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AI Survivor - Season Four and Five Reruns

Surprising result indeed. The "Caesar conquers the world but falls short of stopping a Gandhi win" seemed like a good prediction, vindicated to boot by the actual game result... looks like it was just lucky instead.
That said, at 20%, the Elisabeth-Gandhi ticket wasn't extremely likely either.
Chalk that one as mainly unpredictable, I guess.

Also, we need a special rule for the "no elimination" case. Considering the current state of the world, incurring Khorne's wrath would be unwise imo.

I actually don't find it shocking, this is about as peacenik a field as we've seen.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Huh, this feels like one that we should have seen coming, yet none of us did. Julius Caesar, team up with a close neighbour? That's unthinkable!
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

If Caesar and Suleiman end up fighting each other that often, what actually drove the reliable conflict?

They have the same peaceweight of 4, so it can't be that.

They do reliably have longer border exposure, but Caesar also has a long border with Frederick, and Suleiman also has a long border with Gandhi.

Is it just that they often had different religions?  That doesn't seem like it would account for all of this conflict.

@Dark Savant

Haven't replayed those so can't say from observation, but the two things that would spring to mind (apart from the religious difference you've mentioned):
  • Distance from Capitals: Rome is the closest capital to Istanbul and vice-versa.
  • Rome's lack of Copper: can't see any other close source for Rome than the one to the east... which seems more likely to get grabbed by the Ottomans than by the Romans. If there were any early aggressions of Rome by the Ottomans, that would be my number one suspect.

I went ahead and ran another alternate histories series for Game Four of this year's AI Survivor. Unlike the previous game that I investigated this one went pretty much according to form. Full details are at the following link but I'll toss out some teaser screenshots here:

[Image: survivor5-4-29.png]

[Image: survivor5-4-30.png]

(Note : "A" column tracks the number of war declarations initiated by the AI, "D" the number of times the AI is declared upon, "F" the points for finish ranking, and "K" the number of kills.)

[Image: survivor5-4-31.png]

Thank you to Wyatan again for providing the inspiration for this project. thumbsup

EDIT: The images inexplicably aren't displaying here in the forum even though they are working on the website. Not sure why - did our forums suddenly lose the ability to display PNG format (?)
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Images are showing up fine for me.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

They have both displayed and not displayed at different times throughout the day, with the links also breaking for all of the PNG images in previous pages of this thread. I have no idea what's going on there... but everything works just fine on my website where the full report is posted. lol
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Thanks for running more of these alternate histories, Sullla. Good stuff. nod

The effects of Pericles being crushed early, not beaten at all, or only later after protracted warring are interesting. That one cluster of resources and which AI got control of it early could be so significant surprises me.

Keler on civfanatics is running a large number of ai vs ai games on the season final map. He has chosen Noble as difficulty though.

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