Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 38

Nobody for red yet - Pindicator, you want your shot?

Sure, I can give it a go
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(September 21st, 2020, 18:07)Azoth Wrote: Happy to spymaster for Red.


So blue is Lewwyn and red is who?

I'm not fussed. Go for it, pindicator! smile

Lewwyn and pindicator it is.

Round 2 Board:


Blue is up first. Answer keys to be sent out shortly. Good luck!

Farmer: 5
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Farmers raise CHICKs
Farmers work the GROUND
Farmers plant in SPRING
Farmers' crops benefit from WORMs
Farmers might try to kill MOLEs
Farmers raise liveSTOCK

Is farmer trying to get us to think along lines of different professions? If so, DOCTOR and LAWYER come into play too. Not my first thought though.

That`s an aggressive start.

A Farmer is definitely using the GROUND and often has CHICKs.
The SPRING is a good time to harvest. 

Farmers generally produce food, thus MOUTH? 
On a farm it`s really important to get enough rain DROPs?
Many farmers have some sort of DEGREE?

I like the first three but there are plenty of options after that.

A farmer:
Has a green THUMB
Plants crops in the GROUND during the SPRING
Raises CHICKs and liveSTOCK (the latter often have ear TAGs)
Hopes for rainDROPs

Pre-spoilers, my top five are GROUND, SPRING, CHICK, STOCK, THUMB

After spoilers: yeah, I thought of WORMs and MOLEs, but I think those are more a concern in home lawns and gardens than large scale agriculture.
I'm less enthusiastic on THUMB after it wasn't mentioned by JR4 or Brick; maybe DROP for a fifth word? Or WORM, which would be helpful to organic and low-till farmers?

Edit: it's worth considering that Lewwyn has spent a lot of time in China, where farming is not as industrialized as in the US, and the primary crop is rice. My bias is midwestern US, where the primary crops are corn and soybeans. Things are much different in California, where they grow grapes and almonds.


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