Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW48: Melllvar's Grand Competition!

I have a big question of "why Gazglum?". He seemed to be on Gaspar and Gold Ergo Sum the most. His last post of the day was a big attack on GES and that seemed to be the way he was headed next. Against Gaspar he noted in #182 that Gaspar said he didn't like Lewwyn but then voted for the same person as Lewwyn's target (thrawn). I'll add to that Gaspar later in the day then did not want to vote thrawn again.

He also notes in post #194 that Gaspar's play reminds him of WW36 when Gaspar was scum. Attacks GES in that post too, saying he did not like either of their replies.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(October 3rd, 2020, 12:26)pindicator Wrote: I have a big question of "why Gazglum?".  He seemed to be on Gaspar and Gold Ergo Sum the most.  His last post of the day was a big attack on GES and that seemed to be the way he was headed next.  Against Gaspar he noted in #182 that Gaspar said he didn't like Lewwyn but then voted for the same person as Lewwyn's target (thrawn).  I'll add to that Gaspar later in the day then did not want to vote thrawn again.

He also notes in post #194 that Gaspar's play reminds him of WW36 when Gaspar was scum.  Attacks GES in that post too, saying he did not like either of their replies.

Gaspar what do you think? Also I'd still like you to help me understand your thought process on the end of the day and pindi vote.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Gazglum huh? Not who Omar expected. And no clue on role? Did Brick break his own rules or something more nefarious at play?

Omar gonna review, take some notes. Back in a few hours.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Reading Gold Ergo Sum as a next step from Gazglum re-read:

Voted Gaspar on post #24 and parked that vote all day.  He noted Lewwyn was quiet in the first half of day 1 - which Lewwyn was -  and agreed with Sunrise's early proddings on Gaspar.

Post #161 seems to be what caused a lot of confusion later on for people, so here that one is:

(October 1st, 2020, 15:48)Gold Ergo Sum Wrote: Lazy scum?  I mean, Omar impressed  a dolphin that can talk.  Didn't know that was in the skill set of porpoises.  But have you said a single thing longer than one line all game, dolphin?  Lots of block quotes.  Bunch of vote flips.  Keeping that post count up, real artificial and such.  Pots and kettles, Flip.  Omar got his eye on you too.  

But like Omar said, target be a target cause he a junkie.  Target stay a target cause he suspicious.  Strangest thing I saw all game was Doc changing his vote right after you to jump on Bee-boy after Doc had the most early votes.  Maybe self-preservation, but usually junkies ain't real self-preserving, you feel.  And now you back on him again?  Not sure if you just came to your senses about Doc, or if you keep moving on and off when convenient.  

Omar watching you too, now.  But Doc stay the target.

I've been trying to unpack what he meant by "Strangest thing I saw all game was Doc changing his vote right after you to jump on Bee-boy after Doc had the most early votes". This must be where the Meiz/me mix-up happened because the only posts that fit the description of Gaspar following Commodore would be posts #44 & #45 where they both in succession vote for Meiz. That at least clears it up for me, I kept wondering why Meiz was being lumped in that conversation.

At the end of the day he suspects Gaspar, Commodore, and Lewwyn (#181), then he doesn't post again until night.

Gold Ergo Sum, what are your thoughts on the junkie doc today?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(October 3rd, 2020, 11:35)Meiz Wrote: Rowain, on which of my eod reads would you agree or disagree with?

novice + gaspar townish

Commodore,pindi good lynches for day 1.

(October 3rd, 2020, 11:39)pindicator Wrote:
(October 3rd, 2020, 11:34)Rowain Wrote: The above is my comment on the night resolution.

Anyway a good day starts with a Commodore

Rowain, what's your reasoning on Commodore?  Do you have a case against him or are you just thinking that because he was up there with me end of day then one of us must be scum?  

I never got your read on Gaspar, btw.

What do you mean you never got my read on Gaspar? I answered immediately

(October 3rd, 2020, 10:28)Rowain Wrote:
(October 3rd, 2020, 10:22)pindicator Wrote: Rowain, save your answer for the deadline (I'm really not liking all this night talk), but what are your thoughts on Gaspar?

His strong push on Commodore would be high risk low reward if he is scum and Comm town.

Why Gazglum? well if he is town then perhaps because the wolves needed to find a target with little chance for protection or watchers.

But ther eis no garanty he is town. Maybe he had a sacrifice but power through any defense ability with delay like poison. In WW26 scum had and used a sacrifice but kill the other surely skill

A bit time constrained first half of today, hence the night activity.

Is it too much to hope for that Gazglum is scum? He wasn't that convincing yesterday.

I still think the Commodore case is valid, but it's at day 1 strength.

Pindicator, you said earlier that you couldn't parse Commodore's roleplay? How is that even possible?
I have to run.

Additional for Meiz:

While I have sunrise rather townish I don't see him as towny as you do. Cyneheard I agree with,  WK,Kaiser are neutral very slight town.

Jabbz, Adrien are on the bad side but Jabbz not as far as you see him.  Bob, Alhambram would be policy lynches. GES no clue what he is

You and Lewwyn I reserve judgement

Me being me with the exception of Gaspar and novice I could lynch anyone today since the way from being townish to scummish in my mind is a very short one.
Although a sunrise and cyneheard lynch would need some convincing.

Thanks Rowain. Funny enough I missed it because I assumed you were waiting for the deadline as I had asked.

I think you're dead wrong by assuming it has to be Commodore or me today, but I thought you were scum for lining up lynches like that before. I'm withholding any Gaspar disagreement until I re-read him. But there are things I certainly don't like about his day 1 so can you give me some reasoning as to why you see him as town?

Novice, are you taking an early day 1 read of mine on Commodore? Because I just said that I did a re-read on Commodore. Here, have my notes:


11 opening vote, pindicator
13 playful jab at Gaspar
14 RP
44 votes Meiz, lots of posting but all of it RP
48 pushes Meiz
104 votes Gaspar for his #63, saying gaspar should know novice is being his usual self
also reads at how quiet Jabbz and Lewwyn are
106 Slight attack on Rowain for his #105 - warranted IMO
109 Pushes Gaspar more, says it is an overreaction by him
132 Q had told him to shut up
140 Accuses Jabbz (re #139) for never voting in his posts
142 More against Jabbz: he doesn't make votes he just talks about them
153 Says he feels strange about voting with Sunrise on Gaspar. Reiterates: Gaspar's vote on Meiz made sense, but the Novice vote felt forced / stirring up drama
158 Votes Gold Ergo Sum for his #155 but he's voting on the target that Commodore just pushed (Gaspar). Casts doubt on Lewwyn.
160 Re Lewwyn #157: "shit or get off the pot"
162 Asks Gold Ergo Sum to translate his RP in #161
164 Explains his #160: Lewwyn is reproaching Alhambram for No Lynch vote, but keeps his own vote parked on a player who is a singleton with no case (WarriorKnight)
278 Asks why he has a train on him.
282 Votes pindicator, no reason. This appears to be a self-defense vote while he catches up.
374 Says he does not follow the case on him then quotes a bunch of people voting him. Votes thrawn.
Rowain #215 - calls Jabbz scummy, me null
Meiz #243 - pokes at novice
Rowain #261 - votes Commodore, saying he will join novice
Novice #262 - staying Commodore
390 says he didn't vote Pindicator - but he did in 282
he says pindicator is null, Q is variable
I think he honestly forgot he put his vote on me as a defensive measure while he was reading


445 Says he cannot assume scum new about the traitor or its existence
447 Confused by Gold Ergo Sum saying "bee boy"
471 I don't understand the reference here, he's asking "But why?" to Meiz's #469
474 More Bee Boy
477 Elaborates more with novice, saying GES was being lazy intentionally
481 Lays out more of why GES is lazy scum: quotes GES #155 and GES #24
483 Clarifies that he suspects GES confusion was deliberate obtuseness
516 continues...
517 ...
522 Accuses Novice of setting up Jabbz mislynch for just wanting to lynch Commodore
525 Clarifies he has no clear read on Jabbz, but is feeling set up by Novice

Early on I did have trouble parsing him, but that's partly why I did the re-read. Didn't want to walk into another situation like I did with Cyneheard in 46, defending someone just because I was skimming them. And with the dolphin noises my eyes just want to skip over those lines so it was easy to skip over real stuff too, that's why I initially was having trouble reading him.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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