Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] scooter's PB53

FWIW I tested with a random civ. I'm betting this is a bug related to the scout changes in the mod. I guess that makes me the first person in either game so far to try to load a scout onto a Galley.

Thanks I think I know what causes this. Will be fixed
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

Turn 55

It's time for some diplomacy. This started last turn actually after thinking it over a bit. Cornflakes previously canceled and rejected by OB, but I wondered if he might feel differently now that he's got GLH. So I sent that, along with a customary trade.

And then the next turn rolled, and...

Sigh. I would roll my eyes, but I should have known better. I have a bunch of units here, and covering that worker would have been easy. It doesn't actually hurt me or my plans too much, it's just annoying. This does increase my concern level some. In this screenshot, I'm coming up a few beakers short of HBR, but I went through and worked quite an assortment of silly tiles in order to finish it this turn. Next I'll save gold for a bit and see what happens in the next couple turns. I also sent Cornflakes one more request now that his peace treaty has expired.

I have no idea if he seriously takes the trade or what, but maybe? One problem is that Cornflakes did not login between the first two requests and the third one, so this is going to look like I'm being attacked and desperately flung a bunch of requests. I think Cornflakes and I both have a lot to gain from being friendly seeing as he's got some shiny wonders he'd like me to leave alone and an enemy on the other side, but maybe he sees things differently and is more concerned with my current status in the game. I also sent TBS a peace offer, which I'm just now realizing should have waited until after Cornflakes declared war. Ugh, I hope both requests don't get accepted at once and it appears I backstabbed him. I mainly just want TBS to signal intent. Is he going to stay at war, or will he reply with a cease fire request instead? I'd prefer to get him locked into peace so I don't have to worry about someone else showing up.

FIN: 12, 12, 17 (215)
PRO: 20, 20, 20 (312)

Ignore that 17 number for FIN this turn. Worked some extra coast to get HBR completed.

Turn 56-58

The short version from the last update is that I have no friends. Cornflakes ignored all diplomatic messages and sent nothing back. TBS ignored my peace offer. Neither of these were especially shocking, but still. I'm the only player in the game Cornflakes does not have Open Borders with, for example. It all seems like an overreaction to me, but maybe that's just sour grapes. So if the pen won't work, the sword it is. I cobbled together a plan to get out 10 HAs over the next half dozen turns or so, and got to work on that. I did this while reinforcing my defenses - whipping a third defender in Chemtrails, and adding walls in Bigfoot. I was hoping it would provide me a buffer that might even allow me to use these units offensively.

TBS decided to march a stack forward on the most recent turn. I pretty easily have this covered, though it might prove somewhat challenging to kill unless he hangs around too long. I might try a little end-around with my Galley depending on how he moves.

Military update. I've got 4 now, and I expect 6-7 more in the next 2-3 turns.

I'm now comfortably #1 in soldiers. I pick up TBS graphs end of this turn I think. I whipped pretty hard, so Commodore has taken over a large lead in the food graphs, but I don't have much choice. People are still acting like I'm a runaway when I'm not. I badly need Calendar as a lot of my cities are capped out at very low sizes thanks to the lack of luxuries + whipping.

The core. I deforested my Calendar resources to get more units out. I'm about to build plantations anyway, so it seemed fine in this case. Interesting times. A lot hinges on what TBS plans to do next. If I can kill his stack in a hammer efficient way, I might go pressure his front cities. I doubt I can though thanks to the spears. I do think that stack is a pretty large chunk of his army, though losing it might help him afford research a little better, so that's a bit of a mixed bag.

FIN: 11, 10, 11 (247
PRO: 20, 20, 20 (372)

Turn 59

AT decided to chase me off the forest. I mean, we aren't at war, but I did retreat the warrior 1 tile. Really, I did this so that if he did kill the warrior, I could counter by killing his chariot with a Horse Archer. I doubt he will though. Guessing he's more interested in improving the Stone.

TBS moved up to here, but I'm not sure what else he can do. If he moves onto flatland, I'm pretty sure I can wipe the stack. He doesn't have enough to kill the city or even come close. I stuck two of my Horse Archers on the Galley just in case a sneaky opening came up. I doubt it, but worth a check. I offered him peace again, because I'm not sure what else he can do? I guess he could camp here for awhile and be annoying, but surely he can't afford to pay the unit support right now.

Pictured: a micromanagement tragedy. I must have worked a wrong tile last turn.

I picked up TBS graphs finally on this turn. He's definitely got a lot of size 1-3 cities if his food across 10 cities is this low. His GNP is even lower as expected.

While he definitely had top military at one point, he hasn't really built any units in awhile. In fact, this stack deep in my land is probably most of what he has. I'm surprised Cornflakes isn't trying to snipe some of their border cities. He's surely paperthin on defense.

FIN: 13 (260)
PRO: 20 (392)

Turn 60-61

Well, I'm nearly at the bottom of this forum for last thread update, so that feels weird. Of course, maybe that doesn't really count because it looks like superdeath bumped a bunch of threads and maybe got ignored lol. There's not actually been much going on. Our blazing fast turn pace early has succumbed to a parade of turn splits, vacations, pauses, and super weird-sounding glitches. Plus an busy week-ish from me. So here's a quick update. TBS backed away after the last turn and is nowhere near my border city, but he has thus far refused to sign peace, leaving us in an annoying turn split. I did finally get a Monument in Bigfoot and started a Library to push culture harder because I need it badly there. Was really hoping to get a religion spread there, but no dice so far.

This is "just" 10 Horse Archers. Nobody has any real military.

There's the raw soldier count. The big news here is Calendar incoming end of turn. I've got around 4 unhappy faces right now with 2 more cities about to grow into unhappiness, and I've got 4 calendar resources in my borders ready to be hooked. I'm dying to do some growing because I've got all these cottage tiles and all this food surplus and nothing to do with them, and the heavy whipping makes it worse. Anyway, you probably noticed a certain tile to the right of this picture.

Let's see how many Spears AT has at his Stonehenge city? This is not at all guaranteed to work. I mean, I probably can get this worker. I've got 8 here + combat villagers ready to move next turn, or I can wait one more turn and pick up 2-3 more. He is saving gold, so I'd really prefer he spend some of it before I do anything to keep him from being able to upgrade a warrior to a spear or something. The problem of course is the culture from Stonehenge gives him immense advance warning, but that's part of why it needs to go. Waiting to add a couple more might seem like a no-brainer, but I'm not as wild about having every single HA up here while I'm still technically at war with TBS. The other option is to wait for the chop to stage 2 tiles closer and therefore move in range in one turn, but if he's paying any attention that just lets the chariot see it. So I'm not sure that's worthwhile. Although, given the position of the chariot (it's been there a couple turns), he isn't doing that right now. I don't think the chariot can see the tile W-NW of it, but I may have to WB test that later because my vision rules knowledge is so rusty.

I'd guess the odds of this working are maybe like 50/50 at best. He definitely has almost no military though. He's dead last, and his power is almost exactly half of mine, and the actual military ratio is surely much worse than that. Absolute worst case scenario is I pick up a worker and lose a HA. If someone messes with me again in the south, this gets put on hold again, but I think I've got a little window here to try this.

FIN: 13, 11 (284)
PRO: 20, 20 (432)

Turn 62

Would have preferred a peace treaty, but I think he knows that, so cease fire it is for now. I've hovered my Galley along his northern coast to try to hold him down a bit. Anyway, I decided to go for it...

Yes it does mean war. That's a chariot and a worker that's about to complete a chop. I decided I don't want him to have those 20 hammers if I can help it. 90% shot on that chariot for an unpromoted Horse Archer, so I used this as a chance to hopefully get a promotion on one of my 0xp HAs.

Went almost flawlessly. HA only took one hit to 5.0/6 strength, and the promotion gained will restore most of that. I'll move one horse archer E-NE adjacent to the rice and see what's there. If it looks promising, the rest will go in. If he's got a bunch of spears, I'll probably pull back and just keep the worker. His power is incredibly low, so I might actually have a shot at this despite the fact that he's got 2 full turns to react thanks to the Stonehenge culture. I've got 3 more that are 1-2 turns behind this depending on what happens. I'd like to only softly commit a couple though to have flexibility to swing south too. We'll see what AT does. The good news is he turned science on last turn, so he doesn't have enough gold to upgrade a spear this turn. He probably will next turn, but better 1 than 2.

Calendar is in, and I'm frantically trying to hook my resources. Yes, that's all 5 core cities in unhappiness right now, so it's badly needed. I remember one of you thinking it was odd that I noted I had "only" one happy pre-Calendar. This is why I was concerned! I double whipped JFK and A51 this turn to technically get them out of unhappy this turn, but those were the 3rd whip anger face on each city, so... not the best example. I'll get 1 from the Spices next turn, and the Dye and Sugar will both come online in the following 2 turns. Incense will be after that.

Cornflakes seemingly got a Great Merchant thanks to Colossus or GLH GPP. That's somewhat surprising as I thought he would go Engineer first, but maybe he was forced to pollute his pool thanks to the wonders. I've been expecting Pyramids to fall to him soon.

FIN: 13 (297)
PRO: 20 (452)

Quote:08/17/2020 12:33:58 62 AT logged out
08/17/2020 12:33:38 62 AT finished turn
08/17/2020 12:33:28 62 AT score decreased to 429 (-7)
08/17/2020 12:32:16 62 AT score decreased to 436 (-16)
08/17/2020 12:31:56 62 AT score decreased to 452 (-15)
08/17/2020 12:30:35 62 AT logged in

Panic (dry?) whips. He only has 6 cities, so that's half of them. This will definitely alert everyone that I committed actual units to this, for what it's worth.

Turn 63

Let's do the boring stuff first.

He's 100% asking because he wants an easy Merchant mission. So let me get this straight. I give you OB earlier when it had 0 benefit to me but plenty to you. The minute it begins to benefit me, you cancel them. Then you proceed to sign OB with every single player in the game except me and ignore my multiple requests, even when I offered to sweeten the deal despite the fact that those routes would only be worth like 2-3 commerce per turn. Now you want me to just gift you an easy path for like 1000 gold the minute you get a Great Merchant? Get real lol. I can only assume he hasn't thought this through due to him being seemingly quite busy in RL right now, otherwise this is kind of a joke.

The worst part? I can't even counter-offer him to ask him to pay for it because he's got just 82g in the bank and he has science on, so I can't ask for GPT either. So I ignored it. If he would kick me a few hundred gold, maybe I'd do it. I'm wondering if people are vastly overestimating how important foreign routes are for Protective civs when domestic IC routes are available. I'm making literally 4 commerce/turn off my OB with Commodore and Cairo. It's nearly worthless to me, but I think I'm being treated like I have GLH or something. It's odd.

Got a free religion spread here finally, of course after I built a Monument. I can't complain though. I need all the culture I can get here, which is nearly the entire reason I'm building a Library.

Alright, here's the reason you're actually here. Yes, AT had nothing but a Warrior here when I declared as evidenced by the freshly dry-whipped spear. He still has a chance to hold this purely because of the advance warning Stonehenge provides him. Ideally I would have been second in the turn order, but I was already in the first half with TBS, so I hope being not-scummy and accepting the first half will reward me when it's RNG time. Anyway, I believe this turn he will upgrade the Warrior to a Spear and dry-whip another Spear. This will all come down to whether he's got anything coming in the fog. If not, my 8 HAs should be enough to take the city.

If he does have something in the fog, then it gets dicey. If he manages to summon a 4th spear somehow, this attack might be dead. If the 4th unit is something like a Chariot, it becomes a near-thing. If he somehow manages 5 units of any kind, GG WP retreat. He did whip two other cities last turn, but I doubt any of those units would be able to make it due to sheer distance and/or the river. We shall see? I've got a couple more units coming in after this which will ensure I can hold it if I do capture it.

I felt my chances of success were like 50% here when I took the swing. I'd bump that up to like 65% now. I should clarify that to me, "success" is merely capturing and holding this city in the short-term. I would of course advance further once it's plausible to do so, but I'm expecting Spear-spam, so that will need to wait a few unless he leaves me a good opening. It will end up with me having 12-13 cities and him 5, so that's fine.

FIN: 18 (315)
PRO: 20 (472)

My first Calendar happy coming online gives Financial a +5 bump this turn due to a combination of picking up more tiles + swapping to growth configs + natural growth elsewhere.

(August 17th, 2020, 16:10)scooter Wrote: The worst part? I can't even counter-offer him to ask him to pay for it because he's got just 82g in the bank and he has science on, so I can't ask for GPT either. So I ignored it. If he would kick me a few hundred gold, maybe I'd do it. I'm wondering if people are vastly overestimating how important foreign routes are for Protective civs when domestic IC routes are available. I'm making literally 4 commerce/turn off my OB with Commodore and Cairo. It's nearly worthless to me, but I think I'm being treated like I have GLH or something. It's odd.

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