Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW48 Signups: Pick your TV Show Character

(Sorry for the delay with this; I intended to have it out last Saturday, but life happened.)

This game will be Pick your Characters 4, in the same vein as the first 3 (WW10, WW20, and WW38), with thanks to and shameless stealing from uberfish who ran the first two. I'll take any number of players and create a setup based on the characters you pick. This is how it works.

Signups are closed.

Game start date will be a day or two after whenever I get the setup ready, or a day or two after WW47 ends, whichever is later. This game will not overlap with WW47, so if you are in that game you are welcome to join this one.

You can be any character you want, as long as they are primarily or substantially from a TV Show of some sort. I won't be too picky but don't try for obvious loopholes, say don't pick Luke Skywalker because he was in the Star Wars Holiday Special. (Though I now fully expect someone to pick a Wookie that was exclusive to the Star Wars Holiday Special). Also, please pick a character that should be easy enough to Google, so I can find out enough info about them to make the setup.

Here's how the game construction process works:

- You sign up in this thread.
- You PM your character choice (Name and source material) to superdeath, who will be working with me for this setup. Example: Red Foreman (That 70's Show)
- After signup closes, superdeath tells me the character names and I randomly assign their alignment. There will only be one traditional scum team. There may or may not be third party roles, possessed, traitors, etc.
- Then I assign powers. Don't think you can pick an assassin character and automatically become a vigilante, I might find a completely different role that still has to do with your character. Everyone will have at least one power.
- I won't know who is playing what character until the setup phase is done when superdeath sends me the full list. This prevents any unintentional bias in power assignment.
- Giving an alternate selection is wise, in case there's overlap in submissions, especially if you pick a very well-known character.
- Also assume normal WW rules like what's posted in front of every game we've ever done.
- Also based on feedback after the last game, and knowing that everyone will have a role, I will be doing my best to keep roles on the low power side. I.E. no unlimited shot Seer/Doctor/Vig/Roleblocker. Probably. I reserve all rights to break that rule if I feel it's necessary for game balance, but it is the goal I am striving for.



1. Commodore
2. Kaiser
3. Cyneheard
4. pindicator
5. Lewwyn
6. sunrise089
7. thrawn
8. Bobchillingworth
9. Meiz
10. Rowain
11. novice
12. Gaspar
13. AdrienIer
14. Alhambram
15. WarriorKnight
16. Gold Ergo Sum
17. Jabbz
18. Gazglum

Sign me up, boss
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Me too


Signing up.

I may regret this decision, but this premise sounds like too much fun.

Oh i already know the character I want, I'm in
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

haahahahaa yes
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Also: In this game, changing your profile picture to your character is incredibly highly encouraged. Roleplaying as your character will win you BRick's Award of Awesome*

Award of Awesome is non-redeemable for anything of value in this game but BRick's admiration, which is enough for you isn't it? Also roleplaying might get you killed in game for being a distraction but it would be so. much. fun.


(September 22nd, 2020, 14:12)thrawn Wrote: Joining the party.

How many of these are we going to have? I have a dozen characters I'd like to pick...

So far we have done:

1 for Any Character
1 for Any Video Game Character
1 for Any Literature Character
1 for Any TV Show Character (here)

Logical progression is that a Movie one is next before any repeats, but the future is still unwritten.

I think Grand Admiral Thrawn was in Rebels, you should be okay.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

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