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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

*Change trade goods for any production in the capital produces more gold. Is this calculation correct?
*Click in "F4/Historian" causes "access violation at address 00623D9A in module 'Caster.exe.'

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Hi there,

I'm very excited to see how this developes. As a totally blind player I'm fascinated by MOM but have never had the chance to actually play it. I'm wondering if you have possibly considered accessibility in this re-design, or if not what sort of codebase you're using? Is it possible that accessibility might be added? I'm a screen reader user and happy to provide advice on how this might be approached, and what would be required in terms of development.

I don't want to be pushy and demand a whole new feature or anything :smileust wanted to mention that I'm intrigued by the new game and hope that something could be done with it. I'd love a proper fantasy 4X to play at last.

I'm sorry to say I can't even imagine how a blind person would be able to play a complex game like this. While there is some text on the screen, the maps, the armies on the maps, etc are not text based.
Being the only person who works on this, I definitely don't have the capacity to add extra features like that in the next few years. You might have a better chance asking Slitherine for such a feature instead as they might have the manpower needed to add features like that to whichever Master of Magic game they'll be making in the future.

Update :

-Adjusted the AI's tolerance to enemy ranged superiority before leaving walls.
-Fixed bug : Outposts are named Hamlets.
-Fixed bug : AI adds a Wizard's Pact warning for each unit that is violating instead of once per turn.
-Fixed bug : Attempting to dispel Chaos Channels causes a Range Check Error.
-Fixed bug : Nodes are not visible in combat after the "lair" on it is cleared from monsters
-Implemented missing effect of Missile Immunity
-fixed bug : there is diplomacy between AI wizards when one of them is alreayd defeated.
-Wizards already defeated will no longer appear on the Spy chart
-fixed bug : AI melds with nodes wrong sometimes, using a random unit to do so instead of the intended spirit.
-Fixed bug : Raise dead does not work.
-fixed bug : Raise Dead and Resurrection menu does not disappear after selecting the target.
-Fixed : Historian and Spy Master crashes after turn 150
-Fixed bug : Trade Goods calculating production overwrites the variables used to calculate the gold income with production income data.
-Improved spacing of resource icons in city resource display
-Fixed bug : +1 resistance from Lucky wasn't shown with a gold icon
-fixed bug : if a unit died in combat, it counted as the selected stack still having a unit that can move so the next stack wasn't autoselected.
-Fixed : City scroll arrow doesn't work if there are less than 18 cities.
-Perfectionist AI modifier can't drop unit production priority below 7 (zero chance to build units if garrison size>=8).
-fixed bug : "AI allowed to open towers" function returns undefined result instead of "false".
-Fixed bug : combat enchantments are displayed wrong if there is more than one player with them.
-Fixed bug : Mana Leak has the effect of Terror
-Fixed bug : Finding a prisoner and an item at the same time causes UI problems.

*These High Man Spearman have just passed to the tower that leads to the other plane. But they ended up on the same plane and in the middle of the sea.
*Summoning water elemental continues to give range check error.

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Next turn -> range check error.

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.zip (Size: 246.27 KB / Downloads: 1)

-Heroes gain the +1 defense from level up 1 level earlier to make it happen at different levels than where the resistance bonus is applied.
-Demons summoned by Demon Lords no longer have Caster.
-Added more help texts
-Fixed bug : Water Elemental crashing.
-Fixed bug : AI still didn't select an item when casting Enchant Item and Create Artifact
-When a stack is selected in a tower, the units will be automatically brought to the visible plane.
-When a stack is preparing for overland movement, units not on the plane of the movement will change to the plane of the movement.
-Fixed bug : When moving units from a tower, the map view changes to the incorrect plane.
-Added scrolling arrows to combat info screen.
-Added map button to combat info window

Sorry for the slower progress but adding help texts is endless and very boring so I can't do too much of it in a day. (also I spent half the day on the spell system thread...)

Small notes:
-         Map generation hangs with these options: Any Difficulty/Opponents1/Small or Random/Small or Islands/Myrran. No problem when choosing Minimal or Tiny map size, strangely.
-         Pointing at units in the Army screen displays a flashing pixel on the minimap, but only if a unit is in a flashing state on the overland map.
-               To turn the pages in F3 Spellbooks of Nature or Chaos wizards still leads to a “Range check error”. I guess the same error can happen after a spell is researched, bc it is the same animation.

Quote:-Demons summoned by Demon Lords no longer have Caster.

While I think this was necessary to prevent mass demon spam, I'm concerned that this nerfs Demon Lords considerably, they used to effectively have 40-120 caster skill, now they have none. I know the allowance of more than 9 units will help with that, but I think it might be good to give Demon Lords caster 40 and take away one free Demon so that they maintain some of the versatility they had.

*There is still a bug in the tower with the selected stack. I cannot move a unit when one is selected and the other is not, for example, to go to other plane.
*Rotate through cities can cause freeze.

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