Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW48: Melllvar's Grand Competition!

(October 4th, 2020, 14:57)AdrienIer Wrote: I'm kind of at a loss, there's no one that's distinctly scummy right now. GES's post was fine and if there's another one for D2 it'll be mostly fine. The big posters seem like their usual selves, the two targets from D1 are IMO absolutely fine, so I'm going to look at lower content posters.
Alhambram's misunderstanding of the pindi/com exchange was odd though, and he's the one with the smallest post count. The only question is : would he be lazy enough to jump on such a bad case ?
Jabbz is "not great, not terrible" so far. Content is ok.
Kaiser's big post from D1 was good, and I find his posts pretty good so far.
WK's content is too low. Analysis on 3 people and that's it for D2.
Bob needs more posts, but I don't have scummy vibes on him.

Alhambram for now, closely followed by WK. And now, instead of doing analysis on interactions, I'm going to do some work that cannot wait frown

“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Commodore, thanks for your player reads.
I slightly argee with your take about Novice and Rowain against Kaiser since they are pushing him, but I reserve my judgement till Kaiser has responded and how Novice and Rowain think about Kaiser's answer.

I kept rereading things over and over again and I keep going in cricles, completely no idea at this moment.
Almost time for me to sleep, tomorrow early to work and probably able to respond/change vote in last hour before deadline.

Feelings about people since my post #501
Feel townish:
Sunrise (same)
Lewwyn (same)
Gaspar (got better feel about him, probably due dropping RP)
Meiz (same)
AdrienIer (same)

Warriorknight (funny posts but little thoughts about others except Commodore and GES in post #613, like hear more his thoughts about others)
Cynehard (After his post #641 where he raises arguments why he voted for Commodore and encouragement to pressure others, no other analysis about others. I don't want accuse Cynehard of tunneling here, otherwise I get complained by Meiz again for using too strong accusations like in WW 47, but I like to hear more thoughts about others than Commodore from Cynehard).
Pindicator (his contributions at day 2 looked better after that highfive)
GES (I am still unsure, though I appericate your long post)
Jabbz (null read for me now after low posts at 1st day)

Pending Judgement:
Kaiser vs Novice and Rowain due their arguments against each other

Commodore (same)
Bob (more contribution but still not enough for me)

I don't have time for in-depth reads on everyone, so a short summary will have to do.

Town lean:

Meiz - Staying engaged, actively scumhunting, asking questions & sharing opinions. What not to like?

Gaspar - Not shy about sharing opinions, and has several valid points on commodore/pindi.

sunrise - Quiet today for IRL reasons, but sticking to mid-day 1 read of town sunrise.

kaiser - I don't know how a wolf fakes his Day 1 magnum opus. Quiet so far today, but megaposts are his thing so I do expect to hear from him today.

Slight Town lean:

Cyneheard - Seems open and honest with insight & thoughts, which are easy to read and I agree with. Not higher due to minimal posts, but I'm not holding that against him as I could post more too.

Bob - Same as Cyneheard, except even less posts.

Lewwyn - I'm still suspicious of his Day 1 activities, being quiet all day then jumping on thrawn suddenly, but good town play since Night 1 has me putting it aside for now. Will revisit if pindi ends up as scum.

alhambram - More quiet then I would like, but I do like his posts since the beginning of Day 2 (including a crosspost right now). I do have a problem with his Day 1 no lynch vote, but I'm not sure if a wolf who's being coached would do that.


GES - His explanation post feels genuine enough to raise him out of my previous wolf lean. I wish he would drop the RP to make his posts easier to understand, but I can understand why he isn't (I'm not dropping mine).

novice - Bit of a null read as I don't know novice from previous games, and I haven't really followed him much. His last second vote switch yesterday is very suspicious, but since we don't have confirmation on wolf knowledge of thrawn I'm leaving it aside.

Adrien - Slightly suspicious as a last minute vote changer from pindi to thrawn, but nothing conclusive. Again, someone I need to follow more to have a more definite opinion. I'm not sure why I am high on his hit list, is it due to low content?

Slight wolf lean:

Rowain - Some of his questions today irk me, and I'm not a fan of his last minute vote switch. I don't know Rowain much either, but some people seem to suggest this is classic town Rowain? He does have some good points from time to time, so I can let it slide for now.

Jabbz - His refusal to participate in Day 1 at all irks me. Haven't been following his posts since Day 2 started, perhaps he has improved? I'm not seeing a vote from him today, surely he thinks at least 1 person is suspicious?

Wolf lean:

Pindicator - Sticking with Day 1 read. He is posting more today, but there is a lot which I don't find very productive and seems more like it's trying to distract us to get heat off of himself/commodore.

Commodore - For reasons I've mentioned previously. There's a fair bit in his summary that I don't agree with, but I did get a laugh out of this:

(October 4th, 2020, 15:49)Commodore Wrote: Warrior Knight: I have a problem with WK.
A problem?
Yeah, he's just making rare posts with fun roleplay and not much effort to hunt.
Why is that a problem?
I hate mirrors!
Null read, now. Hopefully he can clear himself by offering some broad takes when he wakes up here soon.

Keeping up with this game is taking up way more time then I initially anticipated. I'm not going to be able to post much more between now and the end of Night 2, although I will at least try to lock my vote for the day in a few hours before deadline.

(October 4th, 2020, 17:55)WarriorKnight Wrote: I don't have time for in-depth reads on everyone, so a short summary will have to do.

I mean you don't have to have in depth reads on everyone. I don't. I just pick people to focus on and then I look at other people if the person I'm looking at feels more townie until I get to someone I think feels scummy. This having to understand the WHOLE group of people is impossible and trying to do so is folly. When people say thins it makes me suspicious because noone can have full reads on everyone. and when you say I'll just do summary reads on everyone its more useless. Rather there should be individuals you are more or less sure of.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(October 4th, 2020, 17:18)Lewwyn Wrote:
(October 4th, 2020, 14:57)AdrienIer Wrote: I'm kind of at a loss, there's no one that's distinctly scummy right now. GES's post was fine and if there's another one for D2 it'll be mostly fine. The big posters seem like their usual selves, the two targets from D1 are IMO absolutely fine, so I'm going to look at lower content posters.
Alhambram's misunderstanding of the pindi/com exchange was odd though, and he's the one with the smallest post count. The only question is : would he be lazy enough to jump on such a bad case ?
Jabbz is "not great, not terrible" so far. Content is ok.
Kaiser's big post from D1 was good, and I find his posts pretty good so far.
WK's content is too low. Analysis on 3 people and that's it for D2.
Bob needs more posts, but I don't have scummy vibes on him.

Alhambram for now, closely followed by WK. And now, instead of doing analysis on interactions, I'm going to do some work that cannot wait frown


Very little Adrien has done has filled me with confidence - the pind and thrawn votes without any justification (and "not catching" the vote totals near deadline - either please be more attentive as a hero, or keep what you're doing, villain), this post feels like he's trying to provide cover for some people who need serious cover to avoid the noose and it doesn't sit right. This post just screams scumbuddy behavior to me, and it's not the first time I've gotten that feeling Adrien.

Absolutely fine plan for Pind and Comm? I'd like to see something of an argument behind that, especially when Comm is the leading lynch target.

Jabbz isn't hiding as much as Bob, but his posts have definitely felt worse than Bob's.

To be fair, his Kaiser and Bob assessments seem spot on to me, but I'm not sure that many of us disagree with those. WK's situation, well he's posted since Adrien posted and while I think the low-content criticism was relatively valid, I'm not that nervous about WK at the moment.

Right now my lynch order is:
1. Adrien
2. Comm
3. Jabbz/Pind in some order?
I'd be very unhappy with lynching anyone not on this list.

@WK - yeah, that sounds like the right take for my play. I think most of your takes are about where I am (obvious exception of Adrien, marginally more skeptical of alhambram than you are but I think that moves him from "slight lean" to "dunno". I've generally had trouble with figuring out Rowain's town/wolf lean).

(October 4th, 2020, 17:55)WarriorKnight Wrote: Wolf lean:

Pindicator - Sticking with Day 1 read. He is posting more today, but there is a lot which I don't find very productive and seems more like it's trying to distract us to get heat off of himself/commodore.

Commodore - For reasons I've mentioned previously. 

I smell bullshit because:

(October 3rd, 2020, 18:21)WarriorKnight Wrote: 2 other people have me at least slightly suspicious:

GES: My initial suspicions of him in post 224 still hold true (minus the Lewwyn quote, that's a misunderstanding as Meiz later pointed out). Was one of 4 people who didn't place a vote on pindi/thrawn, not a tell by itself but not helpful to town. But I think Gazglum's death is the main reason I'm suspicious of him right now, it puts a lot of shade on GES as Gazglum's biggest read for me was trying to get something going on GES. I agree with post 496, which was Gazglum's last post raising several red flags on GES. All this doesn't necessarily mean GES is scum but does at least raise the possibility.

Commodore: I don't like how after he did a pindi vote claiming a reread, he didn't contribute any reads at all the rest of the day before moving to thrawn 10 min before deadline. I also don't like his lack of contributions to Day 1 despite having a high post count. As far as I can tell his only real contribution is post 542 - a minor summary near the end of night 1, basically saying he doesn't have much in the way of reads.

I've dropped my suspicion of Lewwyn, he seems to be back today asking questions as the town Lewwyn we all know and love. Pindi has started to contribute a bit more today and while death analysis on an unconfirmed alignment (although prob. Town) isn't the best use of time it is enough for now. I think I'll start with Commodore and see where things go from there.

You don't mention Pindi at all in your initial vote and statement of suspicions here. GES posts a pretty good defense and even claims tracker. You gotta drop him from the wolf lists. So Pindi makes a reappearance, but you say sticking with the day one read? and you brush off his posting today. Very lazy wolf. Today pindi has posted a lot and much of it HAS been productive, but you are disregarding that entirely. Why wouldn't pindi try to scum hunt today if he is actually a villager? Instead you characterize it as distracting and trying to get the heat off. How is posting more and discussing possibilities distracting? He's literally doing what we asked him. Scumhunt.

Warriorknight is scummy as hell.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

BTW WK you said you'd vote for COmm and see where things went from there, but it seems like they haven't gone anywhere. Maybe that's because things don't go anywhere unless you push, but you seem very content to sit on Comm.

Your reasoning in your vote doesn't make a lot of sense. You don't like his low content from Day 1 but you haven't said anything about what he's done today. You don't like his vote on pindi or thrawn... why?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

@cyne you are summing up a bunch of my feelings on Adrien. Everyone seems to want to fixate on COmm and pindi, but pindi has mostly been doing stuff today and doesn't strike me as scummiest. Comm for me has been pretty commodorian and I think he's been doing 1 liners in Day 1 but has been doing more today. I feel like its very possible that one of the two could be scum, but I'm getting conflicting feelings on both.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

My two cents as we enter the Amerilull™

WK seems more lazy than scummy
Adrien seems more scummy than lazy

Neither looks great.

Not moving off Commodore until he does anything that resembles trying to hunt scum.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Speaking of lazy, any chance of a tally, Brick? Kappa
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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