Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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PBEM 5 - regoarrarr spoiler thread

No irrelevant spoiler-prevention text in Post #1 for me! Let's get right into the juicy stuff!

[Image: civ4screenshot0002y.jpg]

Plus, although I gave darrell a head start in the real battle (post-count), I gotta catch up!

And sunrise must have forgotten to defog the land around darrell's settler, since as you can see from the minimap somehow I can see his lands too.

But that's okay, because it makes it easier for me to send him a screenie of his lands, so he can start his MM stuff while I hold the save for a bit.

[Image: civ4screenshot0001k.jpg]

Okay and we're off. Darrell actually had me play my turn (fakely) and end turn and email it to him, so he could move his warrior to better plan things. So I restarted again (making sure this time to set his difficulty level to Deity) and here we go.

[Image: civ4screenshot0001i.jpg]

Moved the warrior NE on to the hill. Seemed like the logical and only place to move.

The real question now is whether to settle in place, or move 1E and settle.

1E would be the direction I'm leaning. The only thing that would hurt me there is if there is a seafood in the fogged tile. Sunrise did say he made substantial edits to the map.

And shoot - I moved my warrior NE because I didn't think I could unfog that tile, but I think if I had moved W (onto the corn) then I would have seen it (2 tile visibility over water)

So comparing in place to 1E:

They both have 11 coast, 1 clams, the city center, 2 plains forests, the corn, the grass hill, 1 plains and 1 grassland tile.

In other words they share 19 tiles (though not exactly the same 19 tiles since there are 2 different plains tiles - the one NE of the warrior in one case and the one SW of the corn in the other.

Settling 1E gets a desert tile and a forested plains vs. setting in place getting the fogged coast and a plains with no forest.

Obviously 1E is a canal city, which could be a big advantage as we try to get settlers out to the east. Though in place has a 3 tile advantage in getting units around to the south of this island (not as useful of course)

And after thinking about it, I felt like I HAD to settle in place. The risk of missing a fish was just too great.


[Image: civ4screenshot0000p.jpg]


So chalk that up to Mistakes #1 and #2.

This is a mirrored map, right?

[Image: civ4screenshot0001k.jpg]
I have to run.

Correct. Which means bangheadbanghead I should have KNOWN there was no seafood there.

Though I'm kind of glad I didn't take advantage of that since I "shouldn't" have that knowledge right now anyways

So actually I think I am NOT going to cop to 2 mistakes here. Mistake #1 was not moving the warrior to the corn (or, more accurately, to the tile 1S of the corn), in order to defog that tile. I blame darrell for rushing me lol

But Mistake #2 (settling in place vs. settling 1E) I don't think was a mistake, given the information that I had. The advantages to settling 1E were NOT enough to compensate for the chances of there being a hidden seafood there. Even if it was only 5-10%, I feel like, given Mistake #1 and the fact that the coast tile was fogged, the choice to settle in place was correct.

Still, I bet that darrell makes the correct warrior move.

Which brings me to another thought I had. Darrell volunteered to go 2nd, which means that I win all tiebreakers for things like religions / wonders / Liberalism, etc.

But going 2nd does have a few advantages, that he probably realizes. Most importantly, if he wants to read the demographics tea-leaves, he can deduce things about what I am doing. He could tell if I'm researching something with a pre-req or not, and possibly tell if I settled in place, based on the Life Expectancy and whether I have 2-3 forests in the BFC. Also later on if we ever can see each others' research and such, he'll always be able to "react" to what I am doing. And I can't even log in right as the turn flips and switch it up!!! lol

Still, I'm not sure those balance out the advantages to going first, but it is definitely something.

Well I notice that darrell has caught up to me in post count.

So I thought I'd report on my Turn 1, which I played last night.

I simmed out a few openings, and decided on Wheel->Pottery for opening techs, while building a workboat till I grow to size 2.

Worker first is 4f-h/t, so it would take 10 turns.

Working the 3/0/0 corn, I grow in 5 turns, and then I can work both plains forests, which also gives me an extra hammer from the Expansive bonus, so 6f-h/t, or worker in 7, completing on T12.

So I only delay the worker 2 turns.

I actually WANTED to go Granary next, but if I do that, by the time I finish the granary and go back to the partially started workboat, the hammers have decayed. So after the worker I will finish the workboat and then go on to the granary.

Definitely need to put a premium on expansion and exploration. Finding the "best" city spots soonest will be huge. Hopefully my starting warrior will be able to map out the whole starting island. I also want to get a workboat or two out.

After Pottery, probably Mining->Bronze Working and then after that I haven't decided on AH->Writing or Sailing or possibly a religion.

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