The village has laid silent and peaceful for a few years now. You thought the wolves were finally vanquished, never to return.
You were wrong.
There are once more Werewolves in Realms Beyond.
Standard RB Werewolf Rules:
Days are 48 hours long. Nights are 24 hours long.
Days and nights end at 1100 CDT/1600 UTC. The forum clock is used as the official clock. Votes and actions posted at xx:59 count, votes and actions posted at xx:00 do not.
Posting is not allowed after the day and night deadlines until the GM has posted a phase resolution.
In the event of extended forum downtime, downtime that occurs in close proximity of the deadline, or some other event that disrupts the game, the day may be extended 24 hours at the GM's discretion.
During the day each player may cast one vote for someone to be lynched. You may change your vote as many times as you like before the end of the day. Players may also vote for "no lynch" and if "no lynch" receives a plurality there won't be a lynch.
Votes must be posted in red text or they will not count. Votes with spelling errors of names do count so long as it's unambiguous in the GM's opinion whom is being voted for. Votes embedded in quotes do not count.
The player with most lynch votes at the end of the day is lynched and eliminated from the game. Tiebreaks: see section below.
Night actions have been preassigned a priority order.
Anyone failing to vote for 2 consecutive game days or 3 days total will be mod killed and removed from the game with a loss.
Dead players may make one posthumous post that doesn't reveal in-game information or contribute to discussion.
Forum profile camping is not allowed.
To prevent confusion that may arise in the case of cross posting, posts may not be edited for any reason.
Players may not communicate with other players about the game outside the thread via PM, email, chat, quicktopics etc. unless told otherwise.
Players must check their PMs and make sure they're alive each game day before posting.
If the game reaches a stalemate situation, the game is a draw.
Directly quoting role PMs or other communication from the GM is prohibited unless otherwise specified. Screenshots of the same are also prohibited.
Breaking rules will result in penalties ranging from warnings to loss of abilities to being mod killed, depending on the severity of the infraction and the GM's discretion.
Night Result / Reveal Policy
If your action doesn't need to return information you won't receive a PM telling you whether it was successful or not.
If your action returns information but fails due to interference of other roles, you will just receive a "no result".
When a player is eliminated, their alignment and role will be made public.
If there are only 2 players left and no Day powers apply, the day result will automatically be a no lynch and tiebreak mechanisms will not come into play
Otherwise, The first person to reach their vote total will be lynched in the event of a tie.
Player status, role, and alignment:
Players: (2 alive)
Bobchillingworth - lynched Day 1 - Villager
Cyneheard - killed Night 1 - Werewolf Jack of All Trades
El Grillo - killed Night 1 - Village Hider
Gaspar - killed Night 1 - Village Tracker
AdrienIer - lynched Day 2 - Villager
Lewwyn - killed Night 2 - Villager 1-shot Commuter
Meiz alias thrawn - killed Night 2 - Villager
scooter - lynched Day 3 - Werewolf
GeneralKilCavalry alias GeneralKillCavalry alias GKC - killed Night 3 - Villager
Rowain - lynched Day 4 - Villager
Chevalier Mal Fet alias CMF - killed Night 4 - Villager
pindicator - killed Night 4 - Sleepy, 1-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer
Charriu - lynched Day 5 - Werewolf
Commodore - killed Night 5 - Village Doctor
Serdoa - lynched Day 6 - Werewolf 1-Shot Bus Driver
naufragar - Survived to the end - Villager
superdeath - Survived to the end - Village Vigilante
Villager Role PM:
Villager - Welcome, [player name]. you are a Villager.
Abilities: Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.
Win condition: You win when there are no longer any threats to the Village and there is at least one Village player alive.
Tips from the GM for newbies to Realms Beyond Werewolf:
Make sure to read through the rules, and feel very free to ask me any questions in a PM, or ask it to everyone in the organizing thread. Bonus points if you make sure to ask any public questions before the assignment PMs are sent out, so no one can judge you on your honest questions.
If you have played in-person werewolf before but not online, the biggest change will be that everything you say will be judged and remembered. An offhand comment you made on Day 1 will be dissected on Day 6 with all the context that has happened since then. And since you are not allowed to edit posts, there is a degree of caution that can be helpful.
We have a quickcode for votes. If you use the syntax: [ vote ]John Doe[ /vote ] you can quickly call out your votes without having to worry about picking the right shade of red. This is also select-able via the Insert button in the message editor, the 3rd button from the right.
There is a lot of history of RB meta about what are the right things to say and when, and what might constitute a guilty tell or not. I wouldn't try to learn all of that ahead of time, and would say to being your honest best effort whether or not it is an *expected* approach.
Don't worry too much if it all crashes and burns for you early, it's part of the game and has happened to all of us. And (most all the time) all the accusations that might feel personal are just in the context of this game, try not to let it cut you to the core and make you rage in real life (speaking to my own past here).
So what kind of Day 1 meta are we all in the mood for? I've always been a fan of pushing a couple of random wagons to see how people respond, but I'm okay with most approaches as long as we don't waste too much time talking about voting for no-lynch or speculating about the setup.