from Rayden. Sakkra have 12 techs that we don’t. I tried to trade old techs with the Cats to fill in some gaps, but no way I’m giving them Repulsor for Neutron Blaster, or BC3 / Mercs / +10 gropos for IIT9. No way! We will get the techs that we get.
Last info of the turn: Sakkra colony ship approaching the UR Tundra escorted by hundreds of fighters. Nothing we can do now, but should not let them develop it. Maybe my LR dead colship will carry some bombs as well.
Unity is finishing our third Ion cruiser in 2y. Next turn I’ll decide if I finish that, or do something else.
Mrrshan’s Aquilae is not very well fortified.
Now for some serious fighting (in theory at least) over Rayden!
I advance the Soldier 3.0 to draw the first round from the Juggernauts. Honestly, I don't like the design and it’s pretty expendable now. They hit for only 100 damage. I take one ship out with my first round of fire. The fighters die quickly to the reaction fire of the NPGs. They don’t even fire a second round at us and retreat! We take a second ship on the run.
The Sakkra colonize the UR. They had two stacks of fighters: one with 2x nuclear missile, and the other with lasers. The Colship had 1 ion cannon and no shields. I think I could have tried to kamikaze kill the Colship if I had only put combat speed 2 in my design. With speed 1 it’s pointless, better to flee and get the BCs in reserve. Their mission is complete, and I need the slot.
We take Rayden and loot PS V and BC4. I choose DS6 over DS5 (not top tier) next. GNN comes in with the 3/8 report.
PSV ended up being bad for us, not only because we invested a lot of RPs in it (it was already at percentages), but because now we spend 500 BC in the shield BEFORE any missile bases can be built! Rayden will suffer from it, and even worse than that, Generosity did NOT complete the base it was supposed to this turn. Not a lucky tech pick in this case... Fusion bombs would have been so much better...
Wait, what? Generosity is completely undefended! I’m reserve spending there. It needs a missile base ASAP.
Also reserve spending at Rayden to refit / build new factories for the incoming pop. Colonies that backed up the invasion resume normal life: Uxmai and Empathy will max out. Talas being poor will grow some pop to its max before investing in expensive factories.
The Sakkra just sent transports from Galos to Rayden. Kind of wish I did send the bombers west, but I was worried about new bases popping to defend Rayden (and not fighters). Anyway the low pop window should be very narrow (they breed fast) and now there are 19 bases there, with PSV.
I can pop 64 nukes at Unity (2 turns away), maybe 100 with reserve spending, but it doesn’t seem enough. Our nukes are AL0, not so efficient.
No, not gonna do it. I am scrapping the Scans and putting Unity to a huge placeholder, so the next emperor can decide what to do. I’m sending the nukes we already have to Unity as well.
Tech: I’m going seriously for Scanners. All we had in FF and the additional RPs from the maxed out planets – that’s about 2k RP. I hope my successor will appreciate not having to guesstimate the ETAs of the many fleet that will be visiting us soon.
And as predicted the Sakkra are approaching the Radiated 20 at the blue star. Let them have it.
Our spies invade the Humans! I take Propulsion (Planetology means Tundra), and Fusion drives are VERY welcome!
Of course, Impulse drives would be even better, but I can’t complain! We can improve our nuke bombers quite a bit with Fusion drives. Warp 4, speed 3, attack 4, def 6 and Anti-Missile Rockets. Is it enough against 20 bases on Hyper-V and shield 7?
Rayden has a Sakkra fleet incoming and the Meklar huges too. I think I can handle the Sakkra, but what about the two Meklar huges? Is the peace treaty on? They could have Andrium armor, fusion bombs and/or pulsars in those ships. If they do, I’m screwed. This can be the biggest mistake of my turnset and it could cost us Rayden… but I’ll take my chances and NOT threaten them. I prefer not to risk a second full-scale war. Fingers crossed. Pump spending heavily there to try to get a base in time, but I think I won’t – unless unless the fighting is only in 2411. Also pumping BCs at Generosity for its first missile base.
Sakkra fleet just passed by the Radiated in the blue star… dumb Sakkra are really dumb.
Meklars attack and do it befor the Sakkra (I think the attacks come in the same order shown at the map). I messed up big time with the battle tactics!
I should have retreated the NPGs, for the gatling lasers just obliterated them. In the end, the two Ion 3.0 took care of the non-ARS huge alone, and stalled the other huge until the 50-turn limit. After that, the Sakkra fleet came, but with a single Juggernaut – luckily the big fleet wasn’t going to Rayden or I could be in real trouble!
And the cats complain again about my size. Blah blah Blah. Go find a box.
I got myself immersed in adjusting sliders and making arrangements for the next turn… and then I just realized my turnset is over!!
It’s time to handover the game. Notes for the next emperor:
1. What a mess I did in the late stages of the turnset! I'm really sorry for some bad decisions in the last 3 years: should have started the shield at Rayden in 2408, but did one round of factories instead; should have threatened the Meklar in 2409; but the WORST was not withdrawing the NPGs from the Meklar battle, and get 200 fighters burned down for nothing!!!
![banghead banghead](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/banghead.gif)
2. other than that, it's pretty good: we are up to 18 planets, most of them maxed out. Ursa and Uxmai need just 1 or 2 factories or pop. I am sending 6m from Talas to Empathy to max its pop. Unity was pre-building a huge ship but I forgot it didn’t maxed out factories (to make the Ion 3.0 cruisers – I am happy I did it because in the end they saved my a** at Rayden). Rayden will complete shield + 1 base next turn. Generosity has its 1 base with PSV. The remaining production is in factories but you could as well build more bases or new fighters.
3. I did not build PSV anywhere else, just at these two planets.
4. We now have Fusion drives! You should design new fighters (whether with NPG or Ion Cannons is up to you) to take advantage of these. I would scrap the 3A design as there are only a few left. I already scrapped the Soldier 3.0.
5. Our next step is probably to take Galos. The Stinger NPG fighters that destroyed the comet are at Unity ready to go there. 100 Bumblebees are arriving at Unity too. I wouldn’t build any more of those, you can make a much better bomber design using our new techs. Either scrap those or send them to Galos along with a stack of modern bombers.
6. Only 40 NPGs are defending Serenity in the East. They are not enough to defend against the Meklar, although I don’t think they will attack because they don’t have Radiated.
7. I didn’t change spying or tech spending... adjust those according to your strategy.
I still think we can win this game in 2425. Good luck to our next Emperor!!