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Caster of Magic II - AI disjunction priority table and behavior

Currently the AI handles Disjunction modifiers the following way :

Having AEther Binding doubles the chance to cast Disjunction but does not affect target selection.
Having Runemaster triples the chance to cast Disjunction but does not affect target selection.

If the enemy spell is protected by a dispel resistance effect, the AI ignores it for target selection and chance to cast Disjunction.
Unless the spell is one of those two the AI wants gone at all costs (Meteor Storm and Power Link), the AI will not adjust the slider cost for the increased dispel resistance so any bonus from the resistance directly reduces the chance for the Disjunction to be successful. Otherwise, the AI uses the exact slider cost necessary to eliminate the target spell at a 100% chance, or the maximal slider cost if it's not possible to reach 100%.

If the AI is Runemaster or has AEther Binding, they will reduce the slider cost to half (or one third if they have both).

We might want to consider the AI to react differently to dispel resistance effects.
-Reducing the global priority of the protected spell makes the AI dispel someone else's spell instead if one with a greater priority is available. This means picking Specialist will basically make the AI dispel the other people first, not you, assuming enchantments of the same priority.
-Reducing casting priority only makes the AI cast less disjunction if the top target is protected, essentially protecting all global enchantments in play equally. (this is probably a bad solution)
-Setting priority to zero if casting resistance is high but ignoring it otherwise can allow the AI to not waste resources on trying to dispel things they have low chance to successfully dispel at all.

I think the third version is best, but should exclude the "must remove" spells from this zero priority.

We also need to decide how much Disjunction resistance to grant from Ruler of Heaven.
Assuming we picked the third option for AI behavior, adding 100% resistance here is most likely enough - the AI will not even attempt dispelling your enchantments unless they are on the list of "must dispel".
I do think "cannot be dispelled" is a more appropriate way to convey to the player what will actually happen and also helps avoiding save-reload cheese to dispel through the AI's dispel protection effect. It might be worth excluding Runemasters from that, probably not AEther Binding though, but then it might be better to keep the simple text of 100% resistance and keep the AI's decision to not try dispelling those hidden.

So we could have

A. Your global enchantments have 100% higher dispel resistance
B. Your global enchantments cannot be dispelled
C. Your global enchantments cannot be dispelled except by Runemaster wizards.
D. Your global enchantments cannot be dispelled except by Runemaster wizards, and have 100% higher dispel resistance against them.

I will post the updated priority tables when it's ready.

The updated dispel table. Yellow cells are changed.
It might be worth considering to replace the "spell is Meteor Storm or Power Link" condition with "if priority>=90" instead for using increased slider cost on spells with extra dispel resistance?

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