(October 4th, 2020, 13:28)Commodore Wrote: Third, looking at GES. Waiting on his megapost, I don't see anything much to add to the Day 1 case so elegantly articulated by Gazglum. I'd try to parse his Day 2...but as of yet, there is none. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NULL TELL, SCUM AND TOWN CAN BOTH BE BUSY. [/i]
Finally, we have all these names on me, plus Novice and Rowain. Given that's 7/15, I really can't say that everyone on me is scum, sadly. What this does mean is that scum who lynch me have great cover...which would be the town reason for Novice and Rowain to not be officially voting me yet. Unfortunately, the case for me at present is being sold as a metacase, "lynch for information" that gives two lynches for the price of one. We can afford a mislynch or two so I'm fine with biting it if it helps the village, but I am *not* so confident in Pindicator that I'm happy covering him.
So I guess I need to do individual reads and gives leans while I have the time here. I'll be freer during the interminable meetings tomorrow morning but that's a late in the day. >
Look at this guy, Jerry! He's making a better case for lynching himself than Rowain is (who isn't actually voting for him??)
Also, what does "Waiting on his megapost" mean? You crossposted with a giant post from the thug (don't look at me that way, Jerry, I admire the urban lifestyle!), but I don't see any indication from him that he had announced a megapost was incoming. How would you know?
Am I missing something here?? Is George finally losing it?! Commodore
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(October 4th, 2020, 13:40)Bobchillingworth Wrote: Also, what does "Waiting on his megapost" mean? You crossposted with a giant post from the thug (don't look at me that way, Jerry, I admire the urban lifestyle!), but I don't see any indication from him that he had announced a megapost was incoming. How would you know?
Am I missing something here?? Is George finally losing it?! Commodore eeker. reeer reee. eeeeeeeeEEEEeee "eeek kreeer".
< You are missing something. You are losing it. Try not skimming a bit and read his earlier post about "pages of notes".>
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Commodore what would be your current read on Pindicator?
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(October 4th, 2020, 13:23)Gold Ergo Sum Wrote: So, first, Omar tell a tale. Last night, he hanging out with his partner and the rest of his crew. Omar's partner completely green at this here game. Omar tried to educate his partner. School the pup. Here was Omar's partner's take-away, "He been holed up in his room all day taking handwritten notes about a monster video game. He has to read a bunch of stuff and then figure out if he is a villager or a werewolf. How did I ever end up with such a nerd." Omar not sure where to start on that one.
At this point, Omar finished with his D1 review, but read next to nothing on D2 yet. Will catch up D2 after doing some 9-5 business.
Known Knowns:
1) Omar village.
2) Omar 3-shot Tracker
3) Q scum-adjacent
4) Queen dead
5) CIA targeted no one N1
CIA girl targeted no one. This seemed out of character because that crazy white lady always have a target, but RP aside, the lack of a target suggests CIA not a villain.
The lack of a target absolutely does not suggest CIA (Carrie/novice, I presume) is not a villain. If we assume 4 villains, only one of them had to do anything and they may or may not have used powers with the other villains. I would consider a lack of a target a null tell, not pro-town.
Your roleclaim is believable, but certainly could be contested (obviously by novice, possibly by others). Brick suggested in the setup he was moving away from unlimited shots, and Q certainly supports that (the Silencer power probably could have been repeated, but might have been annoying; a Serial Killer Traitor is obviously problematic).
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(October 4th, 2020, 13:30)Meiz Wrote: Is you last question somehow game related?
Actually, yes. There's a reason I'm interested in your answer to that one.
I'll get to your reply and compare it to what I read day 1 later. Heading out to get friend-zoned
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Caught up at this point.
A couple of quick thoughts before I take a good break before rereads.
I have no clear town or scum reads, other than I agree that Gaz was most likely town, and if scum knew about the traitor they would have fought at least a little to keep him alive. I'll be keeping both in mind during my reread.
I'd also be interested in what Commodore and Pindi did last night, if they are town that could be some very helpful information.
Clearly the focus falls most heavily on Commodore currently. It's quite possible the case against him could check out. Should we focus on him to the exclusion of others though, no way. I will be looking looking at everyone so I can expand my information base. Then maybe I'll have something that's not just reaction to other people's day1 or night1 stuff.
Also, a large part of my concern with the Rowain/Meiz push on the fish is that they seem to be stuck there, and I'm concerned with tunnel vision. making them read anyone who disagrees with them as scummy, as well as hindering other reads. Starting the day already there and not looking elsewhere is problematic for town.
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No, I'm not upset or annoyed. I've habited a hard shell for WW games and tend to ignore any remarks that might get me too annoyed. If you're talking about you deadline comment ("wasn't mean to tilt you"), that was not the case.
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Also Meiz: thoughts on Lewwyn now if he was scummy day 1?
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(October 4th, 2020, 13:59)Jabbz Wrote: Also, a large part of my concern with the Rowain/Meiz push on the fish is that they seem to be stuck there, and I'm concerned with tunnel vision. making them read anyone who disagrees with them as scummy, as well as hindering other reads. Starting the day already there and not looking elsewhere is problematic for town.
You did read BRicks tally? You saw that I'm currently voting for Kaiser or did you misread that too? That I made a case and gave some reasons why? Do you even read what I write or to you cherrypick one post and then go with that and ignore anything else?
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@Jabbz, none of my reads should affect or hold back others reads, feel free to agree, disagree and present your own opinios on players and preferred lynch targets.