September 15th, 2020, 10:25
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Also, Charriu, stop making me worry about a Serdoa/Naufragar team.
September 15th, 2020, 10:33
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Great gif.
Shit. Now you made me worry about a Serdoa/nauf team.
September 15th, 2020, 10:35
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September 15th, 2020, 10:36
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Comm, honestly, read back your last posts and tell me that not everyone would read that as scum trying to make sure that everyone stays in line. You even try to scare again
Quote:Naufragar is signalling he's solid, if he's village you've lost at this point going against him. If he's Charriu's scumbuddy, he can swap at the last minute to smack a village Superdeath and we've lost.
Here, jump, jump. Make sure SD doesn't die - but SD is my choice today. His whole play screams wolf and he hasn't given me any reason to trust him.
Also this:
Quote:I completely agree that it's sad that the #1 village killer looks set to win. But sadly, his vig claim also solves every part of this mystery-box setup and all other solutions are significantly less plausible.
i s a lie. I even showed you why his claim does not solve everything (N4, why did pindicator not kill anyone?). You just decided to ignore it.
September 15th, 2020, 10:41
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If by chance someone just overlooked it:
(September 14th, 2020, 11:34)Serdoa Wrote: (September 14th, 2020, 09:13)Commodore Wrote: N1: Gaspar-wolves (he was on Cyneheard and Scooter, makes sense). Cyneheard-Superdeath. ElGrillo-Hid behind a victim. No Pindicator kill because he's sleepy?
N2: Meiz-wolves AND Pindicator (on to Scooter...also on to Pin). My doctoring only counts for one death. Lewwyn-Superdeath.
N3: GKC - Superdeath. Weird to lack other kills. Maybe Pindicator is sleepy and wolves try for Serdoa, who is healed?
N4: Pindicator - wolves, because afraid of death. CMF - Superdeath. Pindicator's kill doesn't go through because of Brick's initiative?
This scenario is plausible, but really, really stupid. 
It is only plausible if we had for the first time the case that kill roles don't perform their kill if they get killed as well. There is no need to have an initiative on these, they always worked at the same time, killing off each other. I don't see a reason why this would ever be changed by BRick. You know what would be more likely Comm? On night 4 CMF got killed by pindi - because CMF stated he would lynch pindi, if just Rowain and you would have found it in you to switch.
Additionally, why would SD kill Lewwyn N2, that makes no sense, in no world.
Additionally, why would he kill GKC on N3? After we discussed a day long scooter and pindi and his role would tell him that both lie.
Additionally, why would he vote for CMF on D4, when he knows that pindi was lying because with an unrestricted vig-shooter there is no way there is an additional 1-shot vig in town.
Could we please stop trying to pretend that somehow superdeaths play would make any sense as villager? It doesn't, it is as simple as that. And it is not simply that he wanted to use his shots, no matter what, it is not that he read the game wrong, it is not that he was unlucky... his whole play makes no sense and in itself is inconsistent. He did not by chance work against the village, he simply worked against it by choice.
Take D2: He starts voting for CMF (which he claims he later shot, but not on N2). He votes with Lewwyn for scooter AND he even cites Lewwyns "novel" as the reason to vote for scooter. Instead a villager was lynched and scooter was even more highly suspected by several players... and he shoots Lewwyn?
Whatever role SD has, it is not one playing for town.
And to add: Maybe he is part of a serial killer team. Fuck, I heard weirder things.. for example Comm claiming that kills have an order in which they are happening instead of simultaneously as they always did.
September 15th, 2020, 10:43
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(September 15th, 2020, 10:36)Serdoa Wrote: Quote:I completely agree that it's sad that the #1 village killer looks set to win. But sadly, his vig claim also solves every part of this mystery-box setup and all other solutions are significantly less plausible.
is a lie. I even showed you why his claim does not solve everything (N4, why did pindicator not kill anyone?). You just decided to ignore it. Like I said, N4 Pin probably killed my healing target (unless Brick did initiative). I get that you disbelieve my claim, but at least know I'm consistent, Serdoa
September 15th, 2020, 10:44
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Comm, what the hell are you doing? Were you not just preaching the value of stacking up on a target?
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.
September 15th, 2020, 10:45
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I am consistent, look at the time I posted that the first time. The inconsistency is only with you and your voting.
September 15th, 2020, 10:49
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(September 15th, 2020, 10:44)naufragar Wrote: Comm, what the hell are you doing? Were you not just preaching the value of stacking up on a target?
If you're village, stay on Charriu and the first tie wins, it's fine, I'm online at the end here.
September 15th, 2020, 10:50
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(September 15th, 2020, 10:44)naufragar Wrote: Comm, what the hell are you doing? Were you not just preaching the value of stacking up on a target?
If you're scum, I'm online here at the end. If you jump to save a scumbuddy Charriu, how good is your trigger finger? You now can't jump to save SD.